Discussion Book Club

Big picture thinker. Some people cant see that.

We can't allow that to discourage us. put people in place that handle the task that needs to be handled.

We look for people that think independently. Coincides with what we said. 

Put egos aside. candidly. let's talk about that. we strive for excellence. we looking for, who can put this together the right way. delegate these tasks the right way. Create something that is special. Hold each other accountable. so that she can handle that. 

I'm not too far to be reproached. 

Think through which values, abilities and skills you are looking for. values- beliefs that rule behavior. some focus more on particulars, other think logically. skills are learned tools, speak language or write computer code. skills can be acquired in a limited amount of time. 

What people value before we put them in place. What are your abilities. skills, we can teach them along the way. Before I picked Baker, I watched him for a while. How did he value the group? I talked to him, learned what he was good at. Whatever skill set we need to apply. He had some of the skills that I need. 

Do something, you don't do it. I don't waste my time. I went to Baker, I like the value she's bringing. Lala support ad corp. System check, I tested her. She did it. Jamila, her skill set was at the forefront. The way she was doing so many things. Her skillset was at the forefront. I saw it from afar. Me and Baker again, what are her capabilities, what can we solve?

Her organization and presentation skills. she turns up the heat. I lost my breath, lost track of the day. health is wealth queen. I was thinking about, the way he selected us to do our role. Surrounding himself with people that didn't think like him. present arguments why he should do things a different way. Bridgewater to the company that it is today, and help him develop the principles. we are very different with a common cause, common mission. core values that are very important. we want everybody to win. common goal, same common goal, we want a whole lot done. 

People around you want the same things, have same values. i want to bring this person on. you find out, they don't want the same things. We have never met. We all want that one thing, to help everybody win. You can get a lot done when that is the case. 

Lala- I had my son and daughter into it. teenagers, got no time to rock with their momma. the group answering questions, talking about it. you are my outlet, you are all who I can rock to about it. 

Wall Street Trapper- the way that we are all different is what makes us better. the one common goal, how can we make the people better. How can we set it up to win? we have discussions all the time. 

Looking at the value, skillset, Jamila was suitable to transcribe. that was her strong point. Lala was great at doing descriptive research. Her ability to say something different. Baker, another version of myself. He's been in the group the longest. Another version of me from male perspective. He pays attention to detail. My post used to be so long. So, I see me when I see Baker. 

He got so many books. You got this book? I got this book. I know the attention to reading and detail, I knew what he was doing. Everybody is on a different skillset. Trapping ass Travis comes from Baker, that was something we felt was good for him to add to the group. 

Auris- I am good at teaching, at empathy, at answering questions, at reading and directing an audience. Cold I do what he does? sure. But with who? young girls. should be 20 minutes, short attention spans. Building that as a team. Willing to look at themselves objectively. 

People who lack that ability fail. everybody is strong in the same area. Some people are good at different things. woman, great at nurturer. man might be great protector, hopefully. woman needed to step up, think about Lions. They go out there and hunt, lioness. She goes for the kill. He's the protector.  

Auris- keep each other accountable.

People have character and are capable. cleverness to do you harm. most organizations overvalue ability and overvalue character because short-sightness of getting the job done. Good and bad times. It goes back to hiring person that is fit for the job. People that are capable. We are building something. Handling the task that is needed. How big do we feel like that is? Capable of handing the task. 

Everybody has a task, a role, a position. How many times, we don't like, this person has bad character flaws. eventually can eat away and cause more harm than good. Trapper- i made a lot of mistakes. my character, I do not compromise my character and my reputation. I am talking about real moral character. Lying, stealing, cant tell the truth, doing bad business. I'm talking about character flaws. having a great character, what is integrity. doing the right thing when no one is looking. 

Let's evaluate our own situation. Moving forward, be around people that have good character. I don't want to invest in a company if 

Wynn Resorts, I wanted to buy it. but CEO had issues with women. I didn't get it. 2 years later, he was asked to step down. and he was the founder. I cant support that. I cant have that as a business that I want to invest in. 

CEO was stealing money form a business. for me, if you stealing, you got a character flaw. I don't mind if you are outspoken. but if the person all they say leads to chaos, forget it.

-be around people that ask great questions. the questions you ask really help you learn. LIVE from the Kitchen, as the person is talking. Hearing and how they break down the business. 

I personally can have an ear for what is going on. Unless a person says a business that we look up, based on what they are saying. We go look for qeustions. that's good. let me find osmething that i can ask them. Its not to say  to the person may not know. indirectly, its making me see what questions do I need to look up. 

friend, family, 

friends- give advice

family-gives criticism

Auris- I make the decision.

Be careful who you allow. Being allow I realize my blind spots. I don't know what I am doing. Insecurity there, allows a person to come in and give their input. Then it becomes all about justifying your point of view. 

What is your role? Ray Dalio, when I read this book, its like he has a business and how to scale it. Try to invest and build a foundation. 

For me, I'm just starting out. Dive deep in and start looking at how the company is actually developed. They started developing their own company. Watching CNBC everyday. How I'm developing everything. Got more questions, be all around investor.  A lot of it hit home. 

Teach people how to fish rather than giving them fish. Even if they gotta eat some steak. what bothers me is when people say i dont want to fish. 

bad sign, micro manager. inability on the person being mangager. should be training and testing. LIVE from the Kitchen. Trapping Tuesdays, what are your questions? feel me? it's bigger. 

15 quesitons, I will answer 15 questions. it's cool. Indirect way of having a LIVE class. how we interact. Trap answer people's questions. Advantage is, we all have 2,000 more people. On Tuesday. Nobody gotta answer. Baker and Lala wants to answer. I don't mind. I'm not gonna do that class no more, ask the question. Let me ask them to ask the questions. 

Learn from success as well as failure. 

App you can talk to the live calls as they will present it. name of app? It's Earnings Calls (both with an S). 

objectively reflective about your performance. evidence of the performance together. it required for us to agree upon us. being able to look at everything right in front of you.

Advice, power to make decisions. I don't own a company. How can I apply this to my life? Being 

CEO of my life. you can give advice, you can critize. be fully responsible for the decisions that I make. I can go and ask for advice and you can critize. but I am in charge, I am the CEO for my life.

Change is going to be difficult. To build wealth because you have been a consumer for so long. Pay yourself first. You are the first bill. Changes are difficult, embrace the change. 

Ray put all these principles together. "I learned these principles from different books"

Qui Wright- reminded me something I always hear my mother say. she's 64. Been on my own since 16. Not wanting to be in unhealthy emotional environment. I have been able to rekindle. Bring it to intention of an adult. Isn't healthy. So many areas that I'm not too old enough to where I can't change. How I deal with my finances. Have I applied my wrong principles? what do i need to change? I would never say I'm too old. there's always room to grow. 

Trapper: Don't lower the bar. Common and private life. Bridgewater, we cannot compromise on fundamentals or on our culture. Radical truth and transparency. End it with that. We can't lower the bar. We can't settle. Hold ourselves to a high standard. I'm building this community. I cant let people tell me what to do. We building. Come up, let people rise to our standard.

Friday and Saturday, doing giveaway in NY at Dyckman Park. Friday night, be a great thing, give away 15k. 400 turkeys and trip to Disney World. Go do that. I want to switch to Sunday, for Friday night in the Kitchen. 


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