Toastmasters Meeting 10.22.20

1pm starts. 

Word of the day: adduce- to offer as example, reason, r proof in discussion or analysis

timer, evaluator, 


green light 5 min

yellow light 6 min

red light at 7 min

my comments: good pauses. very professional ,remind me of bank talk. 

purpose- blueprint and secret sauce. 

own a business, side hustle, one day dream of being your own boss.

Everything starts with mindshift. In 2018 quit my job. I am a brand strategist. I walked out of car dealership in Jackson, Mississippi. I was building brand of comedian for couple of years. I couldn't ignore the feeling that I wanted more. I was walking away from management position as well.

That summer, read a few books, shifted my mindset: Start with Why (added to amazon cart).

Chix fillet, positive influence on all who come in contact with chic fillet. to glorify God (purpose statement).  This book helped me get rid of the guilt and turn towards purpose. I knew I could find clues in my life to decide a direction. What I did next.  There I was jobless, what was I going to create?

What do I enjoy doing the most? How do I make my friend's lives better. What do people think I do well?  

Life coach then landed brand strategist, connecting other to purpose it was a part of my own destiny. I had done it for myself. People don't buy what you do, but why you do it. 


At the core of my character, I was always looking for the root of things. 

Leave 3 reasons why you should start with purpose. 

1. Deeper sense of connection to your business (motivated to keep going everyday)

2. When you know your purpose for your business, keeps you from comparing your journey to others.

3. Foundation for building content

Now you can weave your purpose into your marketing. Be a boss with purpose. 

Action: Join, do the 10 speeches. Get that goal done. The time is now!


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