I'm on my Pursuit of Happyness run. Anyone who doesn't believe or like the place where I am I have one word for you: STOP!!!! Keep your doubt and your unbelief to yourself. Don't poison me with it. I'm following the path given to me: single at 28, no kids and pursuing a teaching career which requires money, time, and working in restaurants for these 2 months of the summer. Yeah, 2 months! In the movie Pursuit of Happyness, Will had to take a risk and take an internship which took 6 months of being unpaid. I only have 2. Tired of being judged for where I am and I know it's just the devil trying to mess with me by having the people I care about say unbelieving words. I've cut off a lot of people in my life because when you are going for your dreams, you have to cut the fat. People that don't believe in you or where you are going are the first to go. So please. Stop with your doubt and 'you should go back to the bank.' Thanks. I'll see you when I get to 'happy,' because when you are on your way, well you already know the tale.


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