Extras from Toastmasters Speech 4
all the overtime and working 6 days a week and all the connections I had made and all the leadership stuff I had done and all the challenges I rose up to, gone. I never got the promotion, I was just shuffled around. But I grew confident with each challenge I took on, like the one to join Toastmasters and work on my public speaking. They fired me before I could finish my 10 speeches. But alas, it led me to being with you all today, so for that I am grateful.
made more changes in my life
Another time I had to let go was recently, some friends in my life (2) just kept bringing drama. God told me to stop talking to them and I did, once again, begrudgingly. Another time I had to let go was when I graduated college. Yes it was amazing to reach a goal that had taken my entire life to work up to (I was a student diligent hardworking and focused on getting good grades). But now it was 2008 and that first September, when all the kids had to go to school and I didn't have to go to school anymore, was so rough for me. I missed studying, reading and writing. I had been doing it my whole life. I know people don't like school, but I was a weird one. I loved it. I loved raising my hand in class, and I loved the feeling of getting an A, when all your hard work is getting acknowledged. I especially love the smell of fresh pens. (takes breath in)
I'll happily see you on the other side, much lighter, braver and hopefully, more courageous.
Now I give the floor over to Toastmaster Grey.
I was no longer a student. Recently, I was no longer that person's friend. I was no longer an employee.
Who am I? Who are you, when things that you are used to are taken away? What I discovered is that we are afraid to let go because we were comfortable. A friend may not work in your life but you keep holding on to them because you remember what they meant to you or what they did for you 10 years ago. So you keep ignoring all the ways they don't work for you now. Maybe you are in a company or in a role that you hate, that your soul dreads getting up and going and doing everyday. But you keep doing it and you keep convincing yourself why you must stay. Maybe you are in a relationship that doesn't fill you, doesn't bring you smiles, it's all reflective and dealing with another person's negativity.
But breathe! The first step is analysis, with analysis you get revelation. So today, take a moment, grab a pad and a pen and write. You might be surprised what comes out. Just take a pen and write with no time limit and with no agenda. If nothing is on the page after 5 minutes, then make list. What makes me happy. What do I hate. What do I disagree with. You might be surprised. And no matter what you write, be committed to letting go. Letting of of old identities, old things you used to do, things, people and places that no longer serve you. And be open to the you that is staring back at you on the page.
I am Auris Arias, this is my time, thank you and I appreciate you spending this time with me. I bring the attention back to Toastmaster Grey.
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