Lessons III
Rebecca- You taught me not to trust you.
You taught me that someone could be for you then not be for you.
You were not honorable. You said you could do a baby shower then ignored my calls.
You sent me a message in Facebook saying you could come, I reached out and nothing.
You shared your life with me and I thought it meant we were close but I think you just did that with everyone then throw them away.
You did the same thing with Elizabeth. She thought she was your friend and you didn't invite her to the wedding.
I considered her a sister, she just stopped being my sister. I don't know why.
She would get mad if people asked about me. But the reason they asked is cause we lived together.
Jessica- You were a mean girl. But I don't hold anger towards you. You tried to speak to me and be friendly when I didn't need it anymore. I wanted us to be friends, sisters and someone that you could come to for wisdom and answers.
Other chick, I forget your name. You were yourself. Whatever. No meaning there.
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