Grant Cardone Part 3

Pitch off, 290 down to 30 finalist. Tell you a little bit more about it. Go into it right now, you are going to tell them. Announce the 10 finalist. 

Help people get their message out. He's worked with them in some shape, way and form. Master with creating a message to an audience. Pete Vargas. 

30k people, biggest stage of my life. you are going to see 10 people pitch their business to grant, and all of team Cardone all in stage left. You think its about the 10 businesses being pitched on where they are today and where they want to be a year from now. Where do you want your business to be today? When you have 5 minutes, you can close the biggest deal that you can close.

200 plus people who submitted video. You always want to be VIP. Congratulations to the top 5. If they are in your room. First one, give it up for Russel Smith. Tiffany Matal, who wants to pitch your business to Grant Cardone, today. 

1 hour dinner tonight. This might be the most valuable real life activity what it takes to pitch your business probably. hearing the feedback. Most powerful thing that you do. Listen, go and get that block tonight. For 90 minutes, 1 hour dinner break. We will be here for 90 minutes tonight. Pitching their business. 1 Hour break. We left at 224pm.


Grant: I graph everything. I keep getting customers to come in and do business with us then deliver them a product or service. Go to page 76. 

It takes one person to close a deal, not two. She didn't know she was my wife. I knew. I believe I am going to close the deal, on every deal I go into. Straight out of a little project that I left, Pueblo. September, meeting with bank. They ignored me and were all paying attention to the Billionare. I said why? what's going on? she said, The Billionaire, they give money and less problems. The least money people invest, the more problems. wow Grant. You took action on your idea. ( to do the Billionare show, I saw him interview the guy when I was in the 10 day thing Alaka told me about). 

In' like this is the dumbest stupidest waste of my time. most bleeped show. why are you doing a meeting? always make a proposal. no chance they are going to buy. the moment i walked in, started pitching the deal I said to myself, they will buy. You need to close this deal. I can close this customer. otherwise, what are you doing there. once you get there, this is what you have to have to close the deal.

Your own page. 76. 

1. Decision Maker, ask the 4 people. how do they feel about the deal.  If yes why. if not, why? Never assume anything. I don't hire anybody. that's not my job. I'm not gonna do the interview. a piece of real estate, no one picks the piece of RE other than me. 

Are there influencers that could affect my decision maker? what does Ron think about it? He doesnt pick real estate.

Joe, management company influences how i look at this piece of RE>

I don't have to have money. I need to have the available funds. How can I get the money. 

164 million dollars. i dont have it. I have another one same size I cant do both with cash. so i find the lender for that money.

I have to be sold on the product, on the buyer. I have to be convinced this is it. Very unlikely I am going to pick from the shelf. Some of you people just want to buy from you.

4. People have to believe in you. Sometimes people believe in the product but not you. 

She did not believe in him. she needs a roof, had the money, she was decision maker and she had the need. how do you get people to believe in you? start with you.

Believe in yourself. Elena didn't believe in me. She thought I was a shark. She didn't know I was a whale. 

5. Believe in yourself . I believed in myself as a future father, caretaker, provider. How do you get to believe in you? How do you become confident in yourself? You think more of Ben Franklin than you do of yourself. (Ben Franklin is $100). Some are more invested in Wells Fargo than in their business.

You will see that tonight. I'm gonna ask them some Grant Cardone questions. You don't believe in you. You want me to do something with you that you are not willing to do on you. 

8pm we are going to do that. 

6. Confidence in the product or service. no confidence that i can show up and the product can be delivered to you.  lady brought the baller in Australia, found out later she couldn't fly due to Covid fantasy. So what happens? That affects her decision making in the future. 12k and then found out I couldn't come. In the future, that is going to slow her decision making down. 

You bought a book, 3 years never opened. Confidence in product, usage, confidence in showing up. 

Put it in my shelf and its not going to disappear. Its why you wont give your kids a pet. excited for 5 days then you gotta take care of it. 

7. written offer. gotta make a offer, give people a number. give a proposal.

8. urgency, why now? 



I am willing to get rid of my friends, borrow money to do it. Reclose yourself. You gotta start getting urgent. If you are not urgent, your customers will not get urgent.

How you buy is how you sell.

You can't fake it. Real estate agent, this is a good deal. in all of Miami, if its that good why didn't you buy it? quit pretending you have something that you don't have. people believe what they see people do, not what they say.

I'll put my 1k commission on that deal. 60k in the deal. Do i believe in the deal? driving the same truck I believe you to buy. Hey, this is my belt. Can you get close up of the belt? Wear it right there where I got to. I believe in 10x. Millionaire in the making, figuring out how to do this. either a flump but you see me out there doing it. put your money where your mouth is. 

Do it. spend 50 million, other people will spend money with you. 

Objections, my life is shit. 50k a year. poor network marketing person makes 10k a year. gets sold on sister in law that has given up in thins.

I like your product, single mother don't have time. see me in 3-4 years when your kids grow up.

3. Stall.

You got the kids this weekend. they are 32. you just don't want to go. and they didn't close you on it. go to a party, that you didn't want to go to and you say I sure am glad I went to that. you went to work out, you said wow that felt good. Someone closed you on going to work out. 

Me, I don't trust myself so I have a trainer waiting for me there so I can build the discipline. 

When they say money could be a stall. if its stall could be that they are not DM. What they tell you is probably not the reason. there is only one reason people don't close. There is never 2, you gotta figure out which one it is. 

You gotta learn or bring your stuff to Miami, put us in our incubator. The only way to do this is to do it. It's drilling, drilling, you can not learn this by reading it. It's repetition. 

If you want to close more deals, raise your hands if you want to make more money. Who wants to see how good you are? Bring in christian balie. He was kind, he kept asking what do you want the prize to be? slow on giving the offer and we assume too much when talking to others. 

They are impossible if you are don't know what you are doing. 

You open with price. 2.4 million. i can bring any bag with 1.4 million dollars. and buy cabin with it. its in his head not my head. i have to escrow 2.4 mil to purchase the property. then fund it with Fannie Mae. 

Lady: What do you want? grant goes on a rant about what he wants, he says cabinets are going to open and put the oatmeal on the plate for me. 

I can do that for you that's not a problem. When do you want to get started? I should have done this 3 months ago. insurance gave me money I'm ready to go. how much you are looking at easy 50k. how long? 2 months to get it done. You need it faster? I cant wait. 

Lady: done in 3 week. 1 crew in kitchen, 1 in bathroom. i got deposit. 

120k. half down, which is not a lot just need that deposit and we can get started. 

Guy: 2 bathroom. first step, gut everything. gut bathroom then kitchen get started with taking out cabinets and then kitchen going. new granita counter in. can you do any better than the 120k?

Lady: some kitchens are going for 150k between kitchen and bathroom. we can go to that, 150k kitchen and bathroom, fan blowing on you, cabinets they will talk to you. 

Grant: I want to talk to Elena and speak to her. 

lady: I can speak with her now. are you confident with me doing the job?

Grant: yes you are awesome. 

Lady; great I should talk to Elena right now. Time to get down time. 

Lady: I understand that, decision maker.

Grant: of course, I would never leave her out of anything. 

Lady: It's just a matter of looking 

cabinets that talk t you and the fan but... I think 150k is better for what you need. 

Elena, I could show her everything with Elena.

Grant: She's hanging in there, she's professional. we just need to give you a few little pieces.

Grant, Where is the last time that you spent 120k. questions and you stop talking. all of a sudden, I 'm gonna say why don't you come over here and do it.

It's never the money. its 3 weeks that the kitchen is going to be down. what am i gonna do wit the cats, kids, distraction, 3 weeks and 6 weeks because you guys never hit your target. 

When you role play, you have to become the buyer. this is all that is going through my head. 

I'm thinking of 2 new cats, kids, dust, life is disrupted, trip I might have to move. you jus tneed some polishing points. 

Acknowledgement in my objection. This kitchen could go 150,180k. give your objector a bigger problem than they gave you. cause now they are going to try to talk you down to 120k. All you did was drill and drill it out.

Lady: I do. Buy houses, renovate them and sell them to buyers. Nothing compares to Maui, Hawaii. 

Grant: How much is the deal

1.1 million. half a million to put into it. its Hawaii everything is a lot of money here. 

Grant: I didn't know that, 

compared in Oklahoma and investment in other places. 

2.5 to 3 million. Grant: let's do it! She says: really!

Do not say really? that will fuck the deal up. 

Be ready for someone to just flop. I made a decision to do this when you pop on. You were not looking for the decision, you were too busy talking, trying to sell you are so buys selling that you do not close. it cost you half a million. It's gonna cost you confidence, because you lost and you don't even know you lost. 

If this ends, she thinks because its real estate.

Grant: I understand you are the decisions maker. Would you like anyone else to look at the property, appraiser, architect, etc. 

Grant: If you don't have some always, you will have nevers. 

Write a proposal. Mr Cardone, I sent you the proposal let's look it over. Object to what's on paper not to the person. 

#2 always ask to buy. let's do it. what can I do to get your signature. lets do it and get it done. You don't even ask. you talk. all three people talked. and do a good job. you are likeable, phenomenon. 

#3 always ask again. 

meek said: if you don't believe in something, you will fall for anything. 

4. always use a third party. always ask why.

5. ask why not. I'm not doing this right now. why not, other than money why wouldn't you do it? 

Cardone university. you guys gotta get cardone university. 2 day sales and conversion deep drive. you have to come to that. if I cant close them, how many you will quit getting people interested? 



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