Grant Cardone Day 10 Part I
Think with the brick. Brick- billion.
Passion is the reason but you can't just run off passion. What is your why?
Are there enough people in this planet for me to have a billion on the board?
Billion people or billion dollars? Most would answer wrong. Don't chose the money, chose the people!
If you convert $5 product from 1 billion get 5 billion. $100. $8 a month from a billion people?
We were thinking too small. The conference (?) eliminated a lot of people. $297 every night for hotel, plus taxes plus food. Some of you struggle with $297 purchase price. They had to get on a plane, time missed from work, rental car, hotels, etc. Some spent 50k to send 4 people here. What were we thinking? We should go virtual before COVID! It helps my ultimate mission: to go help as many people as possible.
You rely on one source of income. Get into middle class, upper middle class. They have multiple flows of income. Only wealthy understand multiple sources of income. relevant products are different price points.
By the way, one offer Jarid didn't discuss. 22.99 offer, that is audio recording. Cut it slice it, make it great. 12k offer. That allows 20 people to come to our event LIVE and be here. And be in the shooting of this never done event. We spent 2 million on the event.
I sold tacos for 2k. To prove if your audience is big enough, you can get somebody to give you too much money for something. Everything I have is for sale. You guys hold on to stuff. Really important to be able to get rid of stuff. I'm selling my G-wagon on Facebook right now!
Sell stuff you have and you don't use. But you are stuck on the past. I don't want to sell. Which of these we don't want anyone to take?
by day 5, gave 204,000. you think we have free product? 10 days for free, I just forgot! Access a whole bunch of my political capital. Rebecca Minkoff, Damon john coming Saturday. why would I do that? spending energy and effort to build the top of the funnel. Challenge workbook. 47 offer that went away, $27 offer.
What revelation have you had? An aha moment. Never rely on one of anything. don't rely on one phone call. you have to make more!
When you create a product. you don't want to confuse you and your people. $100 they have the answers. #1 reason to build a product line up is to build a list. One of our offers was free, to get their contact.
#2 bring value
#3 justify pricing at different level. I can get 25 dollar seat for $200 bucks? no, spending $200 to get to 10x ticket. some people want to spend more money, not less.
They think for the big thing because they know that that will be invest them for what they are doing.
Millions, they assume if its free that there is going to be nothing there. how many agree this is wroth more than free and worth more than your time? Brandon sells workshops for 100 and 50,000 dollars. some want to be in front row. You don't know why people want to buy something.
find out his why, rich guy's why. how you gonna hook up with people if you don't know their why? Jay Shetty why is different than mine. my why- I wanted his audience and he wants mine.
#4 support decision making- half of our customers upgraded themselves before the conference started.
No shortage of money in this world. that's a problem that can be solved by the way. who's got 297? find the 297 so that you can get to the event.
#5 set boundaries. Keeps people to make stupid offers to you. Eliminate mental deficiencies and idiot offers.
#6 create second sales.
#7 build customer satisfaction. You want customers that are locked into you, not just in love with you. I said my customers would do what I tell them to do. Most of my customers. Why? Because I'm always here to give you something that works. If you can make people money, they will love you. Show me how to make some money.
Be committed to the brick. Some are afraid to pay for advertisement. Have a commitment. You don't want to spend money to learn how to spend money. how much should i spend on self improvement every month? at least what your rent is.
I want to buy a house for 300k, finance 250k. Stuck in that one location. That house cannot get you to your freedom. You gotta think I'm gonna 300k in my business. cross my fingers, hope I learn something in the way. I wish someone would have thought me. I was walking around defense 90% of the time.
Surround yourself with maniacs that support you. These are contradictions. More attention to paying down debt. Creativity gets suppressed because you have these other agendas in your household. I gotta take care of my old debt, like college debt. My credit cards. I gotta go on a trip, loaning people money. I'm here to save the world. Save yourself! two people are about to down in a minute.
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