Big Sean

 Go to your happy place. think of what makes you happy.

Go to a place with your desires, etc think of yourself already there. 

i felt like i was worthless, I didn't want to be here. heaviness. that anxiety will overflow into deep depression, you are not worthy. If I'm not happy its hard for me to create. especially the music i wanted to create. It was terrible. 

I still have anxiety and go through depression but I know how to handle it. happiness is a choice. 

That sadness and anxiety can go into a depressed state. for me, music comes from a happy place.

I know how to handle. I am in control of my emotions. no one can control it. 

I write stuff down, journal, meditate and I change my thought process immediately. see myself whatever it is i desire or my happy place. i do that. 

then do something that makes me happy. simple things, go on walks by myself. especially meditation. 

Meditate for 15 minutes at the most.

Time to focus on your breathing, take time for yourself. focus and put attention on what you want to focus on. 


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