You were born rich-notes Part 1

Everyone should have a deep understanding of what money is- and of the laws governing its attraction. (5)

Attempt to keep focusing only on yourself, because what someone else has or does not have, is not going to affect you and it is your financial situation that you want to improve.

Money is a servant, you are the master. (whaaaaat?)

love people and use money, not the reverse. (what Matthew did to me, he used me and didn't hear that I didn't have much. Wanted me to use my last pennies to invest in his thing.)

Money is important. Money is an effect and must always be earned.

Money takes effort and work, not just 'luck.' Trump used to say the harder I work, the luckier I get. 

Money is valuable as long as it is getting used. (7) Money must circulate, once its out of circulation is like dirty beer cans being stashed away. (so is this saying you should save? or keep cash around? you have to spend everything?)

Money is meant to be used enjoyed and circulated (So I was right in purchasing the courses, I should feel guilty about using money, that is what it is made for!)

Okay he said one could put it in the bank and earn interest so okay, saving its bad. idk that's what he's saying but point is. use money. MR Chapman lived like a beggar and had 100k in old boxed throughout the house. money should not be hoarded. that's his point. it is useless when its in the jar. it is valuable when its being used.

prosperity consciousness - found out about it in Ryan's book about boy sold diamonds and Rolex was his first sale. 

People have money because they feel comfortable about it. (wow, this is me and love and relationships. I have to be comfortable with the idea of having a soul partnership. lifetime friendship person. then I can have it. Getting ready to receive David. I have been uncomfortable with the idea of receiving him since I heard the prophecy).

See yourself already having the money that you desire.  Write a check for $25,000. Your subconscious will start feeling comfortable with the 'idea' of money. As a result, you will start attracting it to yourself. 

worrying about money is counterproductive. the things you fear come upon you (job, bible). It makes me think of guy in Facebook said he was homeless after divorce woman kicked him out (rude). he went to the bottom of the bottom of society, having to beg for money. he is so cute I cant imagine him having to do that. 

I remember I was jealous years ago when I saw him married and now years later they are divorced. He called her 'his rib' which was so cute and biblical. But I was mad because he was not honorable towards me and made me question why she was his rib and I was someone that he discarded. 


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