Getting along with others- MBIT

 As someone with ENFP preferences, you may find it irritating when other people

I work best with clear goals and deadlines. I don't care about process, I like to get results done and making it happen. (interesting) what I need is not what they need. 

I'm asking for details so that I can understand what you are saying. ideas and concepts don't make sense to me otherwise (interesting)

I'm being quiet so that I can think. Thinking gets my thoughts in order and helps me organize my ideas.

What do I value about my mom?

she raised kids and went to work in a factory.

Marvin? I value his intellect, decision making skills, raising his son, being committed to being a good dad. bad the whole thing with his wife, its like you were emotionally attached to a person that abused you. why? and he kept it from me for such a long period, just casually said it one day. I didn't understand why he kept it for so long, maybe because I need to speak to get things out sometimes. 

People might make you focus on facts and be realistic.

I am not realistic! I don't focus on facts! If I do, how can I thrive? My life would look hopeless and not romantic way. 

2 extroverts- you might both talk but forget to listen (me and Andre)

I'm irritated I might: roll my eyes ( I used to do this with this guy that was cute then he was part of the Christian group)

Make an excuse and leave (definitely now, over the phone, its like I'm out of here)

You can resolve interpersonal issues more quickly by
  • Accepting that challenge helps to resolve a disagreement and isn’t a personal attack
  • Using facts and data to support your ideas—this may make them easier to understand or more credible to others
And remember…If you talk to someone about not getting along, try to accept that challenge can be useful and isn’t a personal attack. Using facts and data to support your ideas could help others to understand your views and may result in a better outcome.


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