Alex' Ebook- Boys just like to have fun


Alex ideas:

Playing in the pool.

I would sometimes I want to do it. I only used it one time long time. Summer. It was hot. What did you wear? Swim Trunks and that's it. favorite part? That mom got in the pool with me and Tiana got me and we played in the pool kinda. 

Playing with the toys

Watch Cartoons. I like Jelly and Josh and Kramer and Cold Cop and TIger. that's cold cop's friend. Kwebelcop, he does cool videos. trippy pepper. Tudy has 2 names, 2Ts then Ryan. and third name, idk what its called. The two names I know.

Play in Tablet or phone or whatever

and Play with your toys in the Playroom. Giving away toys now because I watch TV. I am 6. We got hte TV so I watch TV so I don't play with toys. I don't do it really.

Play Video Games , and different ones

i kind of play. the other ones i don't know what they are called. they look cool and I play with them. 

Ride a bike outside. What kind of bike? Green and blue bike. do you wear a helmet? no really that much, but I have one

and that's it

How much? $10 ebook

deep. io is a game, you are a little guy. when you start little but when you level up you get bigger and stronger and when you get Max's level you can be a big tank. They used to be good but now they are so bad. It just shoots everywhere. Some sound cool like the booster has 4 boards inthe back. Upgrades called Moonspeed. Bullet damage. 

When you get Moonspeed when you knock into people you do more damage and there's body damage. It increased your damage. When you are knocking into people and when you shoot at people and you can level up. at Level 15 you change your tank, and Level 30 and Level 45. At level 45 you can't upgrade anymore

there are 2 different teams, blue and red team. if someone is blue and you are blue. you don't do damage when you knock into them because you are in the same team. if you knock into red guys, you do damage. dominations. there are 4 dominators and there's like they are called. what are they called/ bang closers. they have demstroyers. Boards that shoot very slowly. and that's just any guy on the map, you need max damage. also makes you shoot people bullet so that you can throw into bullets and actually hit them. it shoots very slowly. the ram closes they shoot faster but its in domination. 

unkillable. if you survive the ram closer, its a long time then it freezes and then you start a new game of dominations. different game with sandbox and 

I don't have those games they are on laptops and computers they are not on phones and tablets. if you notice, you need to not choose an upgrade. with the smasher, you get max out certain things. if you upgrade one thing certain times. if you die from next level, you can die from 2 things. the only powerful thing in the max level thing that is really weak is probably the octo tank. there's like Overseers instead of bullet. the triangles follow where you would want to go. knock into the little squares, anything else is not going to turn into things. knock into little squares. there are managers. stop moving, stop moving. sniper and assassin. there's another one that is called stalkers. stop moving it just goes invisible. its not overshure. when you stop moving, it goes invisible. its just a normal sniper. the seed goes far, gets tire damage and stuff. also max level square goes invisible too. and that's it. 


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