Investment group
Rabu Gary:
1st video
-friend invested 2 years ago, his money grew and told Rabu about it. He is sharing, he made his whole investment back in 3 days, so now is playing with house money. (nothing to lose). Already put his initial investment back in the bank. If company goes bust, he lost nothing.
a.cryto currencies
They are trading, we get the interest.
b. Then invest in Mortgage Notes.
Setup Wallet account
2nd video:
-set up Xcoin account (I didn't do that)
That's where you purchase bitcoin
-send that bitcoin to Crypto 300
when they get the bitcoin, that is where they trade and that's how we make our money.
I recommend you withdraw your money on a daily basis. Withdraw to coinbase.
(That means I have been making no money! I put the money in bitcoin!)
After you make your money, you transfer it to bitcoin, then transfer to your bank account.
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