
2k mentorship starts in January 2020

Sam's business card

 Hatch card business card, no personal guarantee. 5k business credit card. 

FINTECH companies are booming. looking at your financials. 

Meentees making 5k a month. they get the credit card, and they are getting a business credit. 

0% interest. separation starts to happen.

Do Facebook ads, no its 10,15k a month.

How not to pay taxes on it, legally.

Then its 20k a month. Reinvest it back into your business and it starts to grow.

Charity credit card (business)

personal card, 2. business credit to non profits. 3. business credit card. 

Link in bio for class this weekend. No PG

-50k a year your business needs to have made. (gross)

-be 2 years old business

-If you don't meet the requirements, then just PG it. 

Boone share this live out with 10 people.

5 star process business credit card. 

6.RAMP Card, every 30 days you gotta pay it off.

Last card: 

hardest card to get. it's called Brex. 

charge card, Mastercard. Fintech card. 100k in your bank account, right now.

Lot of reward points, travel free, all that good stuff. they dont care what your credit report is. 

I'm gonna repeat a lot of it and i'm saving the LIVE, you gonna get this information.

Tuesday and Thursday night

DIVVY- REPORTs to dun and bradstreet

KAPD no pg. limits go from $0 to 10k. soft pull on your experian.

Sam club card. they give you option of getting a Sam's club business card or mastercard that they use anywhere. 

On experian needs to be at least 76. huh? IGTV walk through steps on how to build up business credit.

BANC- ecommerce type of business credit card. no personal guarantee, get all of these cards!

they look at your paypal and square app. we're gonna give you this much business credit. 

see how much you are making. 

dropshipping, daycare, tag someone. they are making the revenue, get some business credit. 

hatch- not avaibable in every state. goes off banking history. its 5k.

charity charge card- no PG. nail technicians. 

own funding company, personal and business. 4 to 5 figures a month in investment. 

I show receipts of my mentees. Quadir, I did that class a month ago. 60 people in that class, off to the races. Go support one another. FB group is a blessing, everyone is helping each other out. 

Go to website you are going to see what state it is available in. 


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