You were born rich Part II

 If you want to increase income, first stop listening to what others have to say and listen to that still, quiet voice inside. 

Marketing for celebrities and brands you respect. You work harder for others than you do for yourself. Has been that way. My idea of helping. 

Trust the instinct and feelings within you.

Make  a decision right now, before you keep reading, that you are going to heed you own counsel. Keep an open ear for God's counsel. (12)

I am going to become aware of the talents and abilities that lie deep within you. (13)

Consciousness is developed through thinking.

The money I have today I thought my way into it. Never thought of that solution before, mainly due to fear.

Most of us are in memory, playing old pictures. We are not 'thinking.'  My goal! Stop talking about the past, which I deleted and put say what your future is (I think). I make 25,000 a month monthly. (16)

We will not believe something until we discover it for ourselves. 

Begin to see money as a obedient, diligent servant, that you can employ to earn more money. and that you can use to provide services  far beyond the physical services you will be able to provide. (huh?)

The wealth you are seeking is seeking you in return. (Reallly) (20) 

so begin to receive it.


Think of yourself having money and what you would do once you have it. 

Then mentally see yourself doing it.

1. Swim with dolphins with Alex 

2. Buy  Jeep and 

3. Move to Florida, learn to grow vegetables and how to eat healthy

4. Take a trip to Thailand

5. Then visit the pyramids in Egypt, right now!


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