Bob Proctor website questions

 Is your life much the same today as it was a year or two ago?

Major shift, due to moving out of that environment. Financially, same.  When I was at McDonalds I was exhausted from the work. Came, would lay down and not clean my house but under the clock cleaned their restaurant very good.  At the bank, took Alex to school, was learning French and singing during the breaks. I didn't like the job but I liked the structure. I made a plan I was going to use the checks to fund my goals. very discouraged when that ended and haven't earned income since, been trying to figure it out and sell clothes and gave a free ride to guy in savannah. 

Ideal life of being there for my child. but I feel like I'm not really there because I'm constantly trying to figure out how to win in my office and he's out there watching cartoons. just like my aunt did to us. we would come home from school it was cartoons, and we would sit down and eat and laugh together. It was great. 

Has there ever been a period where your life changed dramatically?

When I moved from DR to US, live with mom and grandparents and a whole bunch of people. Mom was never around, instant neglect. Went from Tia Margot loving us, walking us to school, being there when I came back. teaching me how to read, giving us hugs, watching TV on Saturday nights together. It was our routine. We had fun. 

I felt loved and honestly kind of look at that time of my life as the best time. I feel like I am trying to recreate that with my son right now. I am trying to give him what my aunt gave me, constant attention and love and hugs and good food and cartoons. WOW I miss that connection. Me Lesly, Tia Margot, and Marcus. but its gone. I try to hang out and reach out but its not the same as adults. we have to make our own lives and I am single and not married and I am finally am a mother  but not the way I wanted. It's like I haven't been able to create the things I want. 

Maybe you shed a lot of weight… you landed your dream job or started a business… or you met the love of your life.

I reached my goal of graduating college, I did fall in Love with Ryan. I did land my dream job in downtown Jersey City that I wanted (after Alex was born). but once I was there, it wasn't it. I wasn't happy being an employee there it didn't fit my personality and who I am. 

I lost weight and all that, right after college I got to fit into size 7 jeans. So hard! size 9 is easier now I want to be fit but do absolutely nothing towards that goal. 

I felt like in Bayonne it was not okay to desire better. It was like, go work at UPS. work weekends. I remember when my brother asked me that as if I didn't have a child or unlimited daycare like he does. 


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