New Girl

I remember watching this show, and then reading a commentary. The commentary said, seriously never move in with guys on an apartment ad you found on craigslist.  How insane is that? I thought. I would never do that! Then I got lawyered (How I Met 
Your Mother reference). The situation of me having to get out of the house by the 1st has me on a scavenger hunt for an apartment in New Brunswick. Right now what's available (and that I can afford)  is the place I saw yesterday with 2 guys (how desperate am I that I  answered the ad?)  Location wise, it's cool. A walk from Easton Ave and the train station but far enough that it's still boom-docky).  It's like suburban except it's 15 minutes away from the city, not half an hour.  So yeah $450 rent, utilities average $15 to $20 a month. Doable for now.  Landlord wants 1k for security. Oh chucks!  

Waitressing left me with $30 yesterday. Let's hope better for today (What happened to the $100 a day Jeffrey? Maybe that's the night shift not the morning shift?)  Anyhow, in better news. I went to Wal-mart yesterday (it's a walk away from the job) to spend my tips on walking shoes (I've been standing on heels these  past 4 days suffering away the pain but not being able to afford better.) So I have shoes now, and no money. And the other apartment is up the street from my boyfriend's house but is not available until August 11th. Man, what a life. In better news the Universe gave me a big sign yesterday that I'm going to be allright! Here is what I saw:
 (ecstatic screaming/gasping/ jumping at the sight)


  1. Loved it, very interesting enjoyed reading it. Found two buggies parked next to eachother :0000 :)

    1. Thanks! Glad you are reading my posts and enjoying it.


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