Steve Accountant from Haitian CEO LIVE




My goal: train you to be the best CEO. I want to CFO. 

Think big picture. you've got 

3 hats, creator, marketer, 

CEO- they all begin with the letter M.

I want you to wear the hat that measures results. Cardone measures the top line. 19,900 dollars. just sell a thousand Ebooks. 

1st hart is measuring hat. what he does best. 

Marketer- masterful at it.

You dont have to do it all, but while you are an infancy stage. 

$50 a month. It's a strength. might be a lot for me and having the right founding. 

Manager- some kind of manager hat.

3Rs and the 3Ms. if you just hold that, near and dear.  

The energy of love, inspiration of your child. magical why? 

Throwing the hat over the fence. you got the confidence, level of clarity, got your book. got the second book, got the courage. take your heart and run with it. build 3 hats. so that you can manager hat, marketing hat, measure hat. 

Talk to Steve. I need 30 minutes. what data do i need?

pockets of 30 minutes. 

I got enough, ready to go. 

$50.   Paypal, cashapp, credit card.

You and I being clear. what's best way to help me right now? 

We need short CEO spurts. okay, its kind of give and take. maybe we can barter a couple of things. 

Reluntant to get money from you. wnat to barter. 

Virtual CEO, shopping plaza 1k a month. not asking for any kind of money. I got you, I really appreciate that. 

I can't really write it. We already have the platform. designing some time to put it in course. i'm gonna teach it to you. i spent 3 hours, they pay them 790 dollars. 

I am going to do it with you. With you provide the equivalent amount that you give it back. Use what I learned but help you tease out the wording of it. Whatever you give back, will be your generosatiy. 

In the next 7 days, here's my 3 hours. can't be Monday or Wednesaday. no breaks excet 15 minutes. Zoom or over the phone. no special, that's called designing your clear path of abundance.

Certified CPA game. no book, no adveritze. i help people and they help me. I'm not a millionare. i dont claim to be a millionare. i have my home, second home. i pay by bills. I don't pretend. 

I text you some of the notes, tha tyou wrote. ultimately what do we want to do with the skill that you have. get started 7 secrets to confidence.

start teasing it out, like it would be a course. practically. person is paying you 1995. you can teach it, as part of somet of the things that you do. start ups but they need a bit of a confidnece boost. $97 in an hour.

Focus on that piece, the book. connected to Hermin, how can we affiliate with some of the people that need a confidence boost. you would i keep 97 you keep 97. you are not ready for that affiliation yet, his clients 

You come across confidence, powerful and articulate. living Grant Cardone's dream. living in scarcity. being resourceful. 

Herman works with people that works with those. 3 thinsg right now. faight, courage and trust. 

Tenacity. It will expand, 10x. 

So for now, you got it. thank you, be on the phone with people. whoever you are out, let them feel your energy. its enomous. tha'ts amazing. that's amazing. 

Love in the world. your heart. speak it silently to myself, thats big, listening for me,.

Spoken word. openness.  You have been an open book. L listening. O openes, Vulnerability.

That they think about love? love is locks and bagels. 


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