
300 followers to extraordinary. They all want to be.

The gap is where they want to buy. 

I don't want your money, I want to make you money. 

How much was the ring? 1400 that I needed. It was a 8k ring. 

Went to emotion, swayed everyone in. 

Teach you want I did in those 5 minutes. 

I'm gonna teach you that tomorrow. 

Let's not lose that energy

Grant: if you withhold appreciation from people, the world will not given to you.

800k in your 
and willing to do 10% in Cardone university, 
Give you program add value to Cardone university.
Clarity, you touched on everything you knew you touched on Grant.
you already made me a whole lot of commitments to the audience. 
Collaboration is where the world is going. 

Grant: I knew he was invested, didn't know it was 800 grand. People success you cannot deny it. 
Brandon: instant credibility. 
Every accelator, you will be the only one with . Super proud of you. One simple thing I want you to do, don't want you to memorize anymore. I saw your eyes going down. Next level, put it in the reps because you are too powerful to look at anything. Go to the next level. Give it up for Russ. 
Next Pitch: Jeremy.

Failing business owner, drug addiction and went to jail.
growing them to successful business owner. self image is the 

young adults recreate themselves. I struggled with depression and overdose. I believe its up to young entrepreneurs that will create the next generation.
iconic platform in recreation and growth of entrepreneurs, also crowdfunds their investment. 100 and invest 100 millions into their business. Peter Vargas' method we are educating ourselves on how to do it. We are reaching out to event holders to share our message into other people's stages. 

Collaborating with square and other entrepreneurial platform. we will attract large and small investors. UniversityU attracts entrepreneurs, and people to invest in the younger generation.

Jarid: I couldn't get past that you were not looking at the camera. Zero connection with you. Super important. Right now, you are looking at us. I can see you, I know where you are from. Your story 20 seconds but why is he not looking at me? 
Grant: Figure this thing out. Don't use technology. You cannot read your notes. Your story is something you lived and you lived through.  Genuine. 

Brandon: 100 placements at 10k each, learn how to do it to build credibility.
 P: you are tight. you are not telling me how you are going to get there. sales and marketing strategy. you guys haven't told us about it. 
Grant: 2 best are using my audience because you don't know how you are going to market, pitch it and collect it.

P: Tell us what you are going to do. 150k at at event. She stood out the most. 

Jamie Green: the Solar Queen. Help homeowner go from spending 1k on electricity down to 400 on their solar bill. I educate them on how solar works. 
selling solar for 2 years. on track to get to 1 million dollars in sales. all from building a personal brand. Jamie Green the solar queen. I create videos and give value and education to the homeowners. just enough info to want they want to save money. 

Go to 1 million by creating commercial arm of the solar business. I am working on scaling, building a team. funnels, and Adspend and growing my business that way. More people need to save money, scaling is where I am stuck. Joined sales accelerator. Taking my personal brand taking out to the nations. Why haven't they gone solar yet? I help them understand, educate them, keeping more of their money and business owners take savings and putting it back in their business. 

800K SOLD. 100K from those sales. saved 2.3

She's a million dollar earner. she just gotta tweek it, work it out. You are phenomenal. 

3 quick things: I put content out there, I did this I did that. that is nod for me. You were thinking in your talk in the moment. What do I want to say right now? anybody but Russ did.

I want to tell you how I going to scale my marketing but I already invested Sales Accelator. (get his attention, make him feel great).

Grant: I went on and tagged you on instagram. She's playing the marketing game. I want to help people. We are here to help you. 

next pitch:
our business went from 100k in sales to 700k sales. 
we plan beyond facebook and instagram to youtube and other platforms. Partnering with you into creating this confidence. you cannot get a sale unless you are selling a product, unless you are sold on yourself.

you are not sold on yourself if you treat yourself like shit. 10 extra coaches to continue.

Transform the movement. grant Cardone licenses. partner with 10x to go to 10x wellness. 

do you get results from your client. How do you get out of your own head. STop thinking out of your fear but think about the value you are bringing. That's what Grant says. "Remind them their dreams matter to me."

Grant: Have a pipeline that is so full. I was doing 10 to 12  day presentations. 250 days of the year. wouldn't come home. present everyday. hey have 10 minutes? let me talk to your sales team. the audience didn't want it. thousands of presentations. I can keep marketing this and figure out what's my inventory, what's my offer? 

Jarid: we need 2 minutes of deliberation.

Put yourself in the arena. Those in the arena get the most attention.


4 levels of action: 

1. do nothing
2. to retreat (the most damaging of actions). not doing it when you decide to do it. bleeds you out. out of confidence and belief in self. destroys sel- esteem and self confidence. 
3. NORMAL-same neighborhood, same friends, same zip code, same everything. this is a trap, prison, anxiety. going to sleep worrying about your retirement account, about your kid. worried about 911. this is where they want you, 
4 10x take risk, borrow money, borrow money again. Do the dumbest things in the world. They laugh at you, these are the genius. The Jesus MLK Barack Obama. One of best orators ever walked on earth. The dude can lay a pitch so tight, so likeable, he pulls you in. Trump, marketing madness. You put those two together, you are unstoppable. If you are either they will ridicule you, but they will know you.

Use money, debt, promises, promises in the future to make yourself better and have the future you deserve.

If you don't trust yourself, trust me. Do this, let us help you. Thank you for being here tonight. 


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