Him500 Masterclass Recession proof

I moved to Atlanta, ran business off ebay and craigslist.

Then started doing cell phone repairs. drive through cell phone service. fix iPhone screens. had boost mobile store by time i was 23. 

I was still able to be successful in middle of a recession.

I would gain success but I couldn't keep it. Because I didn't have financial backing. I didn't know what it meant to be a franchise owner. I ended up having a failed business.

I went through slow seasons. I needed to have financial backing. I didn't have a trust fund. I didn't have anything behind me. When business started to fail, how can I put a trust fund behind myself? How can I have financial security? To where I can have some backup? 

Credit repair was slow, so I started learning about tradelines. How can I help people get money? So I created two new business. Only created because it was a slow season. 

I pivot. Missed opportunities. I had people present me with opportunities but because I didn't have the money, I couldn't take advantage of it. The circle knew I was about business, I missed out because I didn't have enough money, enough credit. 

Learn to leverage and use the credit I built up. Another thing was repossessions. I had to control my money and not let it control me. One of my vices was buying and getting new vehicles. 

I cannot spend all of my money on material objects. I learned how to make a liability pay for itself. I had nicer vehicles. 2017 to 2018 I had a Bentley truck. I started learning how to convert liabilities into assets. Now, can do the things I like responsibly. Still make it make sense financially. 

Yahoo finance, American reporter, MSNBC, few publications that took notice of the things that I have been able to accomplish. It cant be all money based. My why wasn't for money. I learned how to make money at 18 years old. My why was I wanted to start a family. I knew what it was to go through hardships. I didn't want to start a family and go through hardships. I didn't want to face evictions with a  family. Go through repossessions, love vehicles. I wanted to have a secure background. 

I wanted to be that man I wanted to be for my family. 1 goal for tonight, that is to provide us with information, tools and resources. 

Be in a position to help myself, also my immediate family as well as my community. This is the most important factor for me. I am only looking to build leaders. At this point, I am not looking to help you as an individual anymore. This is not information that is strictly for better. It's to help you, your family and your community. Pass is along to someone who is able to lead our community. We need financial literacy more than ever. We are bridging a lot of gaps. But we need financial literacy options.

Looking to build leaders. I need to create impact, in order for me to be great the way I want to be. It becomes your duty to be a leader in your community. We need to spread intelligence in our community, instead of gossip. You will be able to withstand any economic hardship. 

Be able to triumph in these times of disparity. Have a blueprint to be recession proof. How are you going to be recession proof? Do it over something you already have control over, which is your credit. 

Leveraging credit, how exactly should a credit report look. How should it be structured like? 

payment history 100%

credit card utilization 6% (keep it between 2 and 9 percent. shouldn't be 0 need to see some usage.)

derogatory marks 0 (how do we get? how do credit bureaus work? private entity. Rules on how to get things removed from our credit report? it must be unverifiable or inaccurate. remove misspelled name off credit report. Next, address that we use. Update my credit report, call in and update the address on my credit report. Call in and get it done over the phone. I hang up and call again, do it over the phone immediately. I don't want to send a dispute letter to correct my information. Let's get one name, one address, one place of employment. Structure that first, never skip a step. Wrong address is inaccurate. Cause it to be unverifiable. Credit bureaus create second data company. They house data. ARS,  Core Logics, Sage Stream, LexisNexis. All companies you need to freeze.  They don't have anyone to lean on and report information. Call in or go online to opt out of these. Once you opt out and freeze these credit bureaus, then you put in a dispute. You want to send a 609 letter. What it does is it challenges the validity of the information on your credit report. You can get it off a Google. Section you want to use for the dispute. When you get  template, change it up a little bit. Don't use a standard template. Make it sound personal. Don't just paste it, make it sound like it is coming from a person. Like it is coming from yourself. If you get creative, change font or color. What does that do? Makes it a human being have to deal with our results. Humans don't care. Its natural. And they also make errors. If human being makes an error, then it has to be removed. If they type anything wrong, it has to be removed. That's one way to to do it. Is there another way? Yes, know and understand. Other tactics. Go on and say, you have Consumer Financial Bureau. If we go out and we say, the CFB is the governance section. Big brother company to the credit bureaus. Now lets skip past if things are verifiable and inaccurate. Let's make the credit bureaus wrong. I created a 2 week method, backdate it 2 weeks. computer reads it like its 2 weeks old. it scans the date you put on the letter. you wait 2 more weeks. send 30 day demand on comply. now it looks like its been 30 days. they have not responded to verify the items on the credit report so they must delete them. Now, you didn't even go through the whole verification process to get it deleted. 

Go to cfpb.com, tell them credit bureaus are not following the law. sent them 609 letter and then 30 day notice, they do not comply. Now one we file complaint. we upload both letters we sent in. also 30 day demand to comply. this is negative items off credit report in 2 weeks. Okay. Boom, that's just removing the derogatory marks. 

Age of credit history 6 years. Look at age of credit history. have 5 years of age and credit history. Average age of credit history. if student loans and credit cards, put a 2 in the chat. look at how many people have student loans and have credit cards. 

What does that mean? Some odd reason, we think we need to remove student loans from our credit card. They only hurt you when it hurts your debt to income ratio. If you have high balances on your student loans. most of the time, student loans are old so they help in age or report and total number of accounts. They help us get funding. This is information that we don't know. No one told us that this was possible. We all want to remove our student loans. Most of us got student loans from degrees that we don't use. Or working in another field. keep them in deferment, they never have missed payment. If we keep them in good standing they help us get funding. Our credit report is about the data point and the structures. Now, that's what we want to focus on. 

We looking at 5 years of average age. People think only thing we can use is tradelines. rent reporters. they boost up age of credit report. we want to understand, we pay rent or paid rent somewhere. and we don't get credit for it. companies will report it for the past 2 years. this is the information that we want to have. I want to add authorized users tradelines. You can be added to another person's credit card and their history reports on your credit report. 

total account 17. we want to get to 10 plus positive accounts. Student loans help. We still want to have separate accounts that we want to put on our credit report. We need to get to at least 10. We want to have more accounts on our credit report. Rent reporters, rental karma. You are the primary account holder. vs authorized user. Never go and get a secured credit card. Use a secured loan. why? secured loans we are not going to apply a loan, they are not going to give us a loan. Loans come in at 2 to 4 percent. But they won't give it to us. But they will give us a credit card. We know if the credit is right, they will give us credit card much faster than getting a loan. Not gonna get a secured credit card is on a credit card. Get secured loan, then when I go apply now I get 1k limits. I don't want that. If you want 1k credit card, get 500 credit card on your report. Nobody tells us that. 

We shoot ourselves in the foot. Get a secured loan, when we apply for credit card, we get higher limits. and this is all on personal. do secured loans. Take a thousand dollars, get a secured loan from a credit union. Right. Leave credit union, go to bank. Once 1k comes back, take the secured loan and go to bank number 2. Get another secured loan. 2 credit union, 1 bank, get a secured loan. right. 

Now you have 3 secured loan on your credit report. And you build a relationship with those banks. This is how you build and structure on those loans. 

We have student loan, rent reporters, credit my rent, rental karma. 2 secured loans. now what do we do.  diversity our credit report.

How do we put vehicles on your credit report? How to make money to build your credit report? How? I'm gonna show you how. swap a lease. How familiar? Let me show you guys something real quick. We take over somebody's lease. I always look for the smart cars. I know that they are small, super efficient and they gave a lot of attention. they are 233 a month, for example. Insurance is 60 bucks a month. Show you guys a video, something I just did.

How to convert liabilities into assets. Here is a app, take over somebody's lease. got the smart car for 200 a month. advertisement for my business. i have 3 more coming. one of the them said a person's company. on another side of the car. I' gonna charge you 200 a month to advertise on my vehicle. 12 hours a day of advertisement. 100 to 300 people per month. 10th of a billboard cost. advertise on the back. advertise another on the other side. add primary on my credit report on a vehicle. then i hire somebody, 150 dollars a week. you get 12 hour. drive for Uber eats, etc. they are going to drive this vehicle 6 hours a day. that's 300 bucks every week. that's 1800 a month. that's 5600 off of 3 vehicles putting primary on my credit report. that's almost 60k a year job. i don't have to use the whole lease month. 

Imagine what I can teach on luxury vehicles on what I am able to drive. 

I have 2 kids paying me 150 a week. now that vehicle generates 300 bucks a week. off a vehicle that is helping me build my credit report. Right. 

Multiple auto loans at one time. get 2 smart cars at one time. profit 1500 a month. that's 3k a month for income. just off having those 2 vehicles. leverage those for other things. starting a business. now Mcclaren is free because you got these 2 vehicles paying for them. mindset we need to have. Turn liabilities into assets. This is what we need to do. 

Hard inquiries- method to remove within 72 hours. stay until the end. I'll teach you. For everybody that stays until the end. 

Benefits of having good credit?

cant do proper decisions once we gotta figure it out. mentally we are not free. we living paycheck to paycheck or our business is living paycheck to paycheck. if its day to day operations, we pull so tight. We don't have that mental freedom. but a lot of times, the issues that we run into is financially. credit can eliminate that. having low overhead. imagine not paying for groceries, vehicle insurance, just because you have good credit. you can eliminate your overhead. 60 to 80 percent of income goes to living expense. leverage credit to not have to pay for groceries or electronics, right. Get a vehicle for free. Imagine to save 40 percent of money you make. having options is another benefit. 

When you are secure, you can wait until the right deal comes along. I'm gonna wait for my better option to come about. financial crunch, you have to start to make something happen. why work for money if you make money work for you? Make sure you have your pen now. Take it to the next level. Jump into factor, make money work for you. I didnt have enough money working for me. Imagine having other people's money work for me. 3 credit card groups to generate wealth. credit cards were the devil when I was growing up. Only use for emergency purposes only. You got 3 different types. standard 1500 limit. generate cashflow our of those credit cards. investment, platinum and american express. use those for investment. Build and grow and use for investment. 0% APR use for business. 

charge cards, based off your spending habits. use those for investment. then we hvae our retirement cards. 

Generate a 6 figure business. Off of leveraging credit. I thought making 6 figures, you made it in life. Once I reach it, you didn't make it in life. In today's society we need to make multiple 6 figures. Have multiple 6 figure businesses by leveraging

Bea leader with ethics and morals. Average price for credit repair. want to make that a 6 figure business. help 16 people per month, helping them with their credit. 

Average price for credit repair is $500 bucks. I need  clients per month. That generates me off I just showed you. you make 100k a year off the information I showed you tonight. Help them clean up their credit. 

Get in a position to be leaders. Or to be miseducated. Leaders of our community. People out there who don't have this information. We need each other. Listen, credit repair business. Operating a credit repair business. 16 clients at 500 a month. Tradeline business, get good credit, go out and apply for credit cards. I have a  secret formula how to get 15 credit cards with only 4 to 5 inquiries. 

Portion as income credit cards. Add them as authorized users. Charge them to add them as authorized user. You add 10 people and charge 650 per spot. Only leave them on your credit card for 60 days. Every 60 days make 40k off one credit card. Okay. 

If you have 3 credit cards, 120k a year just off having good credit. Guess what the overhead is? responsibility. Only overhead is responsibility. Be responsible. Have good credit, and have a 6 figure business. This is what, we don't learn this. 

You want me to go to school for 4 to5 years. hope to make 6 figures, don't use credit. but i can leverage my credit to get 6 figures? false narrative. we have been coached and act to do a false narrative. go and being someone's employee is not the way. there are other things out there that help us generate and build wealth. once we start learning how to generate income. look at things from a different perspective. look at things from the wrong perspective. perspective on how we look at things. 

We have to know how to look at things. we want to get into a position where we can learn how to use our funding business. follow me on Instagram. him500. walking through 191,000 dollars I helped them get. i made 10 percent. what did it cost me? information. I just needed to know how to structure this report, how to clean this report. I started a fund business. Right. 

I literally started a funding business helping others in my community get capital. No one knows how to clean a report, build a report to get there. gave you a blueprint. making money on how to add them as authorized users. Information that has single handedly changed my life. Create multiple 6 figure incomes. 3 different 6 figure business. If you failed and only performed at 50 percent best, you still make 150k. If you perform, you will do 300 plus. We need leaders. I can't service, reach everybody. Some of ya'll just discovered me. Some people are just now discovering me. We need to create more leaders. 

Investment credit cards, leverage our charge cards. So now we start to protect ourselves.  You are only successful with the people that you help. They are able to make so much impact with this, that they became millionaires. Out of being leaders in our community. The wave is to build each other and build with one another. Only build with valuable information. Financial literacy is the key for all of it. 

High limit credit cards, investment of choice. Learn to build a limit on a credit card. How to run ads to get customers. On golden Amex, you can literally by running ads you get 4 points per dollar. They pay you go to out there and get customers. Getting paid to generate money. credit card companies don't set these things up for us to win. I discovered something with credit cards. I was furnishing my office, i went to a store and I went to apple. 

I spent 12 grand. credit cared I was using had 10k limit. I maxed it and then pay it right back, what happens is if paid before due date, it can increase the limit. return my computers, I gave them my debit card. refunded my transaction into my checking account. I  looked and I said, wait a minute. They didn't realize it was refund. 

I spent 10 on credit card, 2k on debit card. got refund on debit card. refund when into my account in 45 minutes. 

Liquidate my credit cards without paying a fee. i learned how to double and triple my limits.

I liquidated my credit cards and get rewards. every 6  months I did this.  I learned how to double and triple my credit cards every 6 months. Now literally, while I'm doubling and tripling I hid my credit card utilization. why? i wanted to be able to make investments. Learn how to liquidate your credit cards and get paid while you are doing it. If I can liquidate my credit card I can use the funds. 

I started investing in real estate. I invested in a city like Cleveland. 12k in rehab, 12k to purchase. liquidating my credit card for 45 grand. buy property off money on my credit card. now i own the property free and clear. Now I own it but I owe my credit card company 45k. low buy in, memphis has low buy in that we are working on in now. We buy it and rehab it. This is off my investment credit card. I bought a property, rehab. put 45k. now worth 70 to 75k. but i owe 45k to the credit card. Most would say refinance, keep profits, pay credit card company and do it again. You just have 30k. that's still a good transaction right? so, but that's not recession proof. 

I'm not gonna refi and put more debt on my name. property only generates 1400 a month, right. instead of me refinance, i used my tradeline business to pay the debt back. You understand how it builds on top of each other. I keep my property free and clear and cash flowing every month. Literally. And still own the property free and clear. Money back that I bought and re brought the property with. Right. This is how we start to build wealth. I own my property free and clear now. Literally leverage credit card companies to buy it and pay themselves back. 

This is the mindset we need to have. When I'm liquidating my credit card, I'm getting massive reward points. I got list of 20 stores besides apple. get paid to do it. right. This is the mindset that we need to have and the tools that we need to have to leverage credit. Not possible when it comes to credit.

It's a lot of possibilities when it comes to credit. Right. Now we understand. instead of putting 45k into real estate. so go out and go into trucking. if you go and purchase truck, 45k you are all in. You can get a trucking business starting with that. 7500 a month you make that a month bare minimum. get it started. Don't pay debt back, have your business free and clear. owe money back to credit card company. pay the debt back. 

Fully operating company just off having good credit, right. That is how we start to take it to the next level and continue to build. But now we got the financial literacy to do so. Use reward points to get free gas. Business is risk, imagine start business with no overhead. Literally came through my mentorship, don't pay for gas. Its all mindset and execution. Right.  Your retirement credit card. One thing about life is this, when it comes to retirement. It's something we always overlook.  Death is inevitable.

Why are we not in position to pass wealth down when we pass away? because we don't know how to properly structure it. No one talks about retirement. GoFund me is not a insurance plan.  Set up multiple 6 figure businesses. Then we start to look and go. Business credit cards we can get 6 percent APR. We don't know how to generate the money ourselves. Leverage our personal credit cards to make investment. make 6% APR to have self funded 401k. 150k into index account for million dollar policy. You can borrow against that policy. 150k and get 300k out. To borrow against it. Dope.

The mindset we need to have, how do we put these things in place. Rich man Roth. This is the point where we have to start learning. Even when it comes to trust.  Trust that we don't pay capital gains taxes when we do real estate transactions. We don't have to pay taxes on our businesses, we don't even know how to make the money that we make. Grieving in peace, or frustration and also worrying about how to pay for funeral. Having to pay for a funeral arguing and bickering with family members, they are passing down wealth. 

Some people die pass on burdens, some die pass on wealth. You don't have these things in place. You didn't know you could leverage credit to put yourself in a better position. Teach them how to invest. How to properly retire and live an Okay life. You are going to die, you pass down wealth instead of passing down debt. You gotta give 17 percent of what you gave them. inheritance tax. Just to pay to receive what you worked for. Because we don't have the proper financial literacy to put everything in place. Its not just about me or you.  The more benefit, the more successful you will be. Our children will have to grow up in the same economy. 

Indexed Unified Life. 

First you learn then you remove the L. Now you earn. That's the key to it. Sometimes we want to earn and we don't want to learn properly. only get to the level that you get exposed to.

There was so much I didn't know. I remember in high school I thought it was fake, the travel and travel for free. and we are fearful of investing in each other. Start empowering other people. You take it to another level. Naturally, I believe its gonna hurt what I do to share with other people. Wrong! Sharing is caring. He made a million in 8 months. it didn't hurt me at all, mentees making 40k a month. 

It helps me, it helps my community. I've already been helped. I'm one of the people that got put in a better position.  These are things that I created myself, I pulled through the mud. I created formulas. Systematically its not designed for us. Period. Not designed for us to win. 

I'm in 36k mentorships with people that do not look like me. That they do not directly affect my community. I mold it to fit my community. that's why the things I teach you can't google. People go, we love you you a good dude. Eric Thomas, the hip hop preaching. he said if you know something that can help your family and you don't share it, you're selfish. When it comes to working, going hard, grounded and motivated. That's Eric Thomas. Your responsibility to teach them. if you don't you are selfish. That's the reason I come on over here and do what I do. Mentor people to become leaders in our community. 

As leaders we do not have people around us with the same mindset. I would be by myself if I surround myself with the people that I grew up with. Same vision, willpower and do the things that I have been able to do. I had to get strangers, people I didn't know. I now interact with entrepreneurs, 5 self made millionaires. people that wanted to do more. changed my life, off of the relationships along with the information that I acquired. 

12 month program designed to become recession proof. Turn credit into cash. 4 week training and 12 month working with me. Build to 750 plus. Structure credit report for funding. How to operate a credit report business and automate and run it. Be able to scale, you need systems in place. Need to automate it so you are not the person doing the work. Go into the tradeline business. Which credit card is best to use for tradeline business? Know that you are secure, and tradelines are safe. How to market and build clientele. You don't need a lot of history. You don't need credit card to operate a successful tradeline business. 3rd week, personal and business funding. how to create and market the company. obtain 15 credit card with only 5 inquiries. Build business credit and without a PG. with SSN and without. 

Obtain up to 15g in business credit, interest free for 6 months. 

Luxury car hacks. I'm a car guy. for pennies on the dollar. I just want a Jeep! and pay 300 400 out of pocket for it. We literally teach you. Liabilities into asset. manufacture spending. I show you how to travel for free. How to obtain any vehicle. Leverage credit to not pay for utility bills, toiletries. never pay interest on a credit card. Key factor, credit card have higher interested rate. hide utilization so we don't pay interest. now we borrow money for free.

Use credit card to purchase a home using a credit card. I also show you how to purchase investment property for $0 out of pocket that has 25k out of equity. How not to pay your mortgage. in 12 month you get access to more things. I have amplifier calls. I am here to build my community. I have other industry leaders teach courses to my community. Private training. Access to our private Facebook group. Personalized action plan. If that's not enough, you get access to my cell phone number for a year. As your mentor, come out and meet with me personally. We just went to Chicago. Atlanta in October. 

How to remove hard inquiries?

Fraud department, unauthorized inquires in my report. Make them aware of any unverifiable items. They cant be attached to open accounts. Have you submitted a police report on these accounts? say you already did. contacted original creditors, say yes. and sent them Fdcp report. put you on hold. don't panic, it may take us some time, we need to investigate. may take up to  days to complete the investigation. They will require a inquiry be removed. Make sure you do it, if not call back. But you will get it removed within hours. This wasn't authorized. Make sure its not attached to an open account. That will get negative item removed. Drop the phone numbers and the presses. Call the buraus, all 3 and talk to the fraud department. 


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