Grant Cardone Virtual Event 10.23.2020 Part 2

 1pm. Grant: Everything you want, your dream is available on this planet. 

Study people from top of food chain. Study what they did with money. How can you use what they did? Study them, even if you don't like them. Some people use 1-2 things to discount what the person says. You need to focus on what you could learn from that person, on what you could obtain financial freedom. 

Warren Buffet, old interviews. I go really deep on one person. what he says at 50 years old is different than what he is saying today.

Join masterminds and Mentorgroups like this. We are doing at 12 month mentor group. Help accountable for long periods of time. 

man: makes 22k a month. lives in San Jose, most expensive place in America. My expenses are high. Own 2 flower shops, do weddings. Most people postponed .

Grant: income fixes all problems. I moved 5 times, I moved to control my cent up here. Idk how many of you are like, I live in the wrong place. Need to confront the problem. Why pay 62 percent of income to a government that is broken? If you are drowning, how are you you going to help someone else that is drowning? Gas where you live is .50 cents higher then where I live, not a big deal unless you deliver flowers everyday. (man says, I do). Grant: I want to create wealth so that I have health in my life, freedom in my life. 

Grant; you are worried about a babysitter. you are worried about what you have. Where are the contacts? leave this on a Friday and you quit on it. You gotta stay connected to people that are climbing this and knowing that some people are going to quit on this.

Biggest piece of advice: Do not go it alone. 

Auris, you are going at this alone! I mean with people. I have Jane in my corner. 

Next person, young girl: afraid to be myself. Afraid of what people will think on these platforms (free marketing). want to have a business that I can be proud of and I can pass down to my kids. If she's in poverty, she can't help anybody. If middle class, maybe she helps herself and her family. Unly she gets to wealthy that she is able to become an example. Speaking to you right now. Best thing Anita can do, Karen, figure out how do I get to the top of this pyramid. When can I say no to what these people are doing right here, they are doing repeatedly. I was doing, over and over and over again that kept me right here. 

Most people have left middle class and dropped down a class. Most left middle and moved into the upper. Middle actually shrunk. More entered wealthy and left to poverty. we just printed trillion due to Covid. Jeana, everyone should naturally had a pay raise because of Covid. Michael should not end up with less money. 

Jenna: idk. Grant: what is the target. get in your car you don't know where you are going. Jenna: have a billion dollars. Grant: let's talk about income. you cant get to where you are to a billion overnight. how do I get to the store to get the oatmeal? even if I don't have any money. let's use oatmeal as a the target. Where is the oatmeal? how much income do you need to move into this upper class. Annual income?

Jenna; keep setting goals and elevating yourself. 200k then next year. then scaling. 

Grant: Somewhere 400 to 450k buck, depending on where you live. You need to have  a target. And you don't need to know where to get there. Start writing on this target daily. 25 years old, I wrote it down. I earn 100,000 a year. I made the future a present. I wrote it down every morning and before I went to bed every night. I started working it out. I'm giving my mind a target. I earn 100k a year. I start expanding on it. I earn 10k a year from investment. and things started becoming possible. 

How many believe if its not possible here, then its not gonna pass it in the universe. I'm putting in my GPS where I am trying to go. What am I putting in the GPS? Make a decision on the target. But most of you, you are trying to reduce your debt. Spend all your time on the target. Spend no time fixing the past. I'm not gonna go back and get rid of college debt .I'm gonna do that once I get my shit together. Let me go fix this. I gotta take care of  my game. 

Jenna: How do I stay focused on 1 goal. 

Grant: I write this at night, morning and when i am disappointed. I came out of treatment center. everyday I went to a meeting, make sure I don't use drugs today. I focused on getting good at my job. why? I had this target, 100k. everything I did everyday was towards that 100k. A job I hated is how I learned to make 100k a grand. I started expanding the possibilities. 

Principles, surround yourself with people that are telling you the truth. everyone can be a millionaire on this stream. idk if you are in the right vehicle, wright mindset. You probably don't have the right customer yet. 

My mom cashed in a life insurance policy. Saved it and spent next 40 years managing a little bit of money. Okay. Make a note here if you manage money your whole life, you will be stressed out your whole life. Managing is not a creative activity. 

Wealth principles. 

How much income do I need to store 40% of my income? 

Basic expenses, house, electricity, kids, what do you spend monthly? Does anyone here know what they exactly spent last month?

Lisa, spent 20,957 dollars last month. Let's bring her in. How much is that basic, you had to spend it? 15% of it. I'm not telling her to spend less money. Don't worry about it, dude. Take expenses, divide by .6 and tells you what you need to 

I bank more money than the previous 10 years. Now I had a target. Lisa, what was your income last month? 30k. What are you doing with that extra 15k every month? Nothing, just sitting there. How liquid are you. Not much, 70k. 

Money will get destroyed if its ignored. It will leave you for emergency, some flitter, some fun times. That's why anytime I get cash, I just get rid of it. All I took is take his future earnings and said you are not spending that money, that's why I say go broke. 

Store 40 percent, I didn't say save. If you do this in your lifetime, you will get rich.

Write off principle. Save Brianna from the necklace. if you can't write it off, don't buy it. 

Once you get up here, do whatever you want. Agree with that? Financial food chain. Wealth and well being, do whatever you want to do. But while moving form poverty to middle class, to wealthy class, apply those rules. Willing to make this commitment, beyond basic. Show up for my family. I need food, water, take care of everybody. But if I can't write it off. Lease a car, don't buy one. Use it, don't own it. 

Why? don't have 3 flows of income? work all day for someone to pay you. Don't fly private. I didn't do it until I was 53 years old. idk why everyone is on a hurry. Use it, don't own it. Go rent a Rolex. rent one for a weekend, then you realize you don't need it.

Multiple flows of income. 

Stabilize 1st flow and grow it before going to a second flow. who read Millionaire booklet? they create second business, takes energy away from 1st business that was doing well. 

Make sure it fits with the first thing. It's called symbiotic. It fits, it's on the same hand. 

They are disconnected. I'm a plumber, and while I'm plumbing I find some that are for sale and I'm gonna buy a house, plumb it, fix it, rehab it. they are one hand, they fit. find things that are connected.

47 principle. for every 40 hours working for money, invest 7 hours working on yourself.  8 on someone, 1 hour working on me. what's more important folks? You are the asset. You are the one that is going to climb the wealth mountain. You are going to be the one. 

Make the decison and keep remaking the decision. How many of you are married? That's why some of you are single. You are not even good to yourself. I cant imagine taking on another person, i treat myself like shit. having a kid is not a one time decision. Melissa got orange hair. she cannot make a decision to have orange hair once. she will have to revisit the decision. Melissa: I have a hair salon, so its fast. I can to scale the business. 4 locations. covid, I was named unessential. lost 3 plus months of revenue. I had 30k in revenue. went through it. became QVC save and touch with all of our clients. I was in call center, dispensary and saying I have a deal for you. and we did curb side pickup. 

Grant: covid made everyone realize how vulnerable we are financially. Melissa: No cash flow. depend on 100 people, motivating them. I'm co dependent. we bailed out of jail, we bought cars for them. we have done so many things. people are not loyal sometimes either. I need to think bigger than that. 

You cannot fix your financial problems if you are surround yourself with people that have financial problems. you shouldn't look into invest into anything else than you. #1 yourself, #2 in business #3 then you can think about investing in other things. Keep investing in you, not me. Once you get those two things going, then you invest in a piece of real estate 

Biggest scam aside 401k is a house. why? saving money for when you are 80. Are you trying to not create between now and 80? Who is writing those articles? Who is benefitting from that? You send to fidelity and wait to convert you into a stock, that's why they want you liquid. 


I took it away from him. I don't want that money to sit in cash. cash is trash. Don't save it, convert it by investing it. first invest in yourself. 


They can't steal it, rob it, take it. necklace, they can take it from me. You cannot take my self improvement from me. invest your money. use money to make you better, business better and to get you known

Don't invest in stuff where you have chance to lost money. you don't have to lose money. 

It's impossible to forget. lost in stock market, lost money in Vegas. you know you don't belong. you walk in as a loser. I'm a lose a 100 then I'm leaving. if you didn't have the money you wouldn't do that. 

One way to not lose money is not have any. invest in something real where you cannot lose money.

Apple, this guy invested. every company that warren buffet had cashflow. he did not invest in apple until he understand itunes. It's a cashflow pig. He bought 200 million shares of apple. Warren said you should buy stocks. what position is that? 6% of the company. 5 billion dollar bet.  He knew it was a sure thing. there are things that are a sure thing. The rule of 5. 

J-z, elon musk, warren buffet, Jeff Bezos,

they all know each other, have all touched each other. collaborate with power. quit taking what this planet gives you. Lake Charles, Louisiana. I hate it there! Why am I living here? (once you see the rest of the planet)

Go to Singapore, Australia, London, Miami, LA where are the opportunities. if you are a mountain clumber, you will go to mount evert at some point.  Collaborate with power. 

PAY TO PLAY easiest way is to buy a seat at the table. each paid 12k to sit in that chair. 3 days look at their faces. You are going to have to do some crazy shit. to stay where you are, you will have to do some crazy shit. To get to the top, you will have to do something crazy. You will be forced. 

Elon musk, borrow money to rent where he lived. worth 91 billion today. mom is not gonna tell you to do that. Uncle G says go all in, go for bankruptcy to get that payoff. It will be worth it. How many people could you help? How much of an inspiration could you be? never met them, inspirational point for me.

Before that, I didn't know I was a salesperson. 500% my income grew from following Grant, for 2 years. I am a contractor from NJ. I am originally from Pakistan. Came from laborers. I didn't know anything from money. This gives me clue about how money works. Make more money, go broke and invest all that. 

Grant: Figure out how you can put events together where you can bring together great peoeple. 

2nd guy: started from hero ticket. 

Grant: fee seat to growth conference, everyone here should have a free offer. Turn free into money. Spent 100s of thousands made since there. He's a nurse. Provided officers, nurses, turned into a customer. Take away was getting mind right before getting your money right. 

3rd person, woman in network marketing in health and marketing. recently learned about real estate. invested in your courses. came to bootcamp. taught me a lot of mindset around money and how to become invested with you. 400k with you! I am 40. 

Grant: awesome. you have a business that makes enough

Erica: you helped me figure this out. I am married and he is an amazing bread winner, put a lot of hours in to make a lot of money. network marketing you can earn residual income. we live on smaller amount of money and pack the bigger amount of money that he makes into Cardone capital, etc. 

Grant: increase our income, not change our expenses and use the more coming in to invest. I was 25 years old and no one knew that my life had changed because my spending never changed. 

I was stashing away money.  How can I create abundance for 2008, covid, 2030 issue that is going to happen. I've been saying this for 10 years. I said the next collapse will be bigger, more severe, longer and will hurt more people. highest rate of unemployment. don't buy a home. 

Why live at one address when you can live everywhere, until you can create wealth. 

Grant: who has got my money? who has got my kid's shoes? most real estate agents never get their money right. they make money by getting you certified, you wander around trying to get a listing and compete with the other 7 thousand RE agents. 

double from 200k to 500k. just to attending your conference. just from listening to the knowledge you shared that day. very small, investor so far. working with Ryan to become an accredited investor. 

Grant:  You know how hard I had to work to find you? 

lady: I need to remove toxic people and environment from my life.

Grant: You are not going to get to the top without giving something up. we are going to a trip. these are few things I need on this trip. can't drag everything up to the mountain with you. what are you going to get rid of? before you start adding stuff. are you willing to get rid of that moustache? no you are not. Elena, are you willing to give up the location where you live. playboys, are you willing to solitary playboy life. ladies, willing to give up that you are not going to depend on everyone? this programming we have in our culture. Nobody here is independent, including me. I am a loner. You are not gonna make it as a loner. 

You have been programmed to get this job over here. nothing wrong. partner in the company. Where you are going, where do you want to go? 3 groups, 3 decisions. 600k

How big of a heart you have does not determine how many people you help, its your pocketbook. you could have the biggest heart in the world. 

White, black introvert, extroverts, skinny, fat. they got started same way me and you did. i want to go someplace. trade this idea for this idea. Now I know what vehicle to get in. not what you love.  if you do what you love, nobody pays you to do (take care of my son, clean my house a lot) pay the price today so what? so you can pay any price tomorrow. 

Grant: Find me a city that is not expensive. Spend this morning giving you the reason if the bag is big enough. You will do whatever it takes. You are not lazy, the payoff wasn't big enough. 

Couple: we want to build a multi billion dollar studio. we need to hire 100. we need more income.

For the right vehicle. Correct. Tesla, imagine getting in and not seeing how much battery you have. you get the phone, how much fuel does the phone have? I look at how much money do I have today? how much energy do i have, what can i do today to help. battery life. You look at it your physical being. if you are broke, debt, look at it everyday. Until you are like, I have to change this.  

Nick from Grant's office. I qualify for up to 20,000. Q: I am not incorporated can I still qualify. He said Grant is going to announce a business opportunity tomorrow. So Nick will talk to me after that, to see if I am interested. 


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