Texts Clean out- Part II

 David IG: 

How is this getting me closer to God?  How is this pushing me closer to my purpose in life? What am I paying attention to? How is it paying me?


New Brunswick is the valley I had to go through  to become me. I was broken, and I had to go through that to learn how to be whole. 

Angel is Egypt, David is the promised land. 

They wanted to go back to Egypt, it was comfortable. 

God said, before I told you of David and you chose Angel. Now you get to chose, and I know you'll chose right.

God wants me to see my growth (wow!!!)


I am mad at you, don't talk to me after this. i found out the test are not always accurate. I was not aware of this until a friend told me. 

I propose I take it live in NJ. I'll do the research, a blood test. I need to know, I just do. If you want to be there or not afterwards that's on you.

You doing what you did, making a decision for me, it wasn't right. And I'm not trying to judge you but just know that is really messed up. Especially waiting so long to mention it, that really irks me. Before I thought you were irresponsible but having that knowledge this whole time, and still acting the way you did. Whew!

Neo Davis: create a bulletproof mindset. Sometime the enemy is the inner me. We get in our own way. We doubt ourselves. End that.  

Also we ask people to get to a destination that they have never been to before. Grandmother said don't travel, its not safe. She's never been anywhere. There are other way to do things,  other ways to create income. 

Affirm positivity into your life, who are you texting, who are you in access to? Does this person belong in my life? We are around people that want to see us win, want to see us doing well. 

Might have to eliminate TV, radio. Whatever entertains you, trains you. If you're not listening to things that are not helping you towards your future. Whatever you tune into, you turn into. 

Create a vision for yourself and you can't abandon it. If you just take what I said about mindset, you create success with anything. You arrive to the destination in your mind before you arrive there. 

If you believe you are going to be successful, you'll be successful. Make sure we are changing our thoughts. 

Auris, you need to write. be successful at writing. Find out, go after it. Take on the gap in the market that you are seeing.

Financial freedom and time freedom. You're successful, you're healthy, you're a visionary. Money comes easily, frequently and abundantly. 

Luxury vinyl last forever and very durable. thousands of feet walking on the floor doent shield scratches and dirt. Grey, doesn't have to give as much attention. Ability to have 15 to 40 tenants in a month for 6 hours. 5 to 19 events per week. 500 to 1k per event. 

I want you to come out of this better. We are human beings and we make mistakes but we have to grow. To angel, try to learn from each other, we'll have conflicts and disagreements. This is my perspective what does this tell us as human beings, how can improve going forward. 

Stay away from people who aren't accepting where you are in this season. 

I see myself writing a book. "Building your Bullet Proff Vest Mindset"


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