Medium articles 1st one- reject
We are waiting.
1st draft to Medium Article.
2) being aware of my power to determine my life based on who I am. I am a writer. I have been writing since age 13. I am not afraid of writing, my fear has been sharing it with others, sharing it with the world. My writing is so personal and vulnerable that I could never share! I thought for years. But it held me back. There are millions of poems that at in a box by my bed. And how many of us have gifts inside of us that we are not sharing with the world. We are afraid to look stupid, don't worry, you will. Or we are afraid to fell fear, yes you will feel fear as well. These things can hold us back but understand your world will not change until your change. The needle is not going to move in the right direction until you start believing more in your dreams than anyone around you.
Now look at how to publish after I review it one time.
If you follow this story so far, I am not where I want to be. But to be honest with you, I kept thinking about how bad my current situation was, and how hard I worked my whole life to be an excellent student, and how much I missed college and the dining halls and all your friends being a bus ride away (you just walked in, no need to pay, rent, food, housing was all covered in the tuition). It was a magical time where money did not exist, or more like they removed the transitional part of it so that you were focused on your grades and not how much money debt you were getting yourself into. The idea was, get your degree, you'll make money once you leave.
That was a lie. The jobs I had I already could have done right out of high school. I had a 65 mph typing speed and English was my second language, so of course I could talk on the phone in Spanish.
and in 2008, no one would hire a fresh girl from college. But I networked my way to my first job, then after being 'downsized' , called everyone I know (again) and got an interview at a bank. I had been running away from this job for two years. My friend said he was a 'bill collector.' I could think of no more miserable life than being on the other side of the calls that I was ignoring. Alas, it was 2010 now the company was still tanking and you had to take what was available. I had spent 2 years working minimum wage jobs, the first one I made $300 a week working 6 days a week with an hour and a half commute. Yeah run I know. But it was the only job I could get at the time. This one my brother's fraternity brother recommended.
Now it was 6 months after graduation, my loans were due and I could not make the first payment. After train fees, food and expenses the $300 a week wasn't cutting it. I remember going to a store after an interview and calculating how many hours I would have to work to be able to afford a shirt (2 hours). I did not sign up for this. But having a job making $7 a hour was better than making $0 at home waiting for the 'right' job to come along.
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