_therealTez on IG LIVE

 8 to 12 hour shifts. Monday to Thursdays. also worked Sundays and Saturday. 1 day off, like Wednesday. grinding all the time. top performing sales person.

I started applying for car sales job. Mitsubishi, not brand for me. taught me fundamentals and background. Giving me different ways to sell different people. 20 years old, now I can read people. hands are crossed, if they are saying it in a certain way. that's how i became so good at sales.

I've talked to thousands and thousands of people already. Mitsubishi, 2nd sales person. I always wanted to be #1. Left, went to Subaru with my brother. he recruited me over there. 

$30 to $40 plus commission on cars. sell 10 cars and you only got $300 plus hourly. This is terrible. My bro Kanan said I'm getting 150 minimum for a car. compared to $30, I'm selling a car!

I worked my ass off at Mitsubishi. Subaru, where he was at. i had to go up there multiple times. Wait, wait 2 hours. I did that multiple times. 

Christmas event at the store, I met the manager, and they hired me. i went 6 times to get hired. Left Mitsubishi. different types of people, different mindset in order to make a lot of money. You have to take the risk yourself to see if its going to work. 

I sold 1 car a day. 12 days sold 10 cars. Right out the gate, me emotionally connecting with people, telling me what is going on in their live. Start building a network of people and my clientele. Couple of huge months, 20 cars. 15 or 16.

7-8 montsh made 5k a month. 50 hours a week. trying ot understand cars and getting people how to ..

Cleveland time, heated seats. I'm expressing these things to the customer. look, I got the solution. heated seats right here. buns toasted, try to get them right here. that's how I started to learn how to get into the sales stuff. lead up to when i quit my job. 8 or 9 months working at Subaru. one of the top sales people here. I was getting more comfortable. i talked higher of myself. ran into issue with GM. Gm was asshole. 

This is why I will not work for anyone else. people are above you they think they can talk to you any way.

if you are going to fire me, you are going to feel it because I'm producing most of the results. we had this one customer. this is a guaranteed sale, perfect. going through the motion. We talked about the cars. what he likes. we talked about his family, his kids. here's the numbers. circle which option is best for you and I will get this cleaned up and ready for you. 

taxes, different fees, pay attention to that stuff. pay attention to that stuff before you are going over it. 

The guy said that's fine. need to return the car, wife doesn't like the car. he was financially set person. 6k, he lost 6k just by trading the car in. now i my head, I have to sell him another car. unit I needed to hit my goal for the month. 1500 bonus, 1-2 days left to hit that goal. 

Manager said you are not getting credit for this. You are not getting paid to find this person a new car, 150 for selling the car. 3 desk manager and a GM over them. There is no way I am about to continue working on this deal. I'm like 1600 that I can't get because of what?

Unwinding the deal, you are not unwinding. I'm not doing the deal, you will closing it. Be stubborn, gotta go ahead. I went, I'm sorry manager is going to take care of the rest for you. I'm gonna have to let them take over from here. manager texted GM, 4-5 hours left in the day. I didn't come back down. I didn't talk to any new customers. 

If you didn't pay me for the work I did. I already did was most of the work for the deal.  I lost the unit, I lost my money. I got a disrespectful message from the GM. He said I knew I shouldn't have hired you. you are a great person and sales person but week before he said 

Stay professional, why not call and tell somebody this. he is being crazy disrespectful. We got 100 views out there. if you are going act like a peculent, or child in my dealership you don't have to worry about coming back. The next day I called off. the next day I get this message. you not taking any more off days for the rest of the year. I'm like I'm the one 1,2,3 bringing in all these customers. when people needed help I'm the one to help them. there is no way someone is going to talk to me like that. I don't care how old you are. I don't care about what you have what you drive, you still gotta prove your worth to me at the end of the day. 

Mom was mad. you know how black moms. Don't disrespect a black mom's kid. Someone talked to me or my sisters crazy, all hell breaks loose. I'm like yeah, she was boosting me up. I'm like yeah yeah yeah!

what i did have was my business. I was using their printers to print out my orders.  I used their computers working my Facebook ads. I knew my business provided more for me. Take advantage of the time. If you work 8-12 hour shifts you are drained all the time. that next morning after the text, I showed my mom I'm like there is no way I am going to let somebody talk to me like this. I already knew my business was going to take off. I was doing 20k months. I wanted multiple streams of income, so I kept my job. My durag, the inventory behind me was already pay me more than my job. I'm gonna quit my job, I'm not gonna apply anywhere else. 

Friday morning, went in there. What is he doing in here? Wassup to everybody. I had jogging suit, walked past desk. What is he doing here? Supposed to have the weekend off. Saturdays is the biggest time for car sales, people are off work. He tried to keep me from coming in the weekend so I lose my spot at the top. 

I logged off my spotify, all my stuff, cleared everytihng. cleared everything off my desk. they like what are you doing? I built a real family, we argued all the time. this is what I come to everyday. I enjoyed myself everyday. make sure you love your job. 9 to 5 is easier when you like the people.

You gotta be built from that cloth. all that stuff plays a part in how i think and how i move. 25k in a month, once he quit his job. 10-15k a month before that. just me my phone and my business, myself and my family. focus solely into my business. I built durag empire based off durangs dropping it off in people in Cleveland. I have a full resume. there is no person that can come and say i made you. i did everything myself. I took the risk, I paid the bills. I made sure i got up and got that stuff. i delivered durag in Cleveland. back then before i started working I was delivering durags. I knew i could do it. it was matter was, how much time could i put in. how much money am i willing to risk to make sure i can pull through.  8-9k in a month profit. I am doing it on my own. i can teach people how to do this. i changed my whole IG narrow down to a person that providing value. Knowledge and answer and solutions that cant find on the internet.  I  help myself accountable through every step of the way. Built my first course a couple of months after, after I did my first 30k month. That course went crazy. I did crazy numbers on that course. Led to making another course. I was at the point now, I am building websites, selling websites. I was generating income. wake up when i went, if i want to fuck around during the day, go out and do whatever i want I could do that. there is no job saying i need you come at this time. 

i am my own boss. I own all the time that I have. most important part.

I didn't know if i quit my job, I did 25k a month. then building another stream of income, teach people to do how i did. i taught them how to do it themselves. I took reviews, testimonials and just start promoting it, then more people would buy. then it was a snowball effect, kept going. Every new course i had more people that trust what I said. 

10k in first 6 7 days, profit, no ads no nothing. I'm like that's crazy. I started scaling, teaching more people. had a lot of more big pages. started talking to Chris Johnson, Todd, all these bigger names. i became a known person on IG and on Twitter. I have huge twitter 24k followers. 

I'm a person worth knowing so point of story. Yes self made, you are person what dictates. look for another job, be lazy. the results are based off your own decisions. 21 multiple streams, i invest in stock market. i make money on 2 different brands. i blew up off selling durags and quit my job at 20. still able to be a great father, every step of teh eway. my child can go to private daycare, withouth it being like oh my god. i am able to generate the amount of money and invest, and do all these different htings.  Now it doesn't affect me as much. 


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