Grant Part 5

60k business to 2.3 million this yea. I don't have 30k. the last i have is 8k. give me your 8k. can you really help me? Brandon said, we will not let you down.

25k in debt. to now 750k in capital. living in father's basement 

Million dollar home in Houston. strategy how to get to where I wanted to get to. 

invest 20 acceletor program. 

Brandon: how many of our best programs can accelerate their success. we laid them all done. it was 60k dollars. we need to bring this program to everyone for $999 a month. we are going to walk you through what all those programs are. That is Grant's commitment to everyone on this program. 

Mike: rolling out brand new program. first 20 VIP people, that work with us we are going to give them an accelerator program as gift. I want other people to achieve the growth I've been able to achieve. for all of our client. i know what grant and Brandon teaches it works. I took massive action and i was doing wrong actions and wrong 

Brandon: how much you spent? 300k before today, after today 564k. How old? 23.

Are we unique? the thing he has been talking about in the last 3 days. be willing to fail, move forward with massive action. I  appreciate the commitment to yourself. congratulations on your 20 programs. 


1st: you have to be able to make money. You have to have something that makes money.

2nd: you have to learn how to market it: promote, promote, promote.

Then you have to learn how to convert it.  That's what all day was about.

Earn, earn, earn, promote, promote, promote, convert, convert, convert.

Then scale. then model what you did. then master what you did. Then you add people to the equation and multiply it. 

Earl: met Brandon last October in a Bootcamp. working with Grant Cardone. 700k business. spent 30k using 5 credit cards on that. 

Only on reflections you see the moments that change your life. 

Brandon: I said, we won't let you down. 

I'm using debt and what am I going to get? 

Brandon: I know now you take yourself serious, now I take you serious. 

Brandon: what's happened this year

3 million until now. 

Brandon: next to next level, 130k into another program.  that is taking advantage of the information and being an example in the community. 

2) Thomas

Brandon: struggling in his business

Maybe having an exit with my partner. we made that exit happen. I think I need to do it right now. called me in the middle of the night. made hard decision, did it the next day.

Started the business over. we are not projecting at least 1 million this year without having a partner that was his inhibitor. 

Thomas: committed 130k. I am committed to my future. 

Brandon: pursuing your dreams, your goals and your vision without other people pulling you down. 

3) Lawyer, smart guy

 I came here big problems. partnership invest in 100 companies in the next 3 years. I spent 4 years Saudi Aribia. stuck weekend, spent 4 months there. I lived in the desert while everyone was at home.

3 million to develop the project that he is developing.

My life missing is chasing dreams and awaken the world in following their dreams.

I realized I was a trial lawyer, developed new way to develop capital. more affordable for companies. help more companies grow. help change the world in hat way, through innovation comes prosperity. I lack some of the fundamental skills to scale. Being a pre med trial lawyer. YOu dont have to thikn about the mechanics, rigor, to scale a business. Will actually change the world. help the companies but helping them to bring that access to markets that they have never thought to bring those markets to. and transform those economies. 

Brandon: Cardone, the whole brand not only bring people like Matt, want to survive on their own. But also bring really successful intelligent people and train on the same thing. don't think the twist is always now. 

When you come here, I noticed the warmth of the people. I know David, Ryan, each one of them runs different aspects of Grant's Empire. Noble calling, help people chase their dreams. Everyone should do what everyone in this room is doing. 

4) AJ

Brandon: went to growth con.

I told Natalie he's either crazy or unbelievable courageous. parachute and i said, okay he's crazy. 

AJ: 2019 Grant tell me to set 10x goals. 10 million dollars. I did half of taht.

Brandon: learn from people who are actualizing their goal. Coming in December. The journey never ends. Go all in, no one else would help you do that. Justify and pull you back so that they don't look in the mirror.


Brandon: good brothers trading academy. we teach people how to trade stocks.

just got on Youtube and Facebook. 12k commitment to be here. then 30k a month program. your fear is 52k. 

make the commitment, we will help you figure out the rest out. 

Jarod: where you are today to where you want to go, is knowledge. Bootcamp is giving you skillset in order to close the gap. If payoff is not big enough, not anyone is going to do anything with what they did today or yesterday. 

Then you are going to fall right back into what you are stuck too. These folks here. People who brought on. Success in our program.

If you want to go through it. If you haven't done that yet. It can happen for you. This is real. 

Have you made the wealth decision? Maybe you are like me and parents didn't talk about wealth and financial freedom. Whole life, just get enough. so you don't have to worry.

My parents never told me you need to get super filthy rich. No election, nothing could penetrate. You need to become financially immune. Rich people were bad people. arrogant, all they care about is money, greedy. take advantage of other people. root of all evil. 

Who wants to be greedy? crook, greedy? not me. First thing, forget all of that. Today is the day that you go I want to become wealthy. Remind yourself that you made a decision to become wealthy. Today is the day that I'm gonna change my life. 

I'm gonna get rich, make the decision.

Enough people that got my money to fund the decision that you just made? We haven't talked about skill yet. Its a decision. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal? Are you willing to walk through glass.

i moved away from friends, family, new city. 90 days in, I almost quit. I was like I don't know where this is going. I'm all by myself. All I had was Cardone University, only friend I had in the world. Laugh at my jobs. Grant wasn't in the office. Do I keep going with this or do i stop? 

Do whatever it takes. worked 6 day weeks. came at 6am. then I'd stay until 7pm at night. burning ships for 2 years straight. i wanted to get rich. i decided other people have money. i decided that I was gonna do the work. Even after making that decisions, things got hard. I was losing commitment, motivation. i was in, I was out. 

You're gonna leave here and you are going to fail. its not gonna happen because you can't. It's because you are going to try to do it on your own.  they won't follow up. distracted. negative environments. surrounded by people that knock them down. Much smaller number than people that do it with a team. Yu are going to try to do this alone. What if you didn't have to. Monday start a new journey, people who taught like this. Like how we are talking. Continue this every week. Do this for 30 days? That would help the success over last 3 days? 

Yes! what about 3 months. you  shouldn't and cant do it on your own. Make people successful, impact money and finances. Grant is 63. Its about purpose, mission and impact. If he want to make money, he would be doing real estate. Lot less work. No legacy in that. We don't know if he's gonna be doing this for 5 more years or 8 more years. 

Put program to get people to win faster. 10x sales accelerator program. Give you done for you workshops. we take all the things we have talked about, come to Miami or virtually. You spend time with our team. With Todd, with Grant. 


Need access to the coach. You are going to add time and time is money. Spend 2 days with us in Miami. Help you build core brand and messaging. So they respond. Rather than you chasing people, tireless pursuit to become a customer. So you know the right people to sell to. Not every customer is the right customer. 

spent 50 million to landing pages, testing them, best conversion rate out of the rate. unless you have access to that in marketing, you are trying to figure out what we can teach you in 2 days. 

top 3 leads and offers. build a list fast. 

collaborative marketing. find podcast, find people and get on your podcast. amplification strategy.

10k workshop. to do list if you don't come. screen shot this right now.


JAN 15-16, 2021

900 videos. 22% growth every single year. 

You have marketing, have awareness and attention. sales workshop, build out the perfect sales process. you are calling individuals, calling on doors. Craft perfect sales process for you. Don't fumble around. You see how brutal that could be. What if you didn't have to? exact scripts. Negotiating matrix to close 100 real estate deals. Same strategy to close 5k mastermind. Proven form all the way down from book to a real estate porfolio. Need to follow up and have a plan for that too. 30 day follow up plan. Actually know where to get customer and get to work them down your sales funnel, making them into a 

14.97, that's what we use to negotiate

we use inventory. Have lower offer and higher offer. again, you want to do this on yourself? you decide to do it with us, have a to done list. 

Matt Buchanan, Pioneers of Marketing. 

There will be dates that will work for you. Do these virtually. Convert the traffic that you have. How to scale? Fixing companies that were built and structured the wrong way and can't go any further. You cant figure out how to get faster?

Get great people. map out for business you are going to have. how are you going to pay people? how do you know you are not paying them too much or not enough? comp plan that doesn't allow sales people to get lazy?

Build out your organization growth chart. Place right people in the seats. Build out your strategy and persecution gap. 




Secure funding, for 20,000 bucks. We negotiated a deal. WE paid them so that they would have everybody access to this that wanted it. I didn't have it. 15k was more than I'd ever seen in my life. $997 a month. Access to Grant, to the material, the support, the accountability.

12 months later, you don't regret it.

People change their life. Seeing people win in life .That's the best thing I wanted to do. They struggle, they get frustrated. They go through ups and downs, constantly trying to settle.

I was unemployed, smoking weed everyday. 25 years old I thought I missed my opportunity. I saw one video, you can do anything you want. making excuses. called his office. in debt to multi millionaire. massive amounts of passive income. dreaming a dream life. never from where i was sitting on that couch. Make a decision. We can get you funding. Access to everytihng that you saw for 997 bucks. 


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