you call me its cool its exicting
you smoking that pipe keep cutting me off
when i call you out on it you say i'm talking shit
you dangle carrot in front of me then say you want an email with it
you ask for a figure, I say one, you get scared
be clear on what you what
I need a plan
I give you plan, you start cutting me off before I finish the first sentence
I am angry searching online for a better landing page designer
I need support to reach my dreams
You tell me your idea of creating a t-shirt line
and logo in the back when I do interviews
I explain that requires money
It all goes back to that
You said you spent 1g in cigarettes and booze
You scared to spent invest some in good ground, that will produce a good seed?
you said you could support but its like you go back and forth
give me plan, okay I'll email it to you
then you ask me to get on the phone and i tell you I've already
gotten on the phone with someone
you interrupt 'she's an older woman, not a guy from Instagram.'
i said excuse the business strategist is an older woman, she develops 6 figure businesses
he got offended, why are you coming at me?
i'm not coming for you but I was responding to you saying i only listn to men from instagram
why are you coming at me like that/ i dont have money I'm sure the resources that I can, the lives and reaching out to people that I already konw.
He wants to support but its like he wasn't clear. I need a plan. done. email it to me, done.
How much? I gave him a number, he says not in one day. I say of course not, you asked for a number, that number will give me everything and more.
I will do this, I am fighting to not go back and say do everything yourself Auris.
You got yourself here. Need to market to get attention.
I was so peaceful before that call. He's trying to figure it out. Cocoon season. Jane okayed it.
Okay, that's it. I am so highly frustrated.
I feel like he pulled the curtain back. I have no background, the boats have burned. We are not heading back, I must win this war.
Believe in me or Believe in me.
I believe in myself. This is going to happen, like homie said, with or without you, I still win.
I am still going got march ahead and do this. I don't need more ideas. I need money to implement and take action on the advice I've already gotten.
Okay, dont pick up the phone Auris. Stay in your cocoon. Nobody gotta understand.
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