Jesse Zoom meeting at 8pm. I just talked with a guy that married girl from Spanx

Lived with monks, private jet company (been around really successful people)

The more you experience, the more you have to offer. 

My wife owns Spanx, she started herself. outstanding entrepreneur. She breaks things down in a way that is simple. 

Who we loved? who we helped? how did we live our life? the day we wake up, we go on this bus ride. The second you go, hands on steering wheel. It just starts going. maybe child is 10, in 8 years you'll be a empty nester. your bus just keeps going. until one day it stops and the bus ride is over. I have 20-30 years who knows? only mission is to maximize from where you are to the end of your journey.

I care from today to the end of the bus ride, until it stops. its not Jesse taught me how to eat healthy, ho wot build my email list. the most important thing for me is lifestyle. discipline sounds like deprivation. its I how I show up with everything.

I am all in, all the time. if I'm in business, i want to over index in value to my customers. this is the best thing I ever took. I care the most in everything that I do. I want you to get a sense of how I live my life. 

access to 4 thousand people that we flew. as 29 year old kid, no aviation and no money. i was a sponge. i wanted to know how did they life their life. what habits made them successful? 

get out of this course is the energy. its insight into me. 

living with the Seal, the book I gave it to the publisher. i went to 11 publishers they all said no. i went to 12th publisher. small company she said I like it, we will give it a shot. I wrote the book, had a deadline. I must have read the book 600 times. She send me back says its great, we love it. tomorrow morning we need to go over it, anything we have missed. we have to get it to the printer. I called Kate Hartson. I said we need another week. I have to make it 20 percent better.

She said, the book is done! I had to make the best book that I could ever write. I was only going to write it once. built business, blueprint, i share it with people. big ass calendar club. Mock up of the day planner that I'm doing. 

3 things, lesson one. building a machine, mindset. the time is now, sense of urgency. governed me over the years. its how i approach things. its all the lectures is about mindset. I run 100 mile races. had a lot of failure, been able to bounce back from that.  15 steps that I used to build Jet company. none require money.

things like have a hometown restaurant. send customers to without reservation or send customers too. not all 15 might resonate with you, but still principles in these steps that are relevant to your own personal brand. give me energy. Harvey Diamond, last interview he gave. he sold 16 million copies of his book, Fit for life, 30 years ago. I tracked him down cold called him and asked him to be my friend. He became a guy I called for any health related stuff. I'm gonna send you 1k about health. I'm gonna put you in studio and answer the thousands questions. the two things he does to get energy, mental clarity. its 40 minute call and I've been following it for 30 years. 

Normal is broken. 40% of Americans will get cancer, obese. over 30 don't have 1k in the bank account. everything is pushing us towards normal. Think differently. there was common sense, before marketing. intuition. Alexa, what's this? Siri what's this? we stopped using our gut. tapping into our own intuition again. 

Keep the fire burning, after the course. live Q & A with me. Miss it at any time, we would upload into the portal. Replay anything. Access all the video for duration of this course. 

I was not the smartest in the room. I cant even read a balance sheet. I would deflect by telling stories. all these people in the room said man this guy part owner of NY Yankees. owns parking garages, sold by 1 millions my idol, my idol. they are just rich. that's now who i want to be. I want to look back and say,.

I'm a bigger believer in evening routine. top CEOs have 3 assistants. I don't want 3 assistants. map out our day the night before I lay out on my board, what it looks like the next day. daily planner every hour. sets up my day for the next day. I don't wake up and say what do i have to do today? I just follow the script. the way i set up my days. different trajectory than you guys. i work at a home, different spot than i was at 20. your life systems has to evolve. i was working long days at 20. i have 4 kids under 11. i eat dinner at 5pm. that system wouldn't work at 30s and 50s. where I am in my life right now. 

Rule: I take 2-3 hours a day for myself. I prioritize myself. 20 min walk. couch and read, take a steam. when I'm on my time, I'm not guilty I'm not at work or with my kids. I'm super patient doing other stuff. i hate opera I don't recent her because i already did my run, my steam, my morning walk. I take time for myself everyday.

I'm mega efficient with my time. i used to watch a lot of football. 5-600 hours a year on Football. too much. I create small wins, take out garbage. working out usually. if you don't you spiral.  I don't have what it takes, I'm not good enough. you gotta put a stop plug at that.

1. small wins, 2. i help people. 3. I get out in nature, i run go on a walk and they really help me, yeah. why not multi task? how can we speed up the process? how we we get to where we want to go faster?

If i want to learn about spirituality who are the master, i lived with monks. monks did their job they did it with 100 percent conviction. when they sweep the floor, they were just sweeping the floor. they did it faster, more efficiently and better. than anyone I'd ever met. I like multi task. I like a lot of balls in the air. I'm add. I'm launching this calendar. I'm writing 2 books simultaneously. when I'm working on my book, I'm working on my book when I'm playing with my kids, i am playing with my kids. my brain is focused on one thing at a time. 

I don't negotiate my goals. I got rejected by everyone until I signed with X, to get a record deal. 

I started an endurance challenge. (29 to 29 keep climbing a mountain until it is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest). I got into jingle writing. I like music and sports. I wanted to make money, I like money. i like the challenge of it. 

Evil Kanevil, I had 4 channels, not Netflix. Evil Kanevil on national life television, would jump over all these cars and land in the rip. one time he jumped in grand cannon. sometimes he would make it another time he would have emergencies. my whole family would gather around. unbelievable. 

Quick story, he broke all the bones in his body. I was sleeping in friend's couches. I was in couch 18, Jesse you gotta be out by Monday, my parents are coming. that weekend my other friend was having bachelor party. I said I'm going. I'm at the bar, ordering a drink. we start making small talk. she asked me where I live. I said as of Monday I don't have a place to life. she wrote down her address. you can come stay with me. I'm like okay. I live with her for 6 months. on a total fluke her dad was mega successful entrepreneur. I was writing theme songs for professional sports teams. cold call the team, try to get a meeting. play them the song, hope they would buy. guy offered me 10k for 10 percent of all my future earnings. forever. I said I'll take it. I had no money. if i couldn't go tot he studio to make these songs on speak. she said before you do that, go talk to my father. Luke Cats. I never forget this, walk into this guy's apartment. with swimming pools and all this stuff. i tell him my story. he says Jesse, will you make this work? I know i can make this work. I didn't ask you that, will you make this work? yes, I will. Tell the guy to F himself with his 10k and go make it work. I would trade everything I have in the world for the one thing you have. me? I'm broke 118 in my account I'm living in your daughter couch. He said youth, the process. I've gone through it all. this is part of the process. 

The passion is not for book, widget or book. the passion is for the process. you sign up for the good, the bad the ugly. parent you signed up for the journey. the passion has to be for the process. I'll leave you with that. Don't tell me you don't have the resources to come up with the idea. tell it to me after you put all your effort into it. Don't negotiate your goals to make something happen. Don't give me your excuses right now. I'll see you Sunday night. 


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