Grant Part 3
Money is energy.
Living on 60k is impossible too. 10x. you say, yeah, 10x everything.
Business cycle, idea- start a marketing agency
Make money from home, help build people's brands. redo their website and create better offers.
Move to promoting that idea with an offer. I need a page. I didn't know this, I had an idea. I'm gonna sell my idea or manufacture something. That's a mistake. Promote, promote, promote. Sell that thing so that Karen says I am stopping what I am doing and I am going to apply for the credit. I had to sell you on this. You didn't convince me. Who is grateful for being closed on coming to this! Who already got your money's worth? 4:30pm Friday 10.23.20
I want to be able to sell Erobon to know I changed his life. Not cause he feels better but he feels good when he walks in a bank. I am here.
I know people that can sell, they can close. and I know people that can close, but they cannot sell. If you don't like either one of them, you have been convinced. Get someone else to sell it and you close it. Own the business, get someone else to sell and close it. If no one sells it, and no one closes then you are not in business.
Chemist in Brooklyn. Selling crack, cocaine. Now I gotta deliver it, and repeat the cycle. If you can do this, you got a business.
Jeff Bezos, i want to sell books. sold more than any publishers.
Uber- I don't want to be a manufacture a car. I'm just gonna control cars.
Airb&bs- why am i gonna buy? connect people with the real estate, get a fee.
Use your network, ask and you shall receive. No one said you have to build anything. how simple is it?
You only have so many brothers. Right! exercise: call someone and get $100.
1. STM Speech to market
2. MO- always have multiple offers. We take free offers and turn into millions of dollars. Added multiple offers and it turns into millions.
3. PT be Omnipresent. Who's got my Instagram live? do it at donut shop, ice cream parlor, cosmetology, dentistry, plumbers,
4. double Down- if it works once, it works twice.
5. PMP- promotion not perfection. I have more bad videos online than other influencers. Not perfect promoter on the planet. While you are trying to make it perfect, I am promoting.
6. AMS Automate and scale, so its happening without me pushing it everyday and I can go and do it other things.
7. Always be acquiring customers.
8. 10xwebinar, free offer, 0 promotion coming from me. 48k today
how many of you can write a sequence down without looking in your notes? some need to spend some time with me to figure out the marketing thing. help me work out my landing, who I am, what i do, how to use Youtube and Instagram. can you spend 2 days with me just fixing my money, my mindset. we've only been together 5 hours today. I'm biggest beneficiary of this whole thing. i mean that i get a chance to participate in your life. a little along the way, that maybe assisted you, agitated you. some of you I gotta agitate you, push you, motivate you, but i wont let you down. get away from screen to main page. Whatever it takes to get you out of your conservativeness. i will push you, piss you off. and share with you, and say this is what works. i tired a million different things. just do these things that work. 2.5 million this even. 250k leads tat have not done anything with me. who's got a calculator?
You are in the inner circle. you are part of 10x. I'll tell you all the little secrets you want. everyone can leave here. do 3 million dollars each and there are still money for me to make. your victories do not take away from my victory. the more you do, the better you can do. your money problems become my money problems. my investors, they better they do, the better i can do. then you can invest more money with me. then we can be partners. then I can fund your business. I can invest in your business. I want to invest in a business that is already working.
These other leads I haven't converted yet. They have given me permission. I am interested something you do.
content creation
what do you do that/s cool/sexy? people give their last to look cool and to be sexy.
what does your company do?
what are the products that you deliver?
what big claims do you make? we made big claim, 10 million in funding was offered this morning. 500 people in here did. go to
what are the biggest mistakes customers make?
what big claims can you make?
what is the best way to do what you do?
what are the worse ways to do what you do?
**easiest way to get money is to borrow it. 2nd way, ask somebody. 3rd sell some of the stuff you don't want anymore.
She left Romania with 2 kids, and then came to America. She believed there was a dream here, the dream was freedom. that's why so many immigrants come to America and do well here, because they want it so bad.
Mom came. she worked at factories, never got to own a home. brother bachelors, mba, law school one vacation a year, rents. me, bachelors, single mother, broke. sisters, pregnant, no college, renter,broke.
11. What are some secrets of your business or industry?
What does the public do not know?
some secrets of your industry. secrets of the movie business. tricks to movie business. what you didn't know about the movie business, etc.
Primerica, you so busy defending you not filling the vacuum. because someone else filled it up with garbage.
What is trending? latest news?
have an opinion on latest new, get some attention.
What is a breakthrough? we're hiring again, expanding.
Successes that you are having. how many reviews we have collected? they don't even know where to find. bring out the best. we got thousands of them. we got reviews from people that have never brought anything from me.
Biggest breakthrough in your life? personal breakthrough. I was a single mother without a job, I recovered. guy didn't want to be a father, I made it (still making it and healing from it).
I borrowed over 1 billion dollars. i never checked my score. I don't care about my credit score. creating content, examples.
Leeching off of price points. Starting with free. Free, I pay you to be my customer. Huh? go negative, would you pay to get a customer. yeah. free, 27, 47, 97. 297,497,1997,12500,50k,100k, 1 million.
I've raised more money in social media, probably top 10 for sure. Raising money for a project I'm doing. Big hand.
minimum is 250k. change to 1 million. sometimes the solution is go up on prize. if you have prize objections, raise the price don't lower it.
if you ask husband to spend 5k on Chanel bag, show him the 12k bag.
Where do you market? YouTube. I started YouTube channel, no views. Less than 50 views. Facebook. 2 comments. May 16,2008. Only had 1 like and 2 comments. first 10 videos you are not going to get a lot of views. so get over it, quantity, quantity. you are going to be the stream. stream beats the rock. Linked In, most underutilized resource on planet earth today.
I dont use it correctly today. idk why we don't use it. qualified people there, resume, professional, church going, business owners, until they go on Instagram and act like fools. do you look at trends and analytics there? twitter? Is it good for anything? I think it is. I use a lot of polls, to get involvement from people to see what they like or don't like?
5 terms you want them
Jarid: you need to understand where your customer is, when those problems are presented to them. in order to communicate to where they are, understand where they are. 5 terms they might search when showing interest. leaky roof for example if you have roofing company. rid of bugs could be something someone could search.
Create one marketing message that is related to your purchase. Take 15 minutes. Find the right players, the right vehicles, be willing to move. You don't have to do this on your own. Find somebody to play with. It's for fun. We throw down sometimes, still better than being by yourself. you can do more with someone else than you can by yourself.
Biggest mistake, leave and try to do it by yourself. do not do this economy by yourself. you will die. do some more stuff with you guys. reach out to the sales team. set up a call.
Reason should not be limited to that. I want help growing my thing. We will arrange a call with you.
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