
Who am I? Who are you?

Are you pretending, just like I am too?

Then there is a pair of us, don't tell!!!

Then they will know, then they will see...

Just like Adam saw Eve and they hid

because they saw that they were naked

and were ashamed.  

So why are we ashamed?

To be who we are? Why do we settle?

To please others at the compromise of ourselves.

Why, oh why, does this tale go this way?

Like Don Quijote, I've been searching for 

adventures, but no worries hasn't taken me 700 

pages to get to it. I am still walking through this 

life and today I  made a choice: I will not 

compromise, just like my roomate Faith would 

say 'Never settle for less.' Because when you settle 

oh boy, the good thing you were waiting for, now 

you won't get it.  But when you refuse to settle 

you are walking along this road and then one day 

someone will join you and walk it with 

you without you forcing them to, just because 

they want to.  And you would have found what 

the whole world's been looking for: love and 

friendship together.  So no more compromising! 

No more broken promises that leads to broken 

tears of broken dreams.  Instead my days will be 

filled with the joy of your kisses and your smile 

along with the daily dose of your acceptance. And 

that's the way love goes.


  1. I like it. It made me think about compromising with others about the truth.

  2. That's nice. It makes me think of my brother, you must be talking about him because you really like him.


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