Grant 10.25.20 Part 1

Jarid: Implement, model,

You gotta look at people that are winning.

It will change the rest of your life. How could it? it can't, it will never, it's impossible. 

Ask yourself how could it work?

How can it work? business strategy tactics, what you have seen or heard. You need to ask yourself how can it work for me? 

Grant reads books he hates, but he gets something from it. How can I get one thing from this book? One new strategy? I don't have the money to spend. It hasn't worked for me. How could it work for me? What if it worked for me?

What would happen if it did work for me? 

Who knows when the next opportunity is going to come along? Meet one person and they are the missing piece to what you want to do in your life. Mentoring programs. We create a community, we have access to all of these things. Stop looking at reason why they won't. Great exercise for when you are reason. 

I agree, I'm with you. She says, don't do that to me. LOL

99.99 don't have the discipline to execute. Be aware of the red flags that you should have that are stopping you in your business. Pitch off. Last night. 

Show me the steps that I have to take. The program starts today. 

Face to face, can't wait until you get to Miami. Closing lunch for everybody else. Leave with some value as well. Bandon is going to talk about scale, after lunch. and Grant will close it out with Q& A. Now I have the privilege and opportunity.

Grant- wildly successful. Brandon become wildly successful in a different way. Why are they together? why is he with Grant. How did the 2 dynamics between them work? Brandon, master at execution, massive increase in profits. Create lasting success. Sold last company, paid 15 mil to members of his group. He's an unbelievable guy and business man. Give it up to the Zoom room for Mr Brandon and Dawson!!!! Give it up!!!!


This is the day, the time, the moment. The decisions that propelled me forward. Intuition says I want something bigger, better in my life. Present self relies on the garbage, the past, the people told you you should be and how you should act. You rely on that data at that moment in the present self. But that decision at that moment is not going to take you to your future self. have a clear picture of what you want to move to. Integrity and honesty to ask yourself the hard questions. Hard questions are what you talked about for 2 days. 

Pause. Ask yourself the hard questions. Are you clear about what your future self, your ideal scene, are you clear about what that looks like? Do you have the courage, the best decisions to move you there or are you stuck with the failures, all the false beliefs by the people around you. Are you stuck to take action because of your lack of courage because of all the failures that have happened before you in your past self? 

Answer right now, I have no attainted in my present self, I have not yet arrived. I don't know how to do it. Why people create the reasons to not take action in your present self. It has nothing to do with what you are looking at right now. its all about the broken beliefs. Fear, failure, you make a commitment. You choose to achieve your future self picture. integrity with yourself. 

Do I have the skill set? NO Courage? yes! to take action to move you to that picture. No one else is going to do it for you. 

6 reasons why people don't take action:

2.4 GPA from high school. I was told I was crazy. I would get off this tractor. this day, I'm gonna be 90th floor in NYC. Look through the window and see myself doing something unbelievable doing something I I never thought I could do. I want that. I would tell my friends. they would say you would hardly graduate high school. stay in tractor, you are not going to college. false limitations and beliefs. Am I choosing to let other people's limitations make your decisions.

I chose to take action. I was wiling to fail. I chose to determine my destiny, not have anyone determine for me to do. Commit to take action. all the questions we received while we were having breakfast. will this work if I'm in real estate, what if I don't have a business, or a job. will this work if I'm in MLM? 

It's the brain convincing you right now to stay comfortable. Nothing ever great happened

I was rejected 100 times when I wanted to raise. 108th I got better and better. Resilience is what allows you to succeed in life. Courage confidence and the multiplier is convert. 

As soon as you convert, you say Oooo I just did it! I want more! But that's a choice. Courage confidence commit, convert. 

You struggle to commit to yourself that you struggle in business and in life. Say YES if you are committed to yourself. I was willing to look stupid until I got the 108th presentation.

Acknowledge, Everytime he opens his mouth I grow as a human being. Do you want to grow as a human being? Allow your mind to answer this question. Be honest. 

I'm worth a 100 million dollars. I have not yet arrived. I partner with Grant so that I can get proximity to genius. Go do it! What do you need all those houses for! Get rid of them! Get out there and be an example or you are losing being the captain of the football team. You are afraid of yourself. You don't trust yourself. Yes! I've arrived. Then you are like me. You understand what it means to set targets and move to them. Bigger, better, faster and create an impact. Say yes!

Acknowledge that is where you are at. Quit thinking about where you are at and chose about where you want to be. Acknowledge, accept, then Uncle G. Apply yourself.

2.4 GPA, sitting on that tractor. washing dishes at night to pay for gas. I'm not picking up walnuts to barely get by. Moved to Atlanta, called doctors. Bet every single sales rep as a kid against 40, 50, 60 year olds. I understood the time issue. I don't want to be 60 doing what I am doing right now. Have a move to create. Right now, right this moment is something so simple. God gave us as a gift despite where we come through. Despite what anyone else is doing. No body can ever take away from us. 

Right now we have 5 to 6 thousand people on a Sunday. Who have chosen to be here right now. You are so, sooo close. I am so proud of you in your ability to recognize, acknowledge, accept. To apply. (for those that have already made the decision). Multiplier on that is to advance. Not stand still and not go backward. Make the choice to 10x everything. 

No job, no car in a place that I've never been before. thanks God i developed a gift and hobby. hussling pool, I was good at that. Hey we've been playing pool. Sell ad space. I made more money that I did working, I was having more fun. I made decision, nobody ever again is going to take my keys away. Don't allow people to take your keys away. You choose what car you drive, you choose who you want to love, where you want to live. I needed to elevate to my next level of goals. that's why I partnered with Grant. I did not have the strategy. I needed somebody who is willing to teach me. Together we are strong. 25 million business owners. out of 21 and a half. 

When you chose to develop your competency, move to your picture. Everything else works itself out. Put yes! if you are willing to take action right now. Your friend, your family, they need you to choose. Who do we align with that is going to give us the resources. 10x pict last night, convert in sales process. I was listening I chose to do 3rd party. I took sale from 13.7 to 270k. You need a team. You need to be able to teach the concepts. Show the path of least resistance. The only question you have to ask yourself is this. Am I creating the impact t

Are you worth 100 million? then why am I learning from you. Why are you settling? Hard lessons in past failures. Confront them and take action until you freeze in the ability for fear that you are going to fail again. Our job to make sure and insure, every person a person influenced has gotten text from Grant. We are here for them, we will be there, we are not going to let them fail. Opt into that. Your choice not to go alone. not to tinker. This is the problem with 25 million because they moved away from something that they didn't want. I'm gonna start my own thing. 

When you move into something new you bring those thoughts with you. Only way to break them is to create a new level of thinking, a new level or execution and until you convert. Courage, confidence, commit and then convert. 

I got my first million (laughs). Everybody said I couldn't do it. Then I went after my 6 million. You failed your last company. no outside capital, no debt, no help. because everyone said you couldn't do it. It was so much I gave 520 million to my customer and my employees. 

Advanced sales, advanced marketing, I would have hired you in my first. I went to Pete's Vargas and you went to the 3 programs that we are a part of. My first employee was my friend, my protégé. He became my brother. When we sold my business we had no contract. Why? we won together. Put yourself in play. If you are business owner, find the people that chose to put themselves in play. 

Here's everything I did. Here's how I applied it. By the way, these are the programs I used to invest in myself. Great at the what they do. The process in which they do it. Convert. I am an expert. You are hired. These programs where built specifically to be taught, to be led by the people who created the results. So you can get the knowledge of how to do it. Say no if you have not made the decision. I want to talk to you. Open your mind, admit. Give me one reason. No money, you don't have credibility with anyone that would trust you with money. OWN it! move to acceptance. Do something different about it!

Excuse to do nothing to get my license. I have a major operation. Great, get on Cardone U. every morning. Move your mind to the thing you are creating. It's only a moment and it will pass. Move to what you want to create. I'm selling things right now because I am moving forward. I am too buys interacting with the most remarkable people in the universe. I don't care about the other stuff. 

Don't get distracted. Admit to yourself I do not have the courage in myself because my past self has not done that. I am here because I want to create something in my future self.  Choose average. Choose existing. Choose watching. Or choose. to own growing yourself personally, professionally. Grant Cardone has mandated every person on his team. We choose to help you grow. If you choose to participate. 



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