About me Page

 Hello! I'm Toyin Ojedele, most people know me as "Tee" Toyin.

I am a single mum to my 10 year old son, and 
a full-time professional IT Application Specialist. 
I manage two businesses, working on 
making them into multi-million businesses. 

 How do I juggle it all? Now, that’s the question! That’s why I’m here. This blog has been created to share my experiences and share my knowledge on why I want to be very successful.  You will also be able to read about my reflections and thoughts on the decisions I’ve made and will make.

I got divorced 4 years ago, but had been separated for 2 years before the divorce came through. It has been a big journey since then. I'm not here to share how easy it was, because it wasn't. But having my son had made it one of the best times of my life. I have had lots of ups and downs, which includes Dating, downsizing, and becoming homeless.
 Life has been a juggle! I have heard from lots of single mums (me included) say ‘it’s really hard to be a single mum’.  That is very true but I as well as most single mums have learnt to embrace it. When I say embrace it, I don’t mean it was all smooth sailing, it wasn’t, it included the moments of being completely down and the feelings of giving up. But I now say to anyone out there reading this today, it's not worth it.  Don't Give Up!

"You just never give up.  You do a task to the best of your abilities and beyond."  - Debbie Reynolds
The one thing I lean on and has really kept me going is my famous saying 'Trying to Being the best mum to my son’. It is not an easy task but I absolutely love being a single mum. 

......but you can't be single forever!

Friends and families say to me regularly, 'you can’t be single forever!'  Well that may be true but after almost eight years of being single, it is actually very fulfilling. I find comfort it being single and I have achieved a lot more than when I was not single.  The joy of motherhood is great and I strife daily to give my child the best life.  We have done so much together, had so many adventures together, and those are my treasured possessions which I will not trade for the world.  We have been to so many places, that may not have happened if I was not a single.  We tend to do a lot of things as a team and we enjoy all the many things we get up to.
One of my married friends with kids always uses this phrase to address me, "the CEO of enjoyment". That’s because I’m always making the best of being a single mum. I love traveling and visiting new places and meeting new people. I am blessed to have a son who loves all these too, so traveling together has been so much fun.

So why the blog? 

I have started this blog, not only to document my journey with my son as a single mum but also to share my life experiences during the life of a single mum, and hope I can inspire others that may find themselves in the same situation.  I hope I can challenge both women and men, who may have struggled to get past the disheartening of being single, but as well as parents who struggle to spend quality time with their child(ren). 
I hope I can influence and change people's mindset into living their best life and waiting for no one to bring joy and happiness to their life.  

"If today you are a little better than you were yesterday, that is enough." - David A Bednar

I am a 'get-up and go' person. I love to do things spontaneously and try to be a better version of my self daily.  As a single mum, 'get up and go' don't always go as plan. Planning is mostly required when kids are involved.  For example, getting school uniforms ready needs planning. You cannot just wake up and get ready without planning. It will turn out to be a total chaos. Spontaneity can not work in such situations.  

Where is the free time?

I have always worked full-time before Derin was born.  I currently work full-time as an HR System Specialist. My work is quite demanding and needs a lot of mental work. 
I also have a part-time job to make ends meet and also run my own small business. Honestly, a lot of people ask me how I do it (how do I manage working full time, part time, managing my businesses and giving the best to my boy), the undiluted answer is, I don’t know! All I know is I have been through a lot of huddles to get to where I am today and I’m still standing. I must have done something right along the way to get me to this point. So hopefully this blog will help me and you learn how I manage our life.  I will be sharing insights on How I make ends meet".  The topics will include, "Setting up a new business", and "Starting Up a Jewellery business", amongst other, so look out for my posts.

Friends and Family
I grew up in a loving Christian home.  Getting a divorce or being a single mum is the one thing I never thought would happen to me. But, I am lucky to have wonderful parents and amazing siblings who have supported me along the way. They are my rock!  without them, I may have fallen apart but their advice and prayers have been part of one has kept me strong and for that I am grateful.
Just because I am a single mum , does not mean all my friends are single mums. Quite the contrary.  I have quite a few friends which includes various marital status: Married with kids, married with no kids, divorced single parents, single parents by choice, single parents with new partners, single parents that are happy to remain single, single parents who wants to date, widows and widowers and single parents that just need a break from it all. I am surrounded by them all. Life is full of variety.

I have always been an anti-divorce person and I still am. 'Hypocrite', I hear you say, but guess what! Life places some situations on you and you get stuck on having to make a choice about the situation. I made a choice and now I have embraced it. However, I encourage anyone that is married to stay married.  But if a situation arises and you have to make a choice, just make sure you do what is best for you. 

So, to round this up.....

I love being a single mum. It is ok to be one if you find yourself in it. I enjoy being one and I probably won’t be able to achieve as much as I have if I was not single.  Could I just drop this here now, I do not want anyone to think that, just because I have said that I am single mum does not automatically mean I am available to date. It’s quite the opposite. I am happy being single and I hope my ideas and experiences will help other single mums out there to be the best mum to their children.  And also, to know that you can have the best life if you are focus and choose to enjoy life. 

I hope you enjoy my blog.
Lots of love xx

P.S: I wrote this during COVID-19, 2020. The year when the pandemic hit the world. More about it in my blog.


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