George Pitts LIVE 10.15.20
Conversation and Capacity
Capacity- being able to take more on up here (you mind). What can your mind expand to. Your conversation hasn't changed because your conversation hasn't expanded. The conversation is always different when you talk to like minded people.
Conversation- some people you want to talk to. They don't want to gossip, they don't want to talk about anything that is not productive. That can't be the conversation all the time. I have certain friends that call me that say have you watched this show? this season? I say I gotta get off the phone.
I'm building. I can't talk for 2 hours about why Ghost can't get with Angela.
Capacity: working 40 hours then going out. or working 40 hours then watch TV. At some point, you gotta expand that. We can't be living for Friday. We are living for 1 or 2 days a week. All we do on Sunday is complain and dread about Monday. Us in the game, we are looking forward to making calls and getting deals done.
You capacity you gotta look forward to Monday.
300 thousand people in this country that don't do what they love. This guy did a webinar and he is ready to keep going. He cried after he did it, because he is successful (6 figures at job?) but he finally feels like he did what he wanted to do.
Start thinking for yourself
Don't listen to peers. When you are around the same people, the conversation is about the same. You got 2 beds and 2 people. There is no reason to move because there is no growth. If you are growing, they create 3rd,4th,5th, bedrooms. There is growth there. You have reached capacity, you need to expand.
You have to become the person you want to become.
I told all my friends: Yo, we should all buy a property together and flip it. Come up with 10k each, take it out of 401k, we can go in and we can do this. I did lunch with them, broke down the numbers. Capacity, they were scared to take a risks. Now I did it myself. Now I'm on my 7th property.
Everyone should have custodial account for the kids. Index funds for their kids. I don't understand why they don't.
Honest, I haven't spent money from April to August because I have done so well this year. I gotta continue to expand the capacity. I don't want to go back to what I was. It's okay to understand that you struggle with something. I go to therapy every week. Still deal with scarcity mindset, or second guessing myself. There is still something in me that wants me to go back, that doesn't accept this level.
Some people create more problems instead of solving the ones that they already have. I've been on this game for 5 years. People have come and gone, Periscope, Youtube.
I want to be able to go and study and go to school for a year overseas. I graduate high school, I got scholarship for a school in South Dakota and I didn't go because I didn't have family there. I missed out on an opportunity. If my son says I want to go to NYU, we could say I could get a condo, be 30 minutes away.
How do you build a following? You show up for the people that you want to speak to them.
Daily, multiple times a day post and speak to them daily.
I talk on the post, I am talking about the person that I used to be. When I have a bad day, they keep me like okay I got it George. A lot of my posts they are talking to the old me. When you grow and you decide to reinvest yourself, you gotta take that other person out.
Secret: Talk to yourself. We manifest into other people. You ever met someone and said 'I feel like we are brother, its like we are sisters.' How many people you are just like or at least used to be just like. Guess what happens? Your words resonate with them. Everything you say to your old self is their current self. People start to respond. People start to connect and support. Stop making it about everybody else. You are the secret sauce.
Talk to your 20 year old self. What would you tell yourself, your following will grow because there are people in that situation right now. They are attached to you at the hip. When you drop that webinar, first one to register, drop the course they will buy. When you speak, they will show up for you. They want more of you. Finding other things that you have put your stamp on. All that stuff and that's how people connect with you.
Mental projects. I had to move into my mental projects into a safer place. By saying I can't be here forever. I can't make it out of here if I stay here. You gotta get your stuff and you gotta leave. Have your new mindset move in.
Mentor: work on yourself and all these other things start to come. I got confidence, understanding what I really do this. When I bought my first property, I didn't think I could do it. Then when you buy one out of state you are like what? It's wild. There are properties I own that I've never been to. But I had to work on myself to get that confidence to pull something like that off. If you ask me a year ago no, but today I'm like if I can make money from it and its gonna cut me a check out every month, let's get it.
My goal is 10 properties by the end of this year. Who would have thought that? The goal was by 40, now its the goal by the end of the year. I'm still a young guy. Capacity, it goes back.
Small business Toolkit. Get business credit, get LLC, what banks to bank with. 2 dope deductions that you want to see. Crazy savings and funnel your kids, money to them in a major way. 2 books and finding your niche. Idk what to do, what to offer.
I think everybody should have a business. Have a 9 to 5 and still build a business.
$127 investment. Get this after I invest and get set up to work from home?
4 hours is $60, 8 hours is $120. I would love to make this selling something. But need to start somewhere. Get money, a job, a schedule, learn how to trade stocks. Make the money by paying attention like Chris says.
For the tech business, I need to learn some technical skills. How can I do this? Maybe hire someone outright? or have someone that can do it? I want to design things differently in their sites of people I follow.
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