
 calm, smooth day.

Future fix: the meal prep and having food ready. the food being late and not having healthy options available is not cool.

quick salad, going to make white rice and berenjena out of being bored and coming up with the next task.

A activity: talking to Haley. Why is it hard doing the important stuff? Have a bigger goal, said Rene guy. A goal so big you will walk 30 miles on ice for. The goal gotta be big that you will do all that is required.

What is the big goal? non profit, now I got this business idea. I want to get published too. For now, survival get to 25k. No more of this limited existence. 

while cooking, Tia called for something but she didn't answer. 

and a LIVE on IG caught my eye, I went on it.

Alaka didn't keep his word we didn't do the test. I want to get that done.

Only thing left to do today is the Step course, that is the thing I didn't keep my word about. I kind of chilled after coming back from the doctor's. Looking around, like what else to do? But should stay up tonight and look at that course because it will help me stay organized.

Actionable step: What are the graphs that Grant was talking about? Can I get my hands on one? I want the one for the kids. It would be great for Alex to have one. 

main to do: take step course, start studying for life insurance. what's left? create a goal so big so that I can get it done in a couple of days.

What is most important? Alaka doing the test or me doing the STEPs? or life insurance.

Life insurance has a deadline, its crunch time. I just don't see myself studying with office like this. Maybe I can study after I get the exam? I need to get to 25k a month. This money here will hold me over for some time. 

Chris said he is more excited now than ever. That is very motivating. More excited than when he is broke. Wakes up at 360 waiting for stock market to open. He wants to see how far he can go, with the market and he is focused on his goal. Documenting his progress.


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