LIVE 9/25/20 Countdown to 9 to 5

 80 nutrition 20 fitness.

When its tough and scale is not moving. /you still need to keep going, have that consistency. Have that perseverance. that's why you need a coach. 

Who is filling your cup up? You have got to fill your cup up. Fill up so that you can give to the people that you need to give to. Then you can show up for the people that you need to show up for.

3D dimensional. you are spirit, have a soul, live in a body. 

How you get filled up spiritual? read bible, pray

How you get filled up mentally? listen to podcast, turn off CNN, Jim Rohn, les brown, personal development. darren harvey, book club with some of the family members. Mel Robbins the 5 second rule. 

If your cup is filled up you can get through it. Physical fitness finally. Put nutrition first. You are what you eat. an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure. 

What should we eat?  Whole foods. not so strict. 


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