Bob Proctor

 Lewis: why you think you were a loser?

I never knew my dad. brother and sister. I was in the middle. grandmother. and mother was my sister. I was lost. he came home after war and was gone again. I had no real direction as a kid. i was born during the depression. mom was happy for feed us and put a roof over us. she was a phenomenal woman, God blessed mother because she kept going. 

I had low self eesteem. and had no idea who I am.

I give a lot of money away. she was a generous person. I think I get it from her. 

She gave me $20 and $10 for the family down the road to buy them coal (to heat the house). 

Lewis: did she end up making it?

she kept things going. she didn't understand the rules of success or winning or anything. hers was most survival, she did a great job for what she had. 

Lewis- what is the role of generosity does for you

You give generously, you generously receive. Givers gain.  I think the giver enjoys more than the receiver.

This woman builds school in Africa. she's amazing. I contribute to what she does. give them nutricious food, water, school. schools wouldn't last because there would be nothing going with it. 

giving is basic rules of success. 

Lewis- at 26 you woke up. what happened?

dramatic. i was fire department in Toronto. he gave me copy of think and grow rich. 

if you do exactly what I tell you and read this book everyday you'll get everything you want. 

your mind. he was happy, healthy and wealthy. you are unhappy because you are broke. do what I do, i must know something. i did what he suggested.

what do you want? i earned 4k a year and owed 6k. it was an impossible situation. i was looking at what was, not beyong that that's what made it impossible.

Write what you want on a card. what do you really want? money. i wrote that i wanted 25k. all the poeple i knew if we got together, we couldnt come up with that amount.

he said, you gotta read it everyday. and he said you gotta read it everyday, read the goal card. i am so happy and grateful now that i have 25k.

all i thought about prior to that was debt. if all you think about is debt, you will always debt. i never thought about earning money before, all i thought was debt. there's good money in cleaning floors. so i started cleaning one office. by end of the year, i was earing 14,500 a month. the chief was making 11k a year. this was in a year from starting. i watched the floor twice a month. in less than 5 years, i got all these cities. none of us was 

its what i was studying what i was doing. cleaning floors it didnt matter what i was doing, i could have sold sliding. i always seemed to knwo where the money was. i was really irresponsible. i didn't know how my life had changed so dramatically, in a short time. i knew i wasnt that smart. i didn't go to school, i didnt have a job. i had a company. i started to wonder all the things i believed, are they true or not true.  what happened? it took me 9.5 years to figure out what I did, how I got to where I got. 

I got fortunate to study with some brilliant people. any success i've enjoyed is because i've had great directions. do exactly what i tell ya, unless you find out they are lying or not knowing what they are talking about. i've had great instruction in my life. 

Lewis: any mentors?

Dale Nightgale, huge. I wanted to work with him. I saw where he had distributors. so I became one of his distributors. I wanted to see what he did. he started personal development as we know it today. 

Lewis: any dreams as a kid?

at 26 i started to dream. as a kid, it was survival.

Lewis: what was the main thing 

imagination. there was a number of them. you become what you think about. but its bigger than that. 

we are programmed through our senses. all animal life is through senses. we have perception, will, intuition. they make us separate from everything else.  we teach that in our company. how to develop your perception. you change your perception, you change your life. your will. 

The will to do it (how to get to the moon). the ability to hold that picture in your mind and don't let it go. we the only creature that is able to create their own environment. 

we got so much going for us that we never hear about. the odds of learning it are very slim. all kinds of material on success.more today than ever been. self help books. when i started in 1961, power of positive think. how to win friends and influence people but there are not that many.

They don't know how to use the information that is in the books. your perception, intuition, the will, reason and imagination. 6th is memory. we have excellent memory, but its weak. we need to develop it.

Lewis which is harder to tap into

all of them. because we don't know we had them. only problem in the world is ignorance. if i have a challenge. I'll take it write it out on piece of paper. i'll put it on middle of table and i'll work it until i get it on the paper. I don't care what the problem is. buy a building, short on money.

is the problem on me or on the paper? get it on the paper so you look at it objectively. how would this person handle this? how would nightdale handle this? the person could not be alive, but their energy is there. change your perception you eliminate the problem. the answer is there and you can find an answer.

the will. feeling is a concentration of vibration. whatever you concentrate on you grow it. improve quality of your life.  we gotta do it, god is not gonna do it for us. '

Lewis: hardest for everyone else? 

intuition. how do you develop? intuition is a feeling you pick up. vibration is a natural law of the universe. take your mind off yourself. you cant be doubting yourself. give all your attention to the person you are working with. secret for speaking too. we are concentrated with does she like me, what am i gonna say next? take your mind off yourself and be relaxed and put your energy on the other mind. 

Lewis: the more interesting person in the room is the most interested. idea of speaking in front of people was so scary. I don't have to be interesting, just listen and ask a genuine question. doesnt have to be smart.

people are not interested in their name, that's why we forget the name. if you are really interested you will remember the person's name. WOW

Bob: it took me 9.5 years to figure out what changed, then i was interested in teaching it to other people. but I was so shy. 

For some reason, we think other people can accomplish things we cannot. I have listened to it a thousand times. Bill spoke to a thousand people. if i want to be free, i gotta be me. I was watching, i was saying my God, this guy is so good. if only i could do that. all of a sudden that record played in my head. 

we tend to minimize the things we think we can accomplish, and 

i made up my mind i was gonna learn to speak and he became a mentor of mine. i paid him to speak. i speak totally different than me and i for me. he taught me to be relaxed in front of the audience. if you are not relaxed in front of the audience, they will know it. you gotta think of how you are going to help them something.

Lewis i had toastmasters and had coaches. I was good and I was still nervous. Don't make it about you, make it about them. focus on how you can serve. service to the audience. helping, giving, to serve. you stop worry about how you look. 

Lewis how do you build confidence?

you study it, only way to develop it. 

Bob: the power of self image. different parts of my personality. and i will adopt that. I've been doing this for years. I never walk fast. I adopted the walk that I liked.

what if you if there is a negative person in the audience? talk to the light, not the dark. I focus on the person that is liking what you said. 

use imagination the wrong way. things going wrong. imagine where you want to be, you should live there. when you think of a goal, act like you are already there. because its not in physical form we act like we haven't gotten it yet. Be that person. you must be first be it, intellectually, believe it emotionally. then its a matter of time before is shows up physically. we cause it all, in the way we think.

Build an image of what you want. everything here was in your mind. you created you have created twice. you imagine in your mind, then the second is the physical. 

brilliant people are broke and unhappy. absolutely brilliant. they are smart people. we have the wrong programming. programmed genetically. environmental, all welfare recipients are 5th gen. we are all exactly the same, same potential. perfection never reflects itself properly. so many brilliant people and they don't make it. paradigm makes us quit things. 

Paradigm is conditioned behavior.

Lewis: how often do you have to change your paradigm?

You can only change one of two things at at time. I'm working on it everyday. results tell you change of the paradigm. the subconcious is program. paradigm controls their behavior. You gotta take back your behavior pattern. 

10 things you are grateful for

i am so happy and grateful that perfection is within me. every morning I look for ways to improve that. 

I'll work until I die, I don't plan to retire. I think so many people need this. 


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