Grant Day 11 Part 2- Glenn Interview
Background: I had a child at 14. Mom was grocery clerk, dad was a printer. Small town. One day I drove to Cali with my friend. Until we couldn't drive any farther, ended up in a bench looking at these beautiful homes and people and I said I want this.
I walked up to this man, what did it take to get this house? He said, I am the gardener, I have no idea. But the owner is in real estate. I said I'm going to get into real estate. That was 1988 and I never looked back.
Grant- how important was that, seeing that. and had you not gone on that trip?
Glen: when you get lost, get uncomfortable, fear will hold you there. mom will put me in car with my sister and she would say we are going to get lost. we would say we are lost! fund opportunity to get back home. people are afraid to be
I grew up in a family where being lost was exciting! Go off and discover new things.
Grant- where if your friend?
He's back in Maryland. he worked for me for a while. i found bench was ocean drive, i've gone to it many times just to get more inspiration right. sitting and thinking your dreams and writing them down and I'm gonna go for it! I never went back, I said you could have it! I don't care.
Became waiter, loan officer, 10 months later started my own company.
Grant: Lohoya at 29 years old. I had same experience. it was material wealth. I didn't know difference between Lambo and a truck. something about success and idk. what was it that you saw?
Glen: It's the ultimate game. You can play this game and see how far you go in it. Its okay to fall back, see if you can get another piece. Monopoly, great game. Happiness was about going out and doing things. Making moments and experiences, but to get to those experiences and moments you need to have money. you need fuel to get you there. I looked at everything like it was game. When I heard no, how many more Nos to get to my yes.
Grant- it seems natural to you, where did that conditioning come from?
Glen- 11 years old, selling papers. you cant do it today. we get in a van, apartment complex and sell the journal they had to pay for it. that became a game to me. I was so good at that speech that I began to analyze people and what they were doing. i did it a million times. knock on door, I'd go hi, put foot in the door so that they couldn't slam, I hand them the paper. does his pitch. I would say that over and over again, I would look at their eyes. Come on, I just need one more sale. Fun thing to do. how many did you get? i wanted to be the Rockstar right, i wanted to get the most. It was always for me about the game. It was fun.
Glen- I said instead of buying a house, let's start a company. I was only 10 months in the business at that time. But he was my first partner. We build a company, go into business. 8 years later, bought him out. Became sole proprietor.
Grant: People love you, I love you.
Grant: who took care of your daughter when you did that drive?
my mother and her (child's) mother. She was in high school and later on got married and that was that.
Grant: how did the show come about?
Glen- somebody at my work suggested I do it. I do the show with my wife, Real Gillinger's island. We just ended up doing it. next 12 years they kept saying do you want to do another show? I said I don't like that idea. I would do take away my money, my contacts and I bet I could do it over again. Discovery calls back and says, come and do it show. It's my idea. Important: the difference between success and failure is that we are going to get ourselves in a deep hole. When I'm in that hole, i love climbing out of it. That's when you know who you are. It's when you are down in the bottom of that hole. When I got there, I didn't know that it was going to be this deep. I was like, why did I do this? maybe I can screw it up and they will never air it. Getting myself out of that is the proudest moment I can be.
Grant: opening this, you get on your plane. leave your yatch and you are becoming someone else. Thing that got me, sitting in chair. he got that whole fuck look in his face. did i just do here? I'm thinking of myself in that seat. I learned so much watching you. As another guy like you, I was calculating, what would I do different?
1. Could I do it?
2. Would I do it? <<--- real question
Glen: Richard Branson, other guys asking why would you do that? I said upside is I could do it. Everyone is afraid to do it, fear holds us back. who's got enough balls. I was on my boat. I don't need to do that. But I like that I'm doing it what I'm doing now. I want to do it, do something that you can look back and be proud of.
Grant: Did your cush life made it harder?
Glen: no, everyone goes through pain. problem is cancer, health. I went through that twice. that's bigger than any.. people that have cush life they don't have the tools. overcome big obstacles you have an arsenal of tools. I got the knowledge to get myself out of this hole.
Grant: how important is it to get around the right people and learn the right things?
Glen: you can only say so much. but when you get other personalities, people would do it different than you. So important to get mentors. If you can gather enough support around you and people that are pillars of the community. No man is an island. too big of an ego, who thinks they can do it on their own.
Grant: book?
Glen: Grit Happens and that's our podcast too by the way.
Q: did you use social media to build your billion. Glen- no. wasn't around back then. but we have a team now.
Q: What does gorilla stand for? shit kicker.
it took me 15 years to get to where we are in 2 months. having the knowledge of what to do, inspire and march along to build a great idea. it ended up being something that is more about, when you have all of that experience. it took so long the firs time. You can't get overnight. You have to keep remembering to put back in and put back in.
Grant: how to accelerate that path?
Glen- don't buy when yo make money, reinvest back into you company. some spend that money and don't have anything...
Grant: how important is money,
Glen- I never made my money is God. One breath, not important next breath, very important. It magnifies who you are. If you want to grow, to become financially secure you need to keep all the money you can. don't spend just grow your bottom line.
Grant: how you paid for trip to Bora Bora,
Glen- I paid for it with 30 years of hard work.
Grant; but you paid with money correct? Yes. Let's keep it simple.
Glen- Don't think of competitors they are not the enemy. they do the same thing i'm doing. help each other, learn from each other. it helps both thrive.
Glen- came out of the hood so to speak. as I surrounded myself then i got the goals, i need to buckle down. i want to get my first million, all that kind of things.
Grant' how important is Mindy, wife?
Glen- most important person. she was the happiness officer in the company. Invest back into your people. Happiness not just coming in here and leaving.
Grant: biggest take away from 2020?
Glen- know when to pivot! I think that's what the show and life is about. This is not going the way I thought it was going to go. A lot of people making money. Switch your mindset, change how you are thinking. opportunity out here like crazy right now.
Grant: what have you learned from watching Grant?
Glen- Monday says that i need to spend more money. you have father wonderful synergy. I had my company but I didn't see the power of going bigger than that and outside of my industry and that is what you have done.
Grant- in 2008 I was in one vertical and I got punished for it.
Glen- George ambassador to Spain. 2008, I said George I got 100 million in loans. I need 5k square feet. I got lawsuits. George said son, this too shall pass. Next year, I had my best year ever. He was doing bad and I told him, this too shall pass. We are never going to stay where we are. as long as you don't quit we will get through it.
Glen- wife would say I have been able to endure more pain than anybody. when you are ready to quit, you need to sit down and no way I'm gonna quit. I would die before I quit. Its become stronger and stronger. I realize how important it is to not quit. No matter what it takes.
Grant: biggest skill?
communicate. when things are going wrong, we want to close our eyes and hope it goes away. but no, communicate, say how can we get out of this? and people chime in and help. get in people's face.
Grant you seem so relaxed, so chill.
Glen- go through cancer, it just isn't that important Grant. It just isn't.
Q: favorite book?
Glen- chop wood, carry water
Q: when do you know when you have the wrong people?
Figure out a way to say yes. Lending, you don't have to decline people. If a person has terrible credit, say yes, you only have to put 80 percent down. There is always a way to say yes. If people have attitude, onboard terrors, cancer in your organization, pull the trigger say you gotta go. Thank them all the way out the door. We don't say you are terrible it just didn't match with what we are doing. I'm only doing it higher level.
Grant- You didn't show the cancer stuff.
Glen- I didn't want them to know. I didn't want to use that card. I wanted to show you need nothing other than grit, hard work and good people.
Grant- Most successful people in my organization are gamers. They want to play the game. You have to stay around this. You got 2 million of information. Don't stop feeding the beast. Feed the gorilla! Gorilla is the crazy you.
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