Text clean out part 5

 sent poems to Terril Sept 7,2020

building for single mothers. not a shelter. offer work and housing in same building and daycare. its a stepping stone. 

Maybe one building is housing and another, a resource center. Fix credit, how to own a house, counseling. 


Tia said do it through the court, the blood test. okay. 


Find recorder on app store. record poem for Terrill (done)

I almost cried. He said my poetry made him want to love again. 

Bob proctor- you must make space for the good you desire. 

If you say you cant afford this, ask yourself, in how many areas does that show up in your life (deeep)

My answer: recession proof membership, Grant Cardone membership, 6k marketing course, other 1k marketing course. 1k Alex coding course. 

As simple as sending Jane a gift, over a year. Paying people back. jeep wrangler unlimited, workout app I want. Thailand trip I want to take with my son. wardrobe I want to wear, classy in colors white, rose and grey. 

Bob: Its going to be the last time you struggle to put money together for anything. I'm gonna show you how to solve that problem forever. The only prerequisite for making a decision is if you want to. 


Podcast using your phone

We were best friends- says Andre, fixing my negative connotation of him when he sent the acai. I'm like what does he want? and I felt bad because it was so nice and so much I wanted to pay him but I didnt have the money.

it does show up in many places. 

he was always happen when he saw me- Andre. When Andre thinks of me, he remembers only good things. 

good memory: we laughing, wiating for BOA van and Kat there and me and him would laugh and joke around and crack up. did she mind? he said she would tell him I haven't seen you happy in a long time. 

after they borke up, she wanted him back and she saw him iwth me and saw how happy he was and left it alone. 

Mad at him comes from him not being what I expected: a life partner. 

its internal, Auris. The work is internal. Accept it. Andre is not hte one. God had someone else in mind for you. And it's okay. 

Find photos of my baby shower?

Become the person that keeps promises to herself. 

Angel- the guy that made my heart flutter. Also the guy that couldnt keep his promises and gave up when things got tough. Taught me I want a man that keeps his promises and pursues me and doesnt give up on me. Has a definite purpose. 

Inbound closer program $97. teachs how to close on high ticket items for other people. 

Freeze bananas. When?

poppyseed dressing for kale. Jane said I belieive. 

October 11

Auris, don't give out of your brokeness. 

community service then hung out with Joel at the restaurant. Rosa got her house, by building credit by getting a car through a dealer. 

RE webinar for 2 hours. 

Some days we get tested and we see a part of our character. Part that we thought was no longer there but God can show you what is in my heart that I haven't overcome. We must ask to overcome. You are all invited to the wedding. If you go what will you be wearing, your own righteousness or Christ' righteousness

I rather impact a life, give people the tools and they save themselves. 

Auris you care what people think because this thought scares me. 

I'm exposing personal material to the public that will attract personal attention and criticism. I have learned that is best. I have experienced the benefit for so long that it will be uncomfortable for me not to be this way. Trapper he is radically transparent. I saw his interview on social proff and it made me trust him. (i got to tell him this!)

Instead of hiding what we think, think how much better the world how would it be if people were honest. it takes 18 months to change a habit. 

Alex speech therapy: Work at plurals, multiples. Here is 1 foot and here is 3 feet. 

I am thankful and grateful now that I currently make 25,000 a month. 

I am married to David Immonitie, Jose Ardon is my best friend. 

Money: Tia Margot is sending money once her pension comes in. I'll file refund once W-2  comes in mail. 

Grass work: 712 E Plum St Jesuo GA. who does their grass work? 

629 W plum hous, abandoned?

586 e cherry st, abandoned house. 

Child support 844-694-2347

1313 west pine street, Jesup Ga

Open apple, see if I can download Khan app on there.

I have uncontainable joy. 

What about art class for Alex? He's good at that. or little drum set.

Impossible to save to a better life.

Oct 14th look at work from home course George sent me.

Auris: you have no schedule and no budget so time and money is going to whoever offers course. Truth!

Focus onyourself not oth4er person's financial situation because it doesnt make a difference to yours- uyou were born rich. 

don't expect that the producers are getting when you're not producing - ET podcast 

I need to change, no more getting mad. I need to bust up the silence. 

Cure for envy podcast: you see someone doing what yo know you're supposed to be doing. You know you can do better. 

Facebook adds, highly profitable skill. 

runway spent 27k on ads, got 79k. 

IXL.com learning resource. 

Hire Jazzykerl for one on one tutoring. 


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