Bob Proctor 9/20/20

We can't control what is happening outside, but you can control what is inside.

We are the only create in the planet that is totally disoriented in their environment. we have been given mental faculties to create our environment. We have higher faculties and we have no knowledge of how to develop them. Memory and intuition. 

Our physical senses, we have been raised to what is going on outside. Our report card tells us what kind of student we are. It has nothing to do with who we are. It just tells us where we were couple of weeks ago.

Our company is focused on teaching people that for the last 50 something years.

Reason, we become what we think about. Reasoning factor enables us to think. Thinking is the hardest work there is. 

We're here to do God's work. God's work is creation, expansion. 

We let things that have no concern to control us. Age is a silly thing to let us control us.

Its our thinking that control us. If I think I will stop, then I will stop. 

Every job that ended at first my mind, I had the thought that I did not want to work there anymore! I craved freedom, then I had it! 

My current situation is a silly thing to let control me! I am more powerful than my current situation!

Think about the greatness that we have locked up inside of us, and bring it to the surface. They can bring it to the surface to do anything that they want. To be in fear, and to think of what is going to happen. 

To believe in fear is to believe in something that you cannot see. To believe in faith, is to believe in something you cannot see. 

Cause of fear is ignorance. Ignorance starts as doubt and worry. Then we take whatever image comes into our conscious, and we turn it over our natural mind. It can be expressed through the body and it sets a vibration known as anxiety. we suppress it, suppression turns into depression. which turns to disease, which turns to decay.

Opposite of ignorance is knowledge. Only way to get knowledge is to study. They should teach us to love it, the opposite of worry which is understanding. It makes us understand where the fear starts. The whole universe is by laws. understanding leads to faith. the faith leads to expression, your wellbeing. 

It's not depression, its not suppression, its no anxiety. The wellbeing is expression, acceleration. There are 2 different sides to things. Our world starts to change. 

Why do we fear more people of what scares them. why? People buy bad news. They don't buy good news. if everyone tunes into CNN, instead tunes into the school of greatness. can you imagine the impact you have on your world? That's what we are trying to do. Paradigm is all bad news. Is it everybody? No. small set of people, working diligently to life everybody up.  It's not a losing battle, it just appears like it is. The ones we draw say, absolutely. We are making an impact.

Lewis: fascinated with self doubt. spent years doubting myself and reaching the goals. I became obsessed how to eliminate doubt. how have you dealt with self doubt over the years?

Doubt is the cause of fear, understanding is opposite of fear. Why am I entertaining doubt? if I were to find out who I really am. I would have no doubt. I would be realizing that I could do anything. There is a lack of understanding. I don't doubt what I could do. Does that mean I can do everything? no. I eliminate doubt fast and I get to working on what I need to do. 

If its me that I am doubting is because I don't understand me enough. Get the right image of myself, realize how the mind functions. It's an instrument of the mind. The mind expresses itself through the body. Tap into the greatness of who I am, understanding the spiritual essence of who we are. 

Our spiritual essence is perfect and that protection is within us. The trick is figuring out how to express it in a better way. We gotta be strong enough to say, I am going to follow my dream. 

If a child is raised with praise, if they are raised with criticism they are going to be raised insecure. 

That image was planted by people that did not know what was going on. They were shaping it, like fresh clay. 

****Record the thing I wrote for Alex, have him hear it everyday.  ***

I have never stopped being fascinated with studying me. We are exactly the same, we just appear to be different. Our potential is exactly the same. The trick I think, find a good mentor. That's what changed my life. That's what the school of greatness is doing by tuning in. \

I have infinite potential, there is no finish line. By their fruits you will know them. If they are not getting their results, they don't know. 


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