Jim Rohn's mentor

Love, health, supply, companionship. They are all available in abundance. 


We are the ones that prevent our own good from flowing.

We have power that remains untapped. release and set in motion these laws.

great tragedy to lack and depravation.

Mark of success it not finances but the ability to help others help themselves and realize that they too can become great. rare ability of simplifying the law of success and abundance. 

Be naive enough to believe what I say for 30 days and you will be on your way to be a millionaire. 

1962 he is a speaker for independent distributors all over the USA. 

basic fundamental laws that operate in this world of ours. we are suing them. we wonder why certain things happen, we aquire certain things then we live in stagnation. Basic laws that we are governed by, and they work for you if you know how to apply them. 

Just to assist you. In knowing how these thigns happens. Law of gravitation, we don't know how it works but it works. Whether you are a saint or not a saint. If you drop from a 20 foot building and hit the concrete, you will be an unhealthy saint. You are going to suffer. 

Law of electricity. Screwing light bulb into a socket. If you stuck a finger into it, you can get electrocuted. You don't have to be a genius to do it. Turn a switch, and law are on. Law of electricity will work for you.

We have laws of poverty, lack, love, peace. All of these are basic laws. If we use them rightfully wonderful things will happen. if we use them wrong we will get in trouble.

If we set 10 goals, we end up with 2 lost out on 8. It doesnt work everytime. Only reason because we do not use the right law, we are using a part of the law. So law of averages 

Simple way to be anything that you want to be. Simple. No problem to it. Scientific things that work every time if you do it a simple way.

Be like farmers, Plant seeds, the seeds you plant those seeds you will reap. If you plant watermelon you are going to get watermelons. You must plant it properly or you will not have the harvest. The average person they take time and effort to buy harvesting equipment but we don't take the time to plant and cultivate. Planting the seed same process in the mental world. 

We are born with conscious mind and unconscious mind. we are the only animal in the kingdom that is born with that. we can decide if we want to do. We can decided what we want for our clothes, home, furniture. we decide at any time, right here. 

They set their goals down. Write them down. 50 types of apple seeds. Those are green apples, I wanted red ones. We must learn to define. 

You learn the law of visualizing. This is the thing you are bring into your life if they are strong enough.

We are living in a negative world. Good, fine, next day I feel terrible. Pain in stomach, and he can describe a negative situation in their body in such detail. 

I feel great, wonderful, for some reason people vibrate about negative things in their life of loss or lack. combustion. people immediately start to shake. 

We are creators. Everything comes through us. Everything you have in your life is what you designed. The clothes you wearing, the neighbors you got and the friends you got. 

Don't blame me for people that you attracted. I have bad distributors. Everything that we attract is what we are.

What you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you said. Everything you have is things that you have created. Let's visualize. 707. Hard to visualize one. 

Visualize stool and automobile. We have to learn to describe things. 

You can change your life that quick into everything wonderful happening to you. Automobile. Easy to describe and people comprehend it very quickly. Cadillac, I'm not describing I'm talking about Cadillac idea. I gotta have money to have a Cadillac. 

Many wonderful things can happen to you. you do not need money to have a cadillac, income will be double triple quadruple.  red Cadillac convertible. I wanted one. I defined that thing down to the socks. End result and income increased to a point to where it cost me nothing. 

Too many people stop their dreams because they think about the thing that is not necessary. I want one, but I cant afford it. It has nothing do to with affording it. 

They are afraid of defining of what they want. I just want to know what you desire. You don't have to worry about the income. I am just talking about the principle now.

I am going to give it to him, he needs no money no nothing. I got a nice 1996 Cadillac right downstairs. I have one in the basement, I will give it to you right away. he says, no I want 1978 Cadillac. its red, no I want green, that's what I want. This is how you define things that you want in this world. 

Get a piece of paper, define it. Just defining one car now.  

He has got the seed, he has it picked up. You must release that seed and it must be planted. All you need to do is take the piece of paper and write Thank you. Thank you means I have accepted it, I am going to have it, it is mine. Put it away. Don't carry it around, don't look at it anymore. Planting it in the subconscious mind. Thing starts to work. 

Put the seed away after you have defined it. Never to look at it again. Reason, planting a seed. Nothing is going to happen. Lack of faith, dig a seed up and see if its grown yet. This is where we make our mistakes. The dream is there. Things start moving toward you. Events start taking place out here. Then its going closer and closer to you.

I wonder where it is coming from. When its coming, how its coming. You are putting doubt into the law and it will not come to you. Writing down the street. There is a red convertible and you will see your dream. This is the only way the universal law of talking to you. its no voice. Its all in visualization. Its on its way to you. It's right around the corner. 

You do not, at that time, how when or where. You say thank you because you know its on its way. How did you act, if you wanted the convertible. man, its almost here, its almost here. You would be happier. You talk different, you have wonderful things that are happening to you. Its law of expectency. Good things are going to happen. You are automatically a positive person.

Plant many seeds. Tangible objects or intangible 

You can have anything in this world you want to have and become anyone you want to become. 

some of you don't know how to get it. Now you know the process. 

Children, how many times I'm going to be president of the united states. and they say you? with your studies? you'll never make it son. Precious time to have seed in his mind. You? you're gonna have to learn a lot. 

Anytime children come to the parents, Junior you are the type of child that can have anything in this world. You have the ability and the intelligence to do anything and able to do anything in the world. This country is telling the children what to think instead of how to think.

What do you mean? we are only children a little bit older than the other children. At some time in life, we have to start deciding what we want in this world. What type of person would you like to be? 

Want more love, then give more love. Everything I give I receive back, multiplied. If I don't want hate, I shouldn't give it out. Everything I send out, I get back with feeling. Every thought I don't get because I didn't plant my seed properly I didn't have the visualization.

I never was aware there was so many stoves. if you don't know the exact thing you want, how do you expect to have it? We are the average people in the world. I am talking to an intelligent group of people. I am saying this. If you analyze this yourself and ask yourself this question. Do you know what you want in life? What do you really want? One that you can touch and feel and smell?

I doubt that two people in this room could tell me. Their dream is not defined. What kind of a home would you like. You don't know how many bedroom, you don't know exactly what we want. We get things that is leftover from the people that know what they want. How much success do you want?

Important, of defining things. 

Niece now 21 years old. We have been teaching her these ideas. Young people don't listen that good. "well, I need a pen to write it down." I'll give you a million dollars. "It can't be."

6 months time she was counting out money in a bank, she was a bank teller. It was not her money she was counting. That's why these things are important. 

I want to earn a thousand dollars a week. What is wrong with that? I know a lot of people earn that can keep 50. and receive a thousand dollars a week. 

Plant exactly what you want. You get a house, you have been here 3 months. He wouldn't have gotten that house if he hadn't defined it.

If you want to be happier person, define the type of person that you will want to be. define it. 

All the things are going to happen to you, wonderful things are going to happen to you.

What is success? a man that makes 30k a month, i tell him he's making 200 a week he wont be happy about it.

Define it so clearly that you can completely see it on your mind. Thank you. then plant it away. That is anything folks. 

You can't plant the seed because you cant even imagine getting a hotel. You are going to have it folks, you have to receive it. 

You gotta be careful about people, they will take you in. getting ready for a wonderful day. most successful day we've ever had in our lives. 

Exactly what are you going to do? porch, get newspaper. read about positive thinking in the headlines. then hell look that is good and negative and tell his wife and describe it. he starts telling her about some divorces and just imagine that. he'll describe it and negativity will get started. breakfast and he is such a nasty mood that he doesn't even like his dog. how ridiculous it is. and we wonder why success doesn't happen to us. 

Be a creator of ideas. Let's be sons. Let's be the creator of the ideas. We all have the capacity. The conscious mind. We are thinking human beings. We don't have the capacity to think of nothing. try to get a thought of nothing. 

Thoughts flying through our mind continuously. where do thoughts come from? they come from blue sky. it might be something you didn't know about. that couldn't happen tome, so puts it aside. good thought, let it happen to you. negative thought can consume then we think about a negative thought and we have a beautiful picture. 

Think about something for 5 minutes that is bad. we do it all the time. we can stop now all the time we want. change the thought, think about prosperity. Think about love. Think about nothing that is negative, put a positive idea in your head. 

"I don't know what happened to him, but man everything she touches turns to gold!" They will say that about you.

If your friend family and children are not with it, think and plant it privately. they will see the results in your life. 


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