Rachel LIVE

This is free, grab a notebook and start writing

Something is inside,  Instead of pushing yourself harder to go for the goal. Dig in. Pull into yourself

Make yourself sit there for 30 minutes, and hour. to see what is going on.

Stuff starts being revelated to you, oh okay that's what's going on. 

If you are blessed enough if you can afford therapy, work this out right now. 

Why? am I not seeing the results that I want?

you are not being real - Maybe you didn't put the work that you wanted to.

OR I am working my butt off, and you are working on the wrong things. 

This book is really good for that: One thing by Gary Teller. (to figure out the thing that you should be working on.)

How to show up for family if they keep putting you down? Stop showing up for them.

My gut is this isn't your kids. if that's the case, stop showing up for them. why continue to show up for people  who don't appreciate you and don't appreciate your efforts. millions of people that could use your love and support. put energy on those that can use it. 

Stop trying to get love from people that you want to get love from, but they keep putting you down. the answer is not to destroy yourself to make other people feel better.

Tomorrow noon central. Didn't see that coming by Rachel. LIVE.

Will you go review the book?

I didn't like the orange smoothie and Surviving Vegan 


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