The day 9/28/20

Today:  Woke up, listened to personal development.

Then I was like, what does Auris want? I want a lot of food! I want a feast! 

I did not want to clean. Clean the floors, follow the to-do list from the day before.

Then I forced myself to do my errands for the day (productive but I hated it). 

Phone errands for 2 hours. But got everything in the list done.  I was in a funk, felt so defeated this morning.  Why? What were the thoughts.

Oh this negative thought: No matter what I do today, I will not make money. I will not get closer to my goal, and light bill is due in a couple of days. It was like this worry and concern.

But I was like, God has provided for you before. I was trying to logically talk myself out of it.

-Another thought, I talked to Tia Margot and she just gets me, the way she talks to me. She said the same thing mom said, what do I think about a second opinion for Alex. She asked me what I thought, like she cares what I think. Like it's not overbearing and forceful like my mother. And she listened.

-Lesly sounds like a lot of things went wrong. Probably everything that could go wrong, went wrong. I said but how did she receive it? Some people laugh and it was still fun energy. She said she was grateful for everything. But she does not want to do another event with this family. Breeze was blowing the burners so it was hard to heat up the food. I wonder if there is a solution for this?

-filed my tax return and it was accepted same day. amazing how fast e-filing work. I hate that I had to pay them the amount I paid them. I made so little that year, why do they charge? I wonder if I'm of the ones that deserve the free one. Definitely! only made 3k that year. 

-tomorrow, go through paperwork for Child Support, only thing left. and do floors. 

Then get ready to start studying!!!  Get this mess out of the office so that I can think clearly. The money will come in and we can get everything done.

only thing left, talked to speech therapist. She wants to do theraphy for Alex. 


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