Every Sunday- Grant Cardone

 send video to current clients

Hope you are having a good Sunday, stay in communication with them. show them that you care. 

the app, one video when I call them to ask them for something else, they always answer my call.

I went to work for someone that already had momentum. move into somebody already on the path. nothing wrong with being #2. I'm the boss here, not by choice. I never had it as a thing to be the guy, the business owner. i just wanted to get rich. I don't care where I'm at. as long as i can take care of my family, myself and my charities. 

Don't leave the vehicle that you are in. why? I'm still doing what i was doing at 25. yes I'm not selling cars anymore but i'm selling. 

maye you are the star, no place t ogo. he was 1x. problem is all these stars were into this guy. because he was  genius, he did a tv show, phenomenal on stage but didnt build to his full potential. you have got to scale. 

Steve comes in our universe. At some point, hopefully Steve has come and be a star. Leave me and go work for somebody else. I create other businesses. This is my sales training business. Consulting business right here. educational business right here then Cardone capital right here. Steve will make 600k a year. how do i keep him interested in that job? he's not a manager. idk maybe he could be in the future. how do i keep him excited? This I stumbled across in Cardone Capital. I convinced him to give me his money. instead of him going out and creating a second flow. we created a vehicle so he didn't have to go out and find it. we went and bought a vehicle that he could invest with me. I invested the time, money and bought the property. he's got 1 million. neg 30k because i gave him 30k. I don't want him to have the money. best performers. if they are not managers. the guys that do this with me, they stay with me. throw a yes in the chat. 

Companies now utilizing Cardone capital for their biggest performers. to keep them broke here. I can go to work everyday. I have is funding this other freedom thing. without Michael putting attention on it. I was forced out of the first thing, guy didn't have any other opportunities to grow. I did not want to be a manager, or lead people. I want one thing, I want to make money. which I'm' still doing today by the way. 

bring people in, they cost money. then you need to make more money. start attracting Michael that want to invest in us. my circle gets bigger because of their people excellent questions. 

goals that have dates. but goal without a date is just a dream. I have goals if I put dates on them i commit suicide. i cannot do that with a date. I don't know that. I don't need to put a date on it. 

Target for the event, we will stretch it. what if you are not excited? you better have something, a goal so big that you revamp after covid.  I lose a real estate deal. I lost the deal. my team reminded me. we going for 20 million, that deal doesn't matter!

do social media for them, dont educate them. people want someone to do it for them. get on that other side. 


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