Trapper Book Club 815pm 10.29.20
Trapper offers to help out a lady in the group out of ATL that has no power.
Ray: Have a culture that is conducive to building your brand. You have to be able do what you are strong at, what makes you feel good.
Trapper: You see my stories [Instagram stories and Facebook stories], that's what I do. I go out to the spot, eat, read, watch the market news.
I'm focused on doing this, I can't get so caught up into doing everything else. I was miserable[in his hometown]. I knew what the next level of me was going, I was doing it for my daughter. Now it's easy for me go home, kick it, then I go back, recharge.
That's why I love this group- the energy that is always circulating in the group. That energy helps, knowing whatever I got going on, you can log on and see what is good in the market. The journey can be suffocating or overwhelming if we don't have that ( a support system, community, others).
Ray: Have to have a culture conducive to who you are. You also have to be part of a company that is also materially good to be able to motivate you to stay. (you have to make money at what you are doing)
Trapper: I saw in discussions that people in the group didn't know what market cap was. I had a meeting, I said we are not doing things right. How can we bring more value to the group? Everyone needs to know at least what market cap is.
-Jamil is brilliant AND she's from New Orleans. Some of you look at me and say: Trap, you the leader. I only go as far as we go as the unit goes (the group). I started with Baker, I knew more than my perspective was needed if we are going on the path to wealth. Baker, Lala, (3rd person) having those 3 people in my corner with me as we build is amazing. That group is so productive for me. I always go there with an open mind. What do we need to do? What don't I see?
Before I bought Chipotle stock, I went and asked questions to people who worked there. I asked do you think this business is good, its making money? yes! Are they treating you good? yes!
Chipotle's management team all comes from within. A person gets 10k bonus when a person advances. Chipotle owners also come from inside there. So you can start working there and end up owning the place. I, Auris, said in the chat I wished I worked there at 16 instead of McDonalds.
Trapper saw this and told his McDonalds story:
When I was 13, I worked at McDonalds. I got my birth certificate and forged it. I put white out on the date, out the exact birthday but changed the year. I the job at McDonalds. That McDonalds was right across from the jail house. My neighborhood where I hussled at was right around there. I used to sell a lot of nuggets, caramel, and their desserts. I sold it on the side. I used to tell my partners to come through, put the extra stuff in a mcdonalds bag. I would charge, 20,30,40 dollars. You know this is the best caramel, I will sell you bag of this. 5 gallon pack I would sell for $100. I'll give you the pack. You want some chocolate ice cream? I got you.
Comment from group: you were running up all the inventory!
Trapper: I ran it for 8 to 9 months then I went back to Trap. Allright, listen I love McDonalds. Just telling you another story about me.
Ray Dalio principle: Be radically transparent. Truth! How many of you know your weakness? We know our strengths but we have to realize our weakness.
Lady: I am fiercely independent. I don't know if I was born that way or if its how I was raised. it's just always is how I have been. Right now I have to do everytihng for my baby and its hard because I have to do everything by myself.
Trap: We so used to getting it and going. Ladies you get so used to doing everytihng yourself, when a man comes along and says "I got you, I can help you"
you can't receive it! That's how my baby's mother is. She says I don't want someone to use that against me, like I helped you that's because of me (putting it in her face later on). I asked, do you think I would do that to you? She said, no. "I know your intentions are good. Its something I have to get over."
One thing I learned, you can't expect people to get over things because we want them to do it. I have to keep being supportive and being there, and it has to come on her time.
Understanding what our weakness is, that helps us improve. I am in the gym, I noticed my left hand is weaker than my right. So now, everyday start doing 100 lifts with left hand. I don't like when people in Instagram have brands and courses and they only show you the good. When people show you the bad and the real bad, and now it alters your perception on what it really is. Its misleading to tell people things are always going to go right, because when they go wrong they weren't expecting it.
When people have negative comments, I show you its all love, its all good.
People see I have 52k here and 35k there, but don't sleep. I'm down 18k right here. Don't let that part go over your head. I have an issue with people that always promote the wins. If you say you are really helping people let them know that the journey is not always sweet. You are preparing them, so that they know there are going to be downs. If I'm a boxer and left hook hit me I didn't know it was coming, I'll be knocked down. but if trainer trains me for that left hook, I'll be good. I'll be ready.
How many of you want to fix your credit? How many of you want to own a home? type yes in comments (lots of yeses). I will bring people that teach credit, real estate, home ownership. Wealth building is not just about stocks.
I developed these relationships. What you don't know you is, I would go on their coaching call. Blaze that! Put it on fire so that I could build that relationship so that I could bring it back to us. So many people know me out here, in Atlanta. I am solo, I was surprised that people knew me out here. I like Instagram, but this is my community on here.
Ray: Page 326 You gotta show people the good the bad and the ugly.
Trapper: Best play is to win is exposing them to everything, not just what you think that you need to know. Success story, just show you the wins. Trick that they do, if you know people that are trading or doing options. Trick: if you see somebody say, my people made (X amount) this morning and the market has only been open for 5 minutes. What happens is overnight, the market, the futures are doing whatever they want to do. when you open in the morning, it runs up. up 20k. Check that thing an hour later. its down to 2k, once the market settles in. So they post that. They are not lying, that is what happened but check that account an hour later. I say in comments, false advertising.
If they can't tell you the backside, the down.... Ray talks about that. Beware of the fast talker, that person. I say in comments, the car salesman.
Auris: I go on and talk about Ray's principle of radical transparency. and I told my story of how my friend introduced me to him, I didn't know him so looked him up, saw the social proof interview. I was shocked at how transparent he was about things that I would have kept a secret. I said that there are some things that I haven't dealt with, that I haven't healed from that I don't share with people. But Ray talks about how transparency yields trust and it was true, after the interview I'm like okay, I can trust him and I joined the group.
Trapper: You have to be comfortable with your truth. My people tell me, stop saying that! I say I went to jail for attempted murder and robbery (I think that's what it is?). My people tell me, stop saying that like it's normal! That ain't normal.
I had to say I made some mistakes when I was young. I learned from it, I was influenced by a lot of things. But also, I had to learn when to put it out there. Like when I met the wealthy guy (previous book club recording, he met a wealthy 32 year old in a hotel). For me, my transparency is my superpower.
In that podcast, I exposed the situation with my dad. I wasn't planning on doing that. That was something that me and my mom literally had a situation about that. You gotta be willing to say, until I'm comfortable with it then I cant put out there. There are things I don't share. Like things with my daughter, dear to my heart. a lot of stuff I'm so emotional vulnerable with her that I don't do it. Even her mother, me and her have so many vulnerable moments that I can't share. me and my mom, I can't share. I'm finding my balance.
But saying things about me? (does hand gesture) it's like water to the duck. We made mistakes, some cost me a little, some cost me a lot. I'm willing to share my mistakes. We all relate to those mistakes. You might not go to jail, but maybe you have a cousin or family member that's in jail. People DM me saying hey I have family in jail, what do I do? I say send cards, put money in the cards.
Brandon: About what you said about your dad in the social proof interview. I had the same type of thing with my dad, well my sperm donor. My dad didn't call, if he did he lied. How did you get over that? I have kids now and don't want to use that as a crutch.
Trapper: To be honest, it doesn't affect me now. When I was a kid it affected me. I was homeless. I didn't have a sound home. I was living with aunt, other aunt, living inside a crack house, having a book stack in the corner, I was stealing from goodwill. I got a job at McDonalds at 13 because I could take naps and sometimes, get food. During those periods of my life, moms was in jail, lost my grandmother. I would think where is my dad? he doesn't love me. I questioned a lot of stuff. Even with God, God why you doing me like this. I can tell you so much gangster stuff I did at 13,14.
You ever saw that movie with Idriris Elba? He was a chief in Africa and he got these bed kids. "God of war," excellent movie. He got these kids they kill, they rape. I never raped anyone! Anyways, these kids do all this stuff and they don't even care. They are so desensitized to murder, they are doing it and don't even know what it is.
I had so much trauma. I saw my mom get shot when she was 9. I was getting high, smoking, drinking. I used to have late nights, crying. When I went to prison, that did something to me, man. There was this dude Red top, he was in prison for stabbing his son 72 times. He said his son was doing some trap stealing he had to kill him. I was like... dang. I was like I can't cry over that (his father not being in his life). When I got back on the streets it didn't bother me at all.
When I had my daughter it all came to a forefront. I said I'm not going to see him. I told myself. (in he interview he reveals his dad wanted him to come see him as he is on his deathbed.) I'm the opposite of everything that you are. We don't relate. I made a conscious decision, left Atlanta to go back to Louisiana. I made sacrifices to see my daughter. There is nothing you can say at this moment in your life because as a father I made every sacrifice to see my daughter.
Ray: ** Bests relationship happens when you can speak with each other. Pull together through challenging times. If you can do this, it creates success that makes you build more and more successful goal.**
Trapper: Did anyone notice once they joined the group, the standard that they need to be an investor has risen? Warren Buffet- his dad gave him investing books. its that that he was smart, it was that he tapped in to the right information.
Clashley: I'm 35 and I was like why don't I do this? wasted 20-25 years of my life. You have to get to a point when you can receive something. You do that very well on Youtube (to trapper).
Trapper: My goal is to operate from a space to be the best me. Before I go to sleep, I ask myself. Which decision didn't I get right today? even if its getting a text message. Did I rush my mom off the phone? Okay, I gotta fix that. Life is a continuous act of making decisions. Some on the go. Do the best at making the best decision. Can I mitigate how I make the decision? Did I make it in my right mind, did I make it out of anger?
People have a little disagreement. I say, You right king. It's all love. It's my way to diffuse the situation. Sometimes your reply is the gasoline that they need to keep going. I never want to be the gasoline. I have too much to lose now, to respond that way.
**pg 236. Most people people pretend to operate in your interest, while secretly having their own agenda. Be very careful on getting advice from people that are financially motivated in their opinion.**
Trapper: I talk to so many people. What I learned from Instagram, everybody that look like they are for the people are really not, they are about the money. So people are like 'trap what's good'. I'm not over emotional. They say: We got work together, we gotta go get money together. We gonna do something fam. I say, we can't. we good. I don't do this. I don't care about the money, money I can get myself. I care about helping others, bringing value. if I see someone is all about the money, I dont go there with them. I would be lying if I said this group hasn't changed my life. its not because of the money.
I learned this from Myles Monroe- when you educate yourself, and when you can help somebody turn their life around, the money will come tenfold. The money would pour into you in a way. I had a talk in a college for 45 minutes, 2k. I don't worry about that, I don't do this to do deals. My life has changed.
Ray- You have to be in an environment that is conducive to be creative.
Trapper: I ask myself, how do I keep it relatable to the people that I'm attracting? My goal is for them to say I'm investing. People like Him500, Neo Davis they have all come to me with how can we add value to you, to your people? Those people are for sure. They are for the people. David asked me to speak to his people, he said you are an entrepreneur. They need to hear your story. Sometimes you need to see that people overcame something big to say, okay what do I have to complain about?
Neo Davis 1st conversation said what can I do to help you, so that you can help your people? 2nd convo, anytime you need me to bring value to your people I got you.
I came to learn. listen more, see more, talk less. You feel what I am saying? Another thing, Paki? the whole thing is we need to get people in trucking people. I'm like I don't got CDL. He says: You don't need a CDl. We can show people. how to make 1k a week. We don't tell people they can make 2-3k a week depending how the truck move. We tell them 1k because they think 'I could use 1k.' We underpromote but we overdeliver. Trappper says ahhh.
David wants to help entrepreneurs. He gets up 5 days a week and talks to his group about entrepreneurship for an hour in the morning. He's been doing that for 3 years! I can be around people that want to pour into people. I don't want to be around people that wan to make money. God chose me to do this, but if not this I can make money doing something else.
Anytime you go into a situation with money being the sole reason you do it, the money is going to blind you from everything that you're supposed to see. Sometimes the thing that you don't see is what can cause the whole ship to sink.
Ray: Create a culture in which it's okay to make mistakes but unacceptable to not learn from them.
Trapper: This is why Live from the Kitchen is going to be so amazing. you think you know how to research a company until Lala, myself, Dimples, Kelvin, Brandon, until they start asking you questions. Now you sitting there like I don't even know, fam.
I'm not gonna tell you when I'm gonna go on. You think you cooking until you get in the kitchen with some real cookers.
Ray: Everyone makes mistakes, successful people learn from them, unsuccessful people don't. You will see rapid progress and fewer significant mistakes. Especially true where creativity and independent thinking is encouraged. Failure is seen as part of the process.
Trapper: Free and independent thinking is required in this community. I talked about companies that the TV wasn't talking about. Why? I'm an independent thinker. When tesla and apple had the stock split. I was influenced. 2k people kept asking me "what do I gotta do here." I was pressured. I said: Buy after, if it dips lower, buy it again. But shouldn't have said that. I should have stuck to my guns, do the research find out when to buy it. In a 2 week period, DMs YouTube comments everywhere so many people asking me. But people don't want to do the research, they wanted an answer from me. But I am not going to do that again.
Bro! Valuation is still the same, it's just stock price is lower. I knew it was interpreted wrong. We just don't just buy dips. we are strategic and intentional when we buy dips. I came to that conclusion. what people do is, they don't want to do the research jus: "Tell me what I need to be doing Trap." I am never into being that guy
I shouldn't have did that. A mistake that is made 3 times or more, its no longer a mistake. If I keep falling in the same hole, something about that hole that I am attracted to. WOW. own up to it.
You are going to make multiple mistakes when it comes to researching a stock. You are going to have to learn how to decipher language. These people can talk, they can sell water to a whale.
This is what they said in this annual report in 2019. I don't see the difference.
If you look at one year, you will never get proper evaluation by looking at only one year. Why? because its just one set of data. How great of a business am I running if you are looking at one set of numbers?
I ran numbers in prison. Kelloggs he went to Ucon, a college in Conneticut. he used to get USA today. He showed me how to look at the business section of the newspaper. Dany Shoran did all the point spread.Hhe had these books, handicapping books if you ever got into sports betting. They measure how long as this team been at beating this bread? How has this team being over so many years against the spread? that's an average of 5, 10 years. Each year new book comes out. I would get book I numbers, and I would look at handicap everyday. It would take 4 days for me to do this. I would come up with the set of numbers. I was 1 or 2 off but based off 5 years of research.
You can't shield people from mistakes. Don't try to avoid mistakes.
Pain is a message that something is wrong. Its a sign, something is wrong. Don't do that again (Auris: for me, living with my mom was painful. Don't do that again, don't live with her, have money, own your own house, get in a better position).
If you don't mind being wrong on the way to being right you will learn a lot of things.
Returns on steroids, when you buy at the right price. You put your returns on steroids. 2, 3, 8 and 100 percent return. difference. I want the best return possible for my money. so that causes me to sound out a little bit, chill out for a little bit. I am not in a rush. I want some of you to get that in your head. you are not in a rush. You got time. The market will reward you for being patient.
Great investors love when the market is irrational. Because when its irrational, I could double up my wealth. I can jumpstart my wealth. Most people I want that thing to run up for me. I am the opposite of that. I want to see it down. I want to get certain things cheapest thing as possible.
Service now, atalant technology. diva systems, them 3 companies there. I want them to fall. like David and Goliath fall. 4 more companies on my list. little debt, great demand.
The great leverage to not knowing is, you can be open to learning. I'm glad I don't know it so that you can bring it into my attention. I'm a research fanatic. but what I do realize is, there are 2089 other trappers in this group. There is no way I have found it from every angle that you guys will see.
You gotta be comfortable with what you do know. Put your chest out. This is my company. So how you gonna tell me, you confident. I gotta ask that question down, I need to learn some more.
Ray- Find the most believable people that disagree with you and try to understand their reason.
Trapper: This is why I always research business all the time. Look for the pros and the cons. Look for the bad. This is too sweet, where the bad stuff at? Apple. Well, such and such happened. They not doing this, that and the other. How can you answer that question? How can you rebuttal that? Always be ready for that as well. You saw downside and you say nah I'll find something better.
I watch people who I take advice from and I watch people who say this ain't it. I gotta respect you to a certain level. A lot of people will tell you out of despite. They are not always coming from the right place.
Easy to avoid in short term, massively destructive in the long term. not through superficial compromise. seeking accurate conclusion. transparent.
Openly working through disputes. Page 393.
I, Auris, talked about issue with my mom. Group said good job on being transparent. Trap said protect your peace at all cost and know yourself.
Once a month, I will tell you what industry to work with. This time, its healthcare. Pick one company in that sector, break that sucker down in and out. Do the class, live classes, Zoom class. What we will do is, come to the group. I will get in and talk to the health sector. Break down some things in it, scroll through and call somebody. When I call you, you gotta talk about it. Everyone will have to answer 5 to 6 questions. Do 4 to 5 people every night. Do that once a month. Remember we got, 3 people in a group. Maybe in the first month. Always be on deck. What I will not do, if I asked something this week you will not get asked next week. At least once every month, I will get in the ring.
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