Grant 10.25.20 Part 2

Pete Vargas- best kept secret. 

You are going to to  a pitch off at the end of my talk today. 

We helped him by taking his business from 52k to 6 million. his speech inspired my father to ask for forgiveness for the abuser father that he had been. 

Prevent school shooting. his daughter died in Columbine. He was committed to his message. He wasn't committed to the sales and marketing to get to where he wants to go.

Leave here on your own, not only message but path that it takes you to get there. Today as we talk about how do you pitch you business. Responsible to get your message out to ten of thousands of people in the world. Helping them craft their messages to make their pitch.  

Picture, first picture I took with Grant Cardone. What I did in those 5 minutes in his office.

I did my research to figure out what would be his biggest win, how can we win for him? We gotta pitch the win and the results. I didn't try to connect with Grant. Guy is busy. This is his legacy, its helping you guys. I reached out to his right hand person, reached out to Jarid. I didn't just go pitch.. I went into it where it was partnership at stake. 

October 2018. Grant has 15 minutes. 10 of thousands of people in it.  You can do it through zoom, but I recommend you being in here. Why isn't this dude on our stage? 

Biggest stage I have ever been on. You do not have to be the best kept secret! 

I let him know, I let hundreds of millions of dollars on the table by not understand by that methodology. I am going to share the methodology and you are goin to start doing it. I'm not going to give you time to work on it. Actually get it done. Execute.

Learning is done, time to do. Framework that only a couple of people did last night. Irony. 3 out of top 4 worked with us. It was obvious. Grant had pushback but it was obvious to everyone watching out there as well. This is what I want you to understand today. We gotta make sure you are clear on something. You have to be clear on a couple of things. The problem you solve, what is the problem you solve?  If you don't have meat on that.

Grant solves scaling, sales, marketing problems. A lot of you missed it, you have to use customer language. Use a lot of jargon that no one understand. You gotta speak what your customer is losing sleep over at night. And its not your fancy terms or words. Get into the mid of your customer. You can now go on and speak to them. You have got to present the solution. 

Where are you at now? where do you want to go?

Influence teen and middle school girls on getting more confidence, personal development.

From $0 to 10 million company. music, books, speaking, social marketing. 

You don't talk about the solution. Crystal clear on, who are you serving? Who is it that you are serving? You have to stop going after the low hanging fruit. She had a sale today. find other people with the same problem.

Before I talk about the pitch, clear about the problem you solve and who you help. What the top 3 or top 4 did beautifully least night. The power of the their signature talk. Their pitch. You are going to absolutely use every single day. Online and offline every single day. Using it in one on one conversations, but in Zoom meetings, pitching your business with other people. 

You gotta become unstoppable in everything you do. Signature talk right here. Quote from Maya Angelou people will forget what you said, what you did, but people will never forget who you made them feel. You confuse people everyday, you gotta connect. You don't connect by making it about yourself, but about them and how they win and how they succeed. If they win, you win. 

Figure out how to win for the other person. Make it about their win. Make sure they can succeed. 4 part framework, I believe this can be .

Starts with the heart, then hands, then the heart. 

Who's accelerators? He's like lets do all day pitch off. All day, every accelerator will be chance to pitch their businesses. Top 10 or top 15. Every Accelerator. I got to recommend them to do the pitch off. I thought it would be, one of the most powerful things that would happen in the Bootcamp. Some of you invested 12,000 and you got noticed. You know who the 10 are. Top 3, top 4. 

Next 12 minutes I am going to show you how to pitch, using this framework. if you can warp your brain around this framework. 

They want to know you are ordinary, they are jus like you. They want you to know that you have done something extraordinary. There is a gap. To allow the wall, they have an imaginary wall that you cannot see. you cannot see. grant gets pitched all the time. You gotta break that imaginary wall down. Connecting out of the gates, the imaginary wall goes down. Not to introduce terminology or language that will confuse them. You don't have to have some major story to connect. Where you been, where you have gone. 

Know that you have the heart and the head. All the head is, filling in the gap. what are your 3 to 5 steps. Your process that allows you to go from here to here. No one was talking about your process of what you are going to do from here to here. Most people last night don't have marketing and sales plan. You want to teach the gap. 

People's hearts are now down. Knocked it out of the park. Maintain for a couple of minutes. Tease the gap. I love about Grant, he does not tease, he teaches you the gap. They won't buy from you if you don't teach them! I saw him I doing these role playing. Spend 2 days getting this whole thing dialed in. It's your job to teach the gap. You teach the gap, this is what Zig Ziglar's son told me. It leads you into the hands. Which is the call to action. 

Watch this, when you teach the gap. You now can make a call to action. You did it powerfully. 80/20 make the adjustment. Gave a clear call to action. Here is the thing, Jarid, Brandon, Grant. You have got all the information. Here is the decision customers have to make in this moment. Do I want them to them to learn this on their own or am I going to have them do it for me and with me? 

Russ- call to action could have made it 80/20. Russ did more powerfully. he presented a partnership opportunity not a one time transaction opportunity. I pitched Grant I didn't say I want to be in your stage. I said, I want to create a partnership. I talked to Elena. 

Make it feel like a community and a partnership not just a one time thing. The call to action. Making it win, win. It's critical. You don't even have to talk about your win. When they see his win that day, my win happened. When Grant saw his win that day (in Pete's pitch) then my win happened.

I don't agree with, the other piece that people don't do, they say. Tell them to run to the back of the room. Final thing is start ending how you started. What do you want to reinforce in everything that you thought? My closing story is reinforcing everything I just taught them. 

My dad's relationship would not have changed due to a stage. Come join Grant Cardone's stage. 

This is your audition to join the accelerator program. I encourage you to do, be thinking about this. See this in action, this right here guys. I am flying, on the airport. I could tell who had practiced, who was reading, who was memorizing. 3 workshops, those days save you...2 days compressed years worth of work on your own. 

Grant- 15 presentations a day in car business. Started in first couple of decades in your life. I let him know everything I had bought from him, studied from him. Teh thing about your community. They could be wrestling not knowing how to get their message out there in the.. man had something had big in this world. We are going to figure it out. I am full time youth pastor, full time job, early morning, late night. we started getting him on stages with hundreds of his customers. hundreds and hundreds of customer. Sitting in the audiecne. Not be a 5k keynote key. few short years from 52k to 6 mil. teen suicide prevented everyday, I believe that there is something unique to get your people to get their message out on bigger stages. In 1 hour and not sales cycle that maybe they do in one y ear.

Something like that guy. Grant I would love the opportunity to partner with you. I would love to be the extension around communication and around stages. Grant interjected around 2 or 3 times. Grant said Why is this guy not on my stage. I help my poker face but I said wow. I a begging people to be the MC in their event. Now I am on a stage in front of 50k people. Why are these people not on my stage? How can I do business with this person? What I am not doing? 

pitched 2 CEOS, 2 signed corporate agreements.

Warren Buffet quote: "You can improve your value by 50 percent just by learning communication skills- public speaking"

Warren backed out of a deal because he got scared of public speaking. He went through the course and that's where this quote came from. Just by being a incredible communicator. 

What is the difference 4 years make? 2015, I was in my very first stage in 2015. Every fearful thought in my mind. I made the biggest investment in myself. I knew I wasn't ready. 4 years ago I was  just like you. i was sitting in the audience. no money, no list, no book, no community. I had nothing. then i had that meeting, 5 minutes. I got on this stage! all these people are known! everyone kept asking, who is this guy? This guy is that just taught you what he did to get on that stage. I did not receive a call from Grant Cardone. IN one hour, saw thousand new customers. Look at difference between before and after (1st scared, sweating, shaking, 2nd one excited. I wasn't in my head. The guy on the right invested in himself.)

Outline their story and signature talk, help you become a powerful communication in every pitch that you do. This is a bonus. Its 5 thousand dollars in where you run this workshop. We did a training for an hour. Virtual workshop. Anyone in the world that is an accelerator can help you. Pitch your idea to anybody that is an accelerator. 

We will see you in 15 minutes. 


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