Pat LIVE 9/23/20

What you feed is what you breed.

I gotta start pouring into the things I want to grow.

Come on here

I don't have bad days, I have character building days.

This is supposed to happen to me.

Don't look at it as why is this happening to me? Say what am I supposed to learn from all this?

What is it that you could be taking from everything that is going on right now? 

What is the next best version of yourself look like? Are you giving it all you got?

The reason I give so much energy. I'm not selfish with information 

Some things that helped me get over depression, over 

I want to get on here and help someone else get through an obstacle.

I literally love seeing other people accomplish what they put out to do. 

You have so much in you, its crazy. We got seeds in us that we never knew we had. 

Go work on you. I have the heart to help people but I understood that I need to go work on myself.

I need to be in a good mindset. My family deserves the best me. I deserve the best version of me.

I'm tired of watching everyone else getting it and I'm not. Go getters, but we get to going but we not getting enough.

Why is it that I'm not getting enough? Work on you! I know I've been called to do more. 

I gotta pull that out. But I can't figure out how to stay consistent. I gotta make that shift. 

If you know you deserve more, start doing more. Start doing things for yourself that is going to make you grow.  Train your mind, your spirit. To understand that you have abundance.

What is for me is for me. I don't care what happens. you have a power inside of you that is time to get out.

I know a lot of us feel like this. We see it but we can't grab it. That one thing we just can't get it. 

Everything you normally give out other people, give it to yourself. Give yourself all that you crave, that love. I cant wait to have my wife. Pat, you need to power up on your self love so that you can be ready for your wife. You need to be own powerful source so that you can attract the thing that you deserve. 

I look at myself in the mirror. and start talking to myself, You deserve more. First you need to break your own. Get past the fear. What other people are speaking on you is not reality. 

I had start programming me before life programs you. Its okay to go overtime for you. When the last time you went overtime for myself?

Why don't I do it for me? why am i not growing? you in a desert, gotta be in the right environment.

Let me isolate myself. Shift from these external factors and work on the inside. The things that I can control. Once you focus on the exterior, you feel moved. I move 5 steps forward, pushed 10 steps back.

Sometimes we feel like everyone else is moving, everyone else reaching their dreams. We feel like we are being stagnant. What I'm telling you is, you are in a slingshot. Something is stirring and moving in you. Everything else is moving past you, you are being slingshot into your opportunity.

You have a weapon. It's not powerful until you use it. Applied knowledge is powerful. Gun is not powerful until you use it. You gotta package it up and use it. You are enough!

I am enough! Say that! Smart enough, have enough resources. You don't need anything else. Capitalize on you. Start doing for yourself the way you would do for others. Focus on the things you can change within yourself. Wealth building habits. Pouring into yourself, start giving into yourself what you deserve. You made it this far. You made it this far for a reason. 

You feel like I got it so bad. No, you got it so well. We are always in the middle. Someone is doing better, someone is doing worse. Be appreciative of what you already have. Someone is praying for something you already have. 

You get attacked because you are valuable. Every valuable asset gets attacked. There are going to be things and people and distractions that take you out of alignment. Pour into your mental, physical, and spiritual.

You can truly spiritual. Live full. You deserve to life full and die empty. Give life all you got. Right now. That means I'm gonna be best son, brother, best me today. This is my decade. This is my year.

I'm not done until I win. I'm not finished until I win. This is a marathon. Life doesn't just stop. It's not time for you to give up. You up right now. Everything you ever desired you already have. You just have to unlock it. 

3 of us, some of us haven't figured out how to win yet. Fear I was not going to allow to stop me anymore. Molding us into the people that we need to be. Telling you that pressure that you are feeling is helping you mold into the person that you want to be. Situation is so unshakeable. 

If you are going through a hard time, its equipping you with the tools you need for later. Protect your power and your peace. Your rightful place is where your thoughts have brought you. But your true place is where your thoughts can take you.

Everything you desire and wanted you already have. If you continue to give yourself what you want to give other people. The way you love hard on other people. Treat yourself with the respect. Value within, you are not going to allow to walk out with something that belong to you.

I don't care what has happened to you. Some of the toughest battles is given to the strongest soldiers. Don't let life punk you. You deserve more. Get back up, and fight for your life. It ain't over yet. You don't stop until you win. Live full and die empty. Give it all you got. 

This is my way. It's not right way or wrong way, this is my way. I don't care that it is taking me a little bit longer. I deserve to be going this way. You can and you will. 

Not everyone has access to. You are powerful. You have to control who has access to. what conversations are you having around you? You have something special, and you have to protect that. We have to continue to feed and grow. Not the typical follower, just thinking that the timeline they got it it was going to happen to me in the same way. 

Creating a path, align it with your happiness and nobody else's. Serve ourselves so that we are good. If no one else gives us love because we give ourselves our own love. We are our own support system. Not everyone is going to see your value right away. Even the closest people don't see it.

They so close to the light that they are blinded by it. You are not crazy for doing the things that you are doing. Make decisions for you. You got something special. You got some seeds in you that want to be watered.  I tried to do things because I never tried them before. There are things you can create that you ever wanted. Create that happiness and peace that you dreamed of. 

How is is that I continue to be in the right state of mind? How do i continue to get through life when it keeps knocking me down? what if I don't know my purpose, my path, where do I go? I've been there. 

You are going to manifest, you are going to grow. You are going to see how limitless. I am unstoppable. I will not stop until I win. I will continue to move even though there are obstacles in my way. I am telling you, you got something in you that is just waiting to be watered. You can become more. Life is not about achieving one thing and that's it. What is it that I am missing? 

We get caught up in exterior factor that we forget ourselves. Start to reflect. Do some self-love, self-reflection. Level headed while walking through life. You are build for that. 

You got the armor for that, prepared for that. Someone comes in to steal your joy, your peace. Now you got your own powerful source. 

Give yourself a chance to get in the gram. We have seen so many people do it. Your time is now. My time is now. 

Today is the oldest you have ever been, and the youngest you will ever be again. 


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