Change your mindset in 1 hour-podcast
my kids will see ownership. I can change the generations to come behind me. I will be the person.
Sam Walton, created Walmart he's been dead 10-15 years. Out of top 20st wealthiest people, 4 or 5 of his children are still on it. What he did set his family up. Waltons will never worry about anything for the lineage of the generation.
I want to be that person on my family.
I retired my mom and my wife. That's my flex. I can't name Gucci or Chanel bag. I dont buy her anything. I cant tell you, cause I'm thinking about setting our family up.
Wearing your wealth is over with.
Q: Intellectual property.
little boy that could
traveling book
step into greatness journal
curriculum for high school students, 9th to 10th grade
becoming an owner and owning something
6th graders to 8th grades
3rd grade to 5th grade
17 laws of financial success
I won my catalog, my masters.
You can resell these things. I'm license my curriculum for 5k per year with minimum 3 year contract. that's guaranteed 25k curriculum per school. WOW
write book, we can call sell this. we sell 1k book as a family.
One of mentees sold for $15 sold 2,000 copies. she wrote book at 12. she sold 15,000 copies. Put your whole family
Rob Kiyosaki sold million copies of rich dad poor dad. next 100 years.
who wrote Dr Seuss? their family is still benefiting.
Ted Tuner, created cartoon network. still making money. Once we own it, we can license it out.
Right to several different things. Generate income.
Donald trump, he didn't own the hotels but all he did was licensing deal because he built his name. so he licensed his name to these buildings.
package up a product, create something. You gotta have a product. Once you have a product, you can never go broke.
Ebook, coloring book, make money in his sleep. he's learning coding. app in google play store. have people pay me to play my video game.
Repackage and Repurpose.
put it in Spanish, now in Mandarin. create flashcards out of it.
one book, created a whole bunch of things. Mindset is hocus pocus to people.
Neo: build up your mindset before you build your skillset. they were never educated on how to manage money. you can give me a million if i cant manage a thousand.
Don't worry about what happened yesterday.
60,000 water to flint. bookbags, all the works. thanksgiving warm meals, haircuts, coats. bikes. my secrets has been giving back. feeding hte homeless for every year. my mom got 60 awards. it was really because giving back award. steve harvey was a compilation of everything i have done to that point.
serve your way to success. i have serve myself to everything that I have. Steve, said I'll mentor you right now. get my number right now. my friend was in the crowd, she said i'll make it happen.
Neo- you think i could do it in the show? steve harvey? ended up putting it together. they paid for wedding ring, they flew me and whole family. Maxwell performed. 60k. mom said you never know who got the power to bless you.
I got there because I sat down, brokered the whole game down. not knowing she worked directly with Michelle Obama. all bigger accomplishments I served my way there. you cant pay to kick it with Obama. do proposal in show and not pay for anything.
add value to the business. i carve out my own spot. value i bring. i serve my way. ET, anytime he comes to Philly, can you pick me up from the airport? he's going to officiate my wedding. traveled for a year straight. for one whole year. i served my way to that relationship.
People always want something immeditable. whatever you put out, you are going to get back. It's a law.
How a lot of people get to me, they get to my mom. can you call this person? they have been reacing out. every day she got a grand plan, my mom.
a lot of people in my team, served her way. she helped me. worked with me for 6 months no pay. i still give her 1k a month. I gave her 13 percent of the business. she gets paid every month. she put the work in the front end, she wasn't looking for a paycheck.
When you are working for people. you are developing the skillset and learning from that individual. he's with me everyday. my assistant. He didn't see the value in that. i was getting my dream car. he said 'you ain't getting it'. last time
you cant be around people that don't believe in your goals and your dreams. you are around the wrong people. if it sounds like you don't believe, we gotta be in unison in where we are going.
Whatever it takes. no one got a job title. what does it take? We are going to do whatever it takes to provide value and reach people.
you serve somebody. mom we opened her a vitamin store. she was working with some guy. she was working for free for a year. I told her she was tripping. he passed away, we opened our own vitamin store. she worked the last year. she learnt the entire business, now its a business she still runs today. while you are on the job, you need to be learning. make sure you are learning from it. i use these things as learning experiences.
hustle harder, hustler smarter. EP and actor, he got 117k. the whole season, being on every episode, acting producing it. rappers can go do 1 or 2 shows and make that. the contract is 150 million when the contract.
short term sacrifice and long term gain. way get paid below what i'm worth to what i am going to get in a year. now he's just dropping show after show. he's a star when it comes to developing scripts.
2 types of people. make an excuse or make it happen. value execution more than you value the pain. hold yourself to that standard. action taker or tlak about it? tired of people watching from sidelines when you got gifts. start executing on it. if there's someone you know or saw coming where you cam from. you can do 1000 percent. if he did it, west philly multi millionare doing this, i'm from west philly, i can do this.
last hour and 15 on here. most people wont' use it. dont be like most people.
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