George Pitts LIVE (his story)

Wealth is all about ownership.

If you pay for everything from your job, and you need it to maintain that house, that car, you OWN NOW. 

create a digital product.

I own everything for that, my podcast. my sponsor gets a shout out, that's it.

I own 100% of all my stuff. I still get a check every month from my podcast. I gotta start it back up. I would have gone to someone else for permission to take this sponsorship deal. I own it!

I can cut the price of my book, course, or I can rise the price of my course and my book.

Last night, I wasn't feeling good. Back was bothering me. Went to bed at 8:30pm. I made 1600 last night while I slept. I remember I would have to work 80 hours for 2 weeks to make this. Ownership.

When you gonna take that stock investment class again? I can take it away and put it back. Properties, car, multiple security safe at bank with gold, silver and copper. We got stock portfolio. All of it, we own it. Ownership.

Dividend Stocks. Pay a dividend each quarter. We did every good, reward the shareholders by giving shareholders. When Amazon grows, they put money back into the business to grow it again. To raise the value of the stock which is a good thing. Dividend companies are lower costs stocks. They already have been making money. They been around 100 years, pay dividends for 50 years.  

You are getting paid just for having shares of that company. The shares of the company becomes more valuable if they keep going up as well. 

Owning gold helps you when things are not going well. Let me stop playing, let me go ahead and get into this. That's when you don't own anything. There is an opportunity, people gotta think about it. How bad do you really want it?

I have a bundle for 3 weeks, for $47 how to build money online. But you want to make 6 figures but you are not willing to invest 2 figures. If you cant invest into yourself, how are you going to grow a business? You have to invest into your business.

Until people can get to a place where, let me make an investment into myself. A person is not going to get on 

1. Get your money in order

2. Get your credit in order

Opens the door to build so many wealth generating activities.

3 levels on the credit courses.

They are in that one now. I have 3 different levels now. 20 modules in it. Big one. People that want to go crazy with credit and also do it as a business for other people. 

$147, $97 for the month of September. 

Credit compass class, self paced kit. no video. Ebook on credit repair and step by step. Make sure you are covering all your bases. 5 letters that you need to create the letter yourself. I want to fit in somebody's budget. That's $47 dollar bundle. It will change the game for you for sure. 

We are working on a bundle for October, in addition to a webinar to build stuff for their kids. This is the season to get stuff in order. Nothing is guaranteed. There are people that lost their jobs. They were on unemployment. States don't have the money. Barely hanging on, states don't have money to pay them. You don't want to be one of those people that get caught up. 

Hold off, he is going to create a whole training on dividend paying stocks.

I working for company as contractor, hired me on. they didnt train me at all. i went to them and said i need some training. They said we are going to give you all the training that you need. Supervisor said, let's stop by HR real quick. Sit down, I'll be right back. HR director comes with termination papers because they didn't have time to train me. Next day, told everybody George decided to take up another opportunity. Everyone texted me and it was a messed up deal.

Lost job in 12/142009 2 weeks before Christmas. Most people are not hiring until February. When they come back, they are catching up on regular work before they set up interviews. I started working online (monitize everything bundle). took up job doing roadside rescue from my apartment and that's what kept us afloat. If you bless me to get another job, i promise I wont be in this predicament again.

I got another job and kept that work from home job. I did that second job for 2.5 years. There was a guy teaching people to build WordPress websites. I worked my second job for 2 weeks, worked extra hours. I came home at 3pm. worked 5 to 9, but worked until 11pm.

636.08 paycheck from second job. i got the course. learned how to build the websites. 10 years ago, go to services place and start looking for people. attorney came and said can you build a website for my law firm? I said yes. I gave presentation in conference room. How much would you charge me? 

How many pages? I want a page taht sayd what business i do, a page about me, and a page that people can contact me. and a page in my alma matter site. she pulls out check book and ready to fight. $500. That's it? She worte the check, talk to paralegal she'll tell y ou everything I need.

First step in me learning, people will pay me money to do this type of stuff? First foray into making money outside of my 9 to 5pm. Straight to Chase bank, I just made $500. OMG! I built her website in 2 days. AFter that I got addicted. So I started emailing people like crazy. I was doing 5-6 websites a month. I can't keep up. So I hireed some people from overseas to do it. $200 to do it, profit $500.

I was making more than my full time job. Wait, there is something to this online thing. I learned about SEO, affiliate marketing, building niche websites. and i would get paid to go on blog posts and sign up for the accounts. i started getting affiliate checks every month.

I had this online empire. 2 people building websites. i was doing SEO work myself. I was like, this is wild! This is it! This is the deal. Everytime something new came out online, I learned it.

I didnt miss an opportunity to learn more. I can make this much money? I remember telling my wife, I want to go out of town and rent out Chrysler 300. At the time, talking about a dude that didnt have poo poo. Called Enterprise, put in PTO. Rented a black Chrysler 300. When we went to all these places on a road trip, I felt like a King. When I dropped that car off, I said I'm gonna get me one of these.

3 months later, I got one. I said man, this right here is wild. I can't believe this is hapenning. Moved out of the apartment and rented this lady's house. She kept saying I want to sell you this house. We could never qualify for us, we did not have the credit. We worked with Lexington company, after a year had ___ increase. Our realtor signed up with another company, $100 for each for us. 15 point increase. after 26 months, only 70 point increase. We spent almost 6,000 between these comoanies and we still don't quality. From 7am until 2am. I was up reading forums (back then) and all I did was learn about credit.

I bought a printer from Home Deport, bought book of stamps, and started doing it. In 90 days, I increased by 180 points. After I did the work, and that's when we built this home. We got qualified. There werent many houses here, we found we could build. We found your lot. Sold all furniture. Saved all my money, bought new furniture, TV, beds, everything, Cash.

It taught me that all this stuff you can do yourself. You can kill it. You don't have to leave your house and make all your dreams come true.  2 houses cash and I'll sign online. I don't have to come and sign the papers, just wire the money. I would have never thought. 

You can make as much money as you want, you can make money from it and a lot of it. Imagine and look and search for properties, you put an offer in and you are able to pay for it cash. That changes everything. Ownership is the key! and everything you need to own, you already have. 

1. You gotta want to. (all success starts with desire)

2. put a plan and a strategy together.

3. Put it into action. People get strategies all day. People don't read the caption, I just made a post about this. The real thing is in the action. You have to apply the strategy. It means nothing if you don't take action. Go and do it. If you know that you don't know online, get the monetize everything, its $47. What is the worst that could happen? You lose $47. But I know it works because that's what I use.

If credit is jacked up, get in the credit class. Learn how to fix your credit. Go and get money management class. Idk where to start my own business, get the class on where you should start. Go in there and there is a master class in bundle that helps you how to identify your niche. If that's the problem, then go there. Find target audience. What to say? masterclass, how to come up with my content? There's a 30 day calendar with content ideas. 

5 pillars of credit


Clean sweep of new credit

Then strategy to reduce debt and still get that remove off credit report

Rebuild your credit the right way

$97. think of how many people can pay you to fix their credit. they are not all going to buy my course. Some want you to do it for them. Don't think about fixing your credit, fix their for a fee. Think bigger when you are making investments. The most extensive class you have is the credit masterclass. 20 modules covers everything how to deal with companies, multiple rounds with bureau. Leverage legal things that you don't know about. All courses come with 

Access to my Facebook group. You can go into that class for help. Leverage that information in that class. Masterclass with credit repair attorney. She goes over all the things you need. We go to basis of home buying process. That class right there is the truth. How to sign up for credit repair masterclass?


You are in a lose situation. Don't do it, it's gonna mess it up. 

Credit Rebuild

To build up your credit once you don't have anything negative on it. Most on the information is there for bad credit. Get with someone in your family, to add you as an authorized user. They don't have to give your credit card, their 5 to 10 year credit history can help you out. 

To help others with credit, get the masterclass. That's the one. You are going to learn some serious game on that one. 

Favorite card?

My American Express Gold card is my favorite card. It's made of titanium. No limit on it. I get 5% on every purchase that I make. I use it to make everything. I save up and that's what pays for Christmas, to pay for November and Christmas, the holiday season. My gold.

Do you buy your cars on Finance?

I havent financed a car in 8 years. The way I got things set up, I know I can leverage my money to buy property. next car i'm gonna buy a property first or I'm gonna use my dividend income. I can get a 1.9 interest rate, which is nothing to get what I want. I rather go, take that cash buy rental property, put a tenant in it for $850-900 a month. Once car is paid off, I still have the property and the cash flow. Buy property first, and let that pay for it.

Are financing cars bad for you? if you have bad credit, you pay more on interest. You pay way more and you will be upside down if you don't have good interest rate. #1 don't buy a brand new car unless you got crazy bread. If you got money, you can go buy a car. I wouldn't finance one just to finance one. If you got something to pay for it. But your job shouldn't be the thing that pays for it.

If you got a rental property or a business and that can pay for it, yes you are good to go. What kind of things to get for their kids as well. Creating a course.

If you are committed to taking care of your money, then your money will take care of you.

I don't miss a week, I invest every week in the market. 

Make sure you do the work, and invest in something.


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