Release - a word

 The guy said


He was in jail, it was dark moment of his life 

he doesn't like to go there

he had to release the lack of love he received from his mother, his father not being there, 

his grandfather

you have to release.

All the good things God has for you and means for you,

They can't come unless you release it all

Release all those negative feelings, all that unforgiveness

Release it! then it creates space

God is this why you have me alone? 

To realize all these things? to make me ready for myself?

Release New Brunswick, release pity, release the father not being there feelings,

release brokenness, release co dependency. release those years of being broke and 

being in a desert

and getting used to it

release, release, release

years of wandering, years of working but to no avail. years of feeling less than

years of comparing myself to others who are always doing better than me.

Release, release, release! Lord help me release

This word is amazing


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