Bob Proctor

 If I give someone direction two times and they don't do it. I stop working with them.

It's not cocky, they are wasting my time and I am wasting time. Why coach someone if they are not going to do what you say?

I told those 2 people to call me and they still haven't called. They don't want it bad enough. Not ready.

Move on, Auris. Can't help people that are not willing to help themselves.

Quira said its just happening for me, but I see the action I took. I sent the lady a message. I was interested in Toastmasters and saw that goal and said, hey why not.

God is winking at you! I guess it's another way to say stars are aligned. 

When you are ready to receive. When things line up for you. I have objections. I am saying no due to the objections in my head. 

Grant would have I'm with you. I agree with you. I understand. You are saying no, why?

You said it was warm leads thing. I don't want to sell to my family.

oh okay, I see. I understand I am with you. 

There was a moment I was gonna feel like she was trying to sell me. When that happen, my ears closed and its like I am not doing it!

I loved when Grant said, I agree with you. You think they are pushy?  I would say its their fault but I trained them so what can I do? Question, do you think I am pushy. She said, no I think you do want what's best for me. I feel that, so I don't feel like you are pushy. 

He had no coming at you the wrong way, he agrees with you so then you don't want to fight. 

The other girl he said have you ever spent 15k? she said no. how much is your apartment? How long you lived there 2 years. he did the math it was 30k you have spent living in an apartment that you hate (i thought that, he didn't say that). 

Another lesson was that numbers are made up. They mean nothing.

Ed other guy he said today. you build confidence by keeping your promises to yourself I wanted to cap that and make it a caption on my Instagram. My Instagram is for me. We don't check for likes we check for stripes and ___ Runway said. George talked about different tools they use. 

Tuesday Zoom meeting. Be open, listen, take notes. 

Another thing: I want the audio of the 3 day conference. Would that be possible? For us to listen to it again? I want to keep listening to it. I remember when I used to walk through NB and listen to the lady's testimony of how her world changed and she bought her parents cars with 0 miles. I know what she meant. It's not used.


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