Eric Thomas- Take care of yourself

Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.

You can't give what you don't have.

I can't show my son wealth unless I have it to give. 

Get out of broke, get out of poverty. Get into independence, let's climb that ladder, climb that mountain.

The climb!!!! Whatever it takes.

We need you, balance. I love it. Balance. You cant put everything in one cup, spread it out.

People that come that take, take, take they will take everything you have until you have nothing left.

Remember your why. Your why will push you from living out of trash cash and living in abandoned buildings into being people's motivational coffee in the morning. only in America can you speak for a living and support your family. 

Only in America, you do excellence and you get the reward.

I don't care how hard you work, in a third world country. 

I put in the work, and my kids can... son walked on same stage twice. legacy. grandfather dropped out, father dropped out. 

You can create legacy here. highest level that you get it.

excellence, legacy once means forever. no. excellence in community, what someone did 15 years ago. what happens tomorrow is based on what we do right this second. we are resilient. we are going to make that happen. 

You cant wait for leadership to say something. You know that ain't right, tell your sister. hold yourself accountable. only time you are scared to hold someone accountable is if you don't do it.

Based on what you do, that's you you live. i need you to be a soldier, I need you to be strong. I need you to be that type of resilient. 

Need to tap in, everyday. you don't see that. my wife, I never want her to go back to work again.  can you make sure that I don't have to go to work. make sure you create that life for them. 

I model, you becomes your life.

99.8 ET. you committed to 120. 100 is you do what they tell you do, 120 is what they want you to do, but you do what you know is inside of you. make that commitment right now. excellence in all I do. 


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