Work at Home Agent class Part II

U-haul hires road side assistance (interesting).

Hours are 12pm to 8pm. (which is 9am to 5pm my time).

1. Liverly they want be to be available both weekends. Ugh! Wrong!!!!

2. Roadside assistance they want me to work one weekend day (Sunday)

-Running non-work programs while I am running. 

 (means Alex can't watch TV while I am working 12pm to 8pm Arizona time is 9am to 5pm here)

Tia for watching Alex? removes whole point huh.

Unlike coding, I can't do it while he's watching TV at home here. It's like they want me to get daycare and get all this equipment.

Auris, find a way to make it work. Get to 25k, get some money to make it. 


finish the U-haul application

put Alex to bed

linked to NeoDavis LIVE

Update 10/16/20

I slept on it, woke up and came up with answer to my schedule. Can do 30 hours in 3 days.

12pm to 10pm (max schedule) Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

Off rest of days to work on courses and Sabbath

2) It costs $45 monthly to add voice. 
I would have to buy my own modem to save the $14 to rent the modem fee.


have to find it on Amazon. It's $225!!!

I am so frustrated yo!!! I want to throw something for real. maybe punch a pillow. Anger is repressed emotion!!!!

Why does this take so much money! everything is money!!!

want to get to the next level? money. want to have basic phone line? money. want to upgrade internet? money. want more money? money.

Fear, fear, fear. Have faith Auris. Don't feed the doubt, feed the faith. uuuuggggghhhh

3 things I'm thankful for: 1. recession proof is speaking in ATL and he showed a little bit. something sleep is for suckers guy was up there and he says he hires his strength. Hire to people to cover the blind spot. I got gems and it was only 1 minute! 2. Takoya wants me to work. Uncomfortable that I will have to sleep over but thankful for the opportunity. 3. Sabbath is tomorrow and Alex glasses we can go today and get food then get glasses prescription. 4. finished job application and slept on it and figured out the schedule. 3 days work, 4 days work on me and sabbath. Get on with the courses.

I like fresh air, getting stuff done. I don't like so many obstacles for me to ask a questions and want a direct answer and its just like I don't like how he answers. I am not in your level in technology. Can someone coach you in how to talk to people?


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